Here is my proposal for a trade for veteran RB | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Here is my proposal for a trade for veteran RB

i reall dont understand why we are trying to trade for a Rb if we have morris.morris is a good rb.he can carry the load in a season as we saw with a bad line in 04.he did welllast year when he got oppurtunities.him and brown will be a good duo.for the future kj and brown or riggs and brown will be good we got it figured out.
JetsBlow99 said:
Dude if you think about it.. besides last year can you name another year we had a good backup runningback?? you cant till the 70's.

Miami had a lot of good back up runningbacks since the 70s. Unfortunately most of them started for the Dolphins

Runningback is a need. Unless Kay Jay or Gerald blow it up. Morris has to be the most overrated player on this board. I think he is a fine 3rd option/3rd down back/special teams player. However if Ronnie gets hurt miami is in trouble with Morris as the starter
Austin Tatious said:
Those of you who think we don't need another RB obviously were born after 2004 because you obviously have no recollection of life with Sammy Morris and Travis Minor.

Saban knows we need another rb. The question is how do we get one. Not much ammunition.

Bro, we have Ronnie Brown also . . man I tell u, Dolfans got spoiled by Ricky last year, Before Ricky even came back we were all settled on Ronnie being the number 2 pick overall and taking the load, no signs of Ricky, now because of the 2 headed monster last year, we have to go out and get another starting running back . . outside of New Orleans and Kansas City (if Priest is healthy), nobody really can say they are ok if there starter gets injured. Sure if Brown gets hurt its going to be a tuff situation, but lets hope that doesn't happen and if it does, Sammy can handle his own better than most backups in a situation like that because he has proven it. Not to mention one of the young bucks might suprise and do sumthin . . we are ok at RB. Its different at QB because Culpepper is recovering from one of the worst knee injuries u can have in this league, so we had to get a servicable backup with experience just in case he is not ready but Ronnie is healthy and ready, he will be fine.
Everyone needs to remember how valuable it was to have two top tier runningbacks late in the season. If one is a little banged up, our offense wont skip a beat. If Ronnie goes down with a minor injury for a game or two, do we really feel confident in Morris and Minor to keep our running game afloat? Not Really. Quarterback and Running back are two of the most important positions to have really good depth at. When Ronnie went down at the end of the season we had Ricky to fill in and our offense didn't skip a beat. I am for bringing in a good running back like Bennett, just like we brought in Joey for QB
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
Runningback is a need. Unless Kay Jay or Gerald blow it up. Morris has to be the most overrated player on this board. I think he is a fine 3rd option/3rd down back/special teams player. However if Ronnie gets hurt miami is in trouble with Morris as the starter

Well revert back to 2004 when Miami had a terrible passing offense with a terrible O-Line, this guy Morris had almost 5 yards a carry and ran his heart out for this team, and Saban signed him because he had a feeling Ricky was gone . . Damn right he gets high props on this board, we love players like Welker and Morris who are getting knocked on for a so called "lack of athletic ability" but prove to be extremely serviceable and productive.
PeepinTom said:
. I am for bringing in a good running back like Bennett, just like we brought in Joey for QB

I wouldnt label Harrington as "good"....yet
dorsaroll156 said:
i reall dont understand why we are trying to trade for a Rb if we have morris.morris is a good rb.he can carry the load in a season as we saw with a bad line in 04.he did welllast year when he got oppurtunities.him and brown will be a good duo.for the future kj and brown or riggs and brown will be good we got it figured out.

Uh, I'll admit Sammy did a decent job in 04, but he cannot "carry the load".
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
Miami had a lot of good back up runningbacks since the 70s. Unfortunately most of them started for the Dolphins

Runningback is a need. Unless Kay Jay or Gerald blow it up. Morris has to be the most overrated player on this board. I think he is a fine 3rd option/3rd down back/special teams player. However if Ronnie gets hurt miami is in trouble with Morris as the starter

I wouldn't mind another RB, but half the teams in the league would be up s**t's creek if their starter went out. Where would Arizona be without Edge? Or Seattle without Shaun Alexander (don't give me this Mack Strong bs).
PeepinTom said:
Everyone needs to remember how valuable it was to have two top tier runningbacks late in the season

Its rare to have 2 "top tier" running backs on the same team, and was not supposed to happen last year . . we caught a break with Ricky comming back . . I mean look at Houston, why do u think they passed on Bush . . they already had a stud in Davis, I don't care what anybody says, if Davis is not there RB and they don't have a star RB, they take Bush in a heartbeat because, it wasn't necessary for them to have "2 top tier" backs, why . . because most teams don't have that, they have a top back and then guys who can come in and be effective, and Morris can do that. Look at a team like Jacksonville, they had Fred Taylor but then Greg Jones his rookie year did some nice things, they didn't have no great backup behind Taylor, they found out what they had after he got injured, its a luxury to have 2 great backs, but its rare, usually rookies step up and come good backups, thats what we are counting on with Riggs/Harris.
PeepinTom said:
I am for bringing in a good running back like Bennett, just like we brought in Joey for QB

We only brought in Harrington because of Daunte's injury. We would have gotten an experienced backup but not at the cost of Harrington if Daunte was 100 percent with no injury problems.
We don't need another RB. If anything, we could use an OG or LB, but that's about it.
He could be traded for one of those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Throwers....those were cool.

or maybe a Teddy Ruxbin
man, i say we trade every starter we have so we can get a back up to chris chambers!!! cause if he ever gets hurt we are in soooo much trouble!!!.....wait.....thats the stupidest thing youve all ever heard? because trying to predict the future is dumb? and because spending a second overall pick on a running back that hasnt even been given a chance to fully carry the load is what we did a year ago? well i dont think its dumb....i think for every chris chambers we should have a randy moss on the bench just in case. or for every ronnie brown we definately need to have an edgerrin james waiting around taking up salary cap money. or we absolutely should get matt hasselbeck for our third string qb just in that offshoot chance that pep, AND harrington cant go.......cause we all know that this is the way it works in the nfl!!! lets gat out there and get it done!
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