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Hickey is a bad GM

Jeff Ireland is a joke and anyone who thinks Ireland was even remotely a decent GM is a bigger joke. I definitely like what Hickey has done and the fact is he was dealt a crap hand by what Ireland did with this team and all of that money in his last year!
I bet Hickey is as confused as we are to what his role with the team is.

I can imagine it now.
"Hey what do you do?"

I'm GM of the Miami dolphins."

" Oh yeah? Wow so what do you do there?"

" well , uh, it's complicated..... I sometimes take the gameplans straight from the coaches and give them to the players, because you know, coaches don't like dealing with the players. "

"So you just physically hand them to the players?"

"Actually no, I have my Secretary do that....well sometimes! Uh...I have people skills dammit! Why can't you people see that!!??"
HIckey was not given the time to show if he is good or not, with the small sample of what he was able to accomplish he did a good job, I would give him a B....this roster is pathetic and it didn't happen in just one yr..... The problem with this organizational structure is ownership and who reports to whom, its disfunctional with no one have a clear cut boss, everyone bypasses their immediate boss and repots to Ross

Agreed. He was not given enough time to prove himself.
I can imagine it now.
"Hey what do you do?"

I'm GM of the Miami dolphins."

" Oh yeah? Wow so what do you do there?"

" well , uh, it's complicated..... I sometimes take the gameplans straight from the coaches and give them to the players, because you know, coaches don't like dealing with the players. "

"So you just physically hand them to the players?"

"Actually no, I have my Secretary do that....well sometimes! Uh...I have people skills dammit! Why can't you people see that!!??"

To my understanding Hickey is not even running the show anymore.

He got a 1 year deal taking over for Irish pile of dog crap of a roster and coaching personel.

Now Tannenbaum is running the show with Fat Tuna still yapping in Ross ear.
It's reach to say that right now. A bit dramatic man... Unless of course your just making a premature assumption to say "I told you so" if you're right.
very bad, not his fault though he wasnt ever even a viable candidate
Landry is overrated on this site. I nearly fell over when someone suggested Hall of Fame. Do you realize how difficult it's going to be to crack that barrier at the receiver position going forward, given all the passing? Landry is a nice jittery little guy who makes us feel tough. Meanwhile, he doesn't make the list of truly special receivers in the league right now, let alone dependably in that category year after year. One reason we don't challenge the division rivals is that they don't have to alter their game plans due to fear of Jarvis Landry making huge plays at any point on the field.

Wiry guys like that typically lose a step, a step they can't afford to lose. We need to free up Landry by pairing him with a special true number one.

No matter where we draft, the lack of finding truly great players is holding us back. You're not supposed to be satisfied with Ju'Waun James types. Or Jenkins types. Players are touted here and then they disappear or disappoint because they are moderately good, not elite. I'd rather bomb on late round picks more often if it meant aligning with the normal percentage of legit star players.

Recently the dreadful mixture has been two-fold -- players whose frames are not ideal for their position, and linemen who simply aren't tough and sturdy enough.

In the '80s we became a voluntary soft team via insistence on cupcake passing. In this decade we voluntarily draft "system fit" offensive linemen. The resulting softness shouldn't be a huge surprise.

Get rid of adjustments and you'll naturally lose the reliance on so-called system fits. The flawed adjuster mindset invariably links those two aspects.

Great players find a way.
Fools gold . . . what right direction?

First off, to blame Hickey or Tannenbaum for this mess is extremely unfair to both guys . . . Tannenbaum more than Hickey because Tannenbaum just got here.

This has EVERYTHING to do with Jeff Ireland's poor drafting and poor free agency, specificially from 2013. It just doesn't hit you until a few years later because you realize the people you selected ain't worth a damn.

I mean seriously, Mike Tannenbaum came in and made a conscious decision to PURGE the entire team of the stench that was Jeff Ireland's 2013 offseason. In the process, that meant relying on young players on cheap contracts to make up for leading the league in "dead cap space" from the purge.

All I keep hearing is "let the young guys play" . . . thats what he gambled on . . . . had we kept Ellerbe/Wallace/Wheeler/Hartline and whoever else . . . we'd be stuck with that dead cap going into next year, now we don't have to deal with it anymore . . . and now we've SEEN guys like Jamar Taylor/Dallas Thomas/Will Davis/Dion Jordan/Caleb Sturgis in action . . . and realize they all ain't ****.

Hey I'm not saying Tannenbaum is a savior, but this was a disaster in the making . . . . pretty convenient people want to blame him when this was a mess before him and Hickey.

As for Hickey, Landry is the standout and after that he doesn't look very great tbh. Top 20 RT . . . I mean we rather go Jason Fox at LT than move James over . . . what a slap in the face, a bunch of injury prone guys in free agency and a bunch of meh in the draft. One guy doesn't define an organization but I can see why some may think it does after having to deal with Jeff Ireland for all those years.

