Honesty: What did you do when Tannehill fumbled at the end of the game... | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Honesty: What did you do when Tannehill fumbled at the end of the game...

Sad to say, but after initially yelling at the screen, I was just kind of like resigned to the fact that when you aren't good, bad things tend to happen.
Cussed out Clabo like I've done every game this year. Then continually questioned why the **** we were throwing it in that situation. Then I cussed out Sherman. **** both of them.
This is what kills teams. Fans becoming indifferent and not giving a f&*^ about the team. I'm getting there. I look at the Colts Denver game tonight and that stadium is freaking packed. We will never see Sunlife stadium like that, ever. And many people on here blame the local fanbase for not going to the games, calling them pathetic, when the very team that the fanbase decides not to go see, is even more pathetic.

I posted earlier last week that if I lived in miami I would definitely be a season ticket holder. I retract that statement. If can say with confidence that I definitely would not even go to games and waste my money on a garbage product. Local Miami doesnt give a crap about the Dolphins, which we cannot hold against locals. The Dolphins suck, they have sucked for consistently for over a decade and we should not be shocked if they continue to suck.

I have finally realized this team has given me nothing but stress and for what? NOTHING. I will just watch as a normal person from now on not caring about anything this team does. I have a feeling this is what has happened to most of the fans down here. Lost the fire as seen in the crowd. Its just a losing environment now. Sad to see just wish Marino got at least one lol
I almost got kicked out of Club Liv for being too loud... lol at the Dolphins organization and telling a fan to calm down because I'm cheering too loud.
I was eating some cake expecting us to just run down the clock, and then I saw the fumble and had absolutely no reaction. In the back of my mind I knew we would find a way to mess up, so I just slowly looked for my remote and switched to ESPN, saw they were putting Nascar, so then I switched back to the game and watched us lose.
I just sat still and silent. I've come to expect bad things at the end of close games. My girlfriend says I'm a masochist for continuing to watch.
I was having a great week up until today. Vacation, went on a roadie to see my favorite band.....then.....today. I was at a buddies house watching on his computer set while he watched the Pats lose. I threw my hat and screamed when Tanny over threw Hartline. I was numb and silent after that. I don't know why I expect anything different. I told my buddy that at least the season will be over November 1st after we lose to NE and Cincy.
I think that I was in such utter shock that I just stared at the TV, mouth agape, and tried to comprehend what just happened. I considered body slamming my TV but decided against it.

I had the same exact reaction...
Well the drive before we had the ball and that strip sack I figured Buffalo would drive and Dan the Man Carpenter would nail the FG on us for the win. Lo and behold I was pumped when our D held the Bills and forced the punt. All we had to do was grind the clock down and hopefully pickup the 1st down - game over. I was thinking whatever we do NO TURNOVERS!! And then the unspeakable happened. I yelled what the mfer!!! Nobody else was around me at the time thankfully. :-)
Trying to figure out why we weren't trying to run the ball to run the clock. At the very least play-action pass, I guess I just don't get it!
Just having some fun because I am sick to my stomach...what did you do? Here is my reaction...Hard Knocks should have been there.

* I took my folder with re-fi in it and flung it
* I kicked my office chair in my man room
* I swore up and down
* Feel to the ground
* Yelled...WHY, WHY, WHY?
* Walked down stares and stormed around cursing everything in sight
* Took a couch cushion and tossed it across the room
* Went back upstairs and cheered Thiggy (I still think his knee was down ten yards prior)
* Cursed when Hartline was open, but the throw was not there
* Stormed out of the man room and briskly walked the dog around neighborhood talking to myself ALOUD "RUN THE BALL"

I am a nut. I am crazy. Do not question how much I care, however.

BTW, my wife hated me, but so be it. It is Sherman and Philbin's fault.

I think I found my new best friend! :D
Projectile vomit and projectile diarrhea at the same time...The dog wasn't to happy
The only thing I thought about for the first minute is how bad FH was probably blowing up. I wasn't on when the game was on fortunately haha
was on my way back from a company picnic and heard it on the radio. pretty much just said "wow" then just went silent the rest of the trip...
Take this for what you will, I don't care...

I watched until the Buffalo drive when the score went to 14-0. Before the TD run, the only player showing any kind of emotion, or basically give three s%^&s about the situation and try and get his guys hyped and ready to go was Paul Soliai. Everyone else seemed in a daze I don't know. Then the TD and I and saw Phillip Wheelers reaction. I saw such a sickening "Shucks, Oh well" look on his face when the camera panned his way during the replay and that was enough for me. I had a gut feeling at that point that we were going to lose and I was right.

I got dressed and told the wife and kids we are going out to have some FUN and went out. Had a good time with the family, the end.

I don't expect a professional football player to freak out or anything after a bad defensive series, but it gave me such a bad impression seeing a player react so "who cares" that I felt like I shouldn't care either at that point and move on with the rest of my afternoon. I am sorry but after 25 years of living and dying with this team it is what it is...
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