Your only chance this season was the quarterback taking the step forward into that top tier, like Cam Newton, and elevating this team. The fact that he has not only not taken that next step, but maybe even regressed a little, there is no wonder this team is where it is at.
Cmon man , bottom line is we were trending upward before the bum got in the front office. I don't remember being the butt of anyone's jokes except for the Bullygate thing and that was to knock us out the playoffs. All you heard was can The Dolphins challenge for the division? If you wanna take a blind eye to it fine , but it's true. If you listen to the Hickey presser after the draft he keeps reiterating that he is not the only person making the decisions in this draft class. Mike TannenBum meddled with our draft man , and then refused to get the proper oline depth. A blind man can see that Jordan Phillips is a TannenBum pick. You talk about Ireland ? Parcells brought TannenBum into the league. He's another Parcell guy.
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I don't have a problem with Hickeys drafts. I have a huge problem what I witnessed this weekend when I realise we let our back up center go for some guy who was also let go or will be.
Hickey has done good enough to stay we could do better but we usually have done worse so you keep the dude until better shows up. The issue we have have has less to do less with player talent and much more with coaching. Scince Shula left we have been the poster child for inept coaching. You really cant blame the owners either they have hired the big names out there in Jimmy Johnson, Nick Saban and Bill Parcels. We kept churning the roster in all those coaching moves meaning the team really has had no true foundation of fundamental player talent to work with. We have a body of work to look at that needs to be corrected outside of the head coach. First the OL blows because Benton our OL coach is not up to par more than anything else and after 4 years his work proves it. RT is not a great QB either or Philbin would still be here but he is IMO the best we have had since Danny boy so like Hickey you keep him around until you find better. Suh is a great player and even without a elite defensive coordinator the defense has been playing well enough since Philbin left to have won most of our games. We can win with a great DT like Suh and good QB like RT we just need to find a running game to take the pressure off RT and rest our defense and lots of the players and wins will work out.

Player wise if I am Jones the owner I first want to build up the linebacker positions, a swing OL tackle and keep improving the defensive backfield. Rizzi special teams have gone south so he goes, Benton goes. After that we have a few possible keepers if they want to stay. I am not big at throwing the entire staff though as look at Kacy Rogers in NY with the number 1 defense at stopping the run. Again you keep what you can and churn the rest and keep changing things up once you get it right outside of the QB, head coach and hopefully a decent GM. RT is good enough not in the Hoops elite catagory yet IMO but good enough, same with Hickey just need a great coach and we are in the money. Sad we do not have it this year as our schedule outside of the Pats was and is very beatable this year.

PS Just got to use a little logic here when bullygate hit and Philbin indicated he was unaware that proved he was clueless, Bentons line with 3 1st round picks still gets run over for 4 years means the boy does not have the goods upstairs, the DL with Suh gets run over this year meaning ya gotta look at postion too,

Yea we have work to do, spend the money on the best coaches you can find. There are a ton of X assitant Dolphin coaches doing decent all over the NFL too just a little food for thought.
I would let Hickey stay in another position but I would hire an actual gm and let him focus the direction of the entire team
Wow. One of the most far sighted, absurd threads i have seen in a while.

Parker and ajayi are going to be stars. You already mentioned landry. Hell, that right there is more bonafide talent than the last 2 gm's combined gave us. I could go on but its apperent you are not able go see the good players hickey got us in two years. You really think 2 drafts and this was dupposed to be a superbowl team?

Oh. I guess you did. That knee must be getting sore being jerked so hard all the time.
Wow. One of the most far sighted, absurd threads i have seen in a while.

Parker and ajayi are going to be stars. You already mentioned landry. Hell, that right there is more bonafide talent than the last 2 gm's combined gave us. I could go on but its apperent you are not able go see the good players hickey got us in two years. You really think 2 drafts and this was dupposed to be a superbowl team?

Oh. I guess you did. That knee must be getting sore being jerked so hard all the time.

I guess you have reading comprehension problems because I went over all your counter arguments already...

At this point, Hickey only acquired one bonafide stud: Landry. The rest have for the most part been average or invisible. Outside of James, the other players haven't contributed at all, and the OL players he acquired (which are dire needs) have been liabilities either to poor play or to injury, and he saw fit to ignore many large holes this year.

Who knows about Parker and Ajayi: they could be studs, but they already have massive injury concerns that wiped out a large chunk of their rookie seasons. You know who also had a penchant for drafting already injured players? Ireland.

Hickey's FA classes have sucked, outside of Albert whose injury tanked 2 seasons already. He had NO viable contingency in place to protect against an injury prone player's inevitable injury. That's just bad roster management. His other big pickups that year also got limited play due to injury because they were injury prone.

As much DESERVED grief Ireland gets around here, he ALSO managed to draft some solid players here and there and one bonafide stud in Reshad Jones. As mentioned earlier, most of the star players on this roster were acquired by Ireland, including Wake, Pouncey, Grimes and Jones. (Although it is completely fair to pin a good deal of blame for our current sorry roster on Ireland for the disastrous 2013 offseason)

But all in all, Hickey hasn't shown that much more than Ireland did. People tend to forget that 2 years in Ireland's drafts looked pretty damn good too. It was only after a few years that those drafts turned out to be fools gold. I'm seeing pretty much the same with Hickey's drafts.

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