How Would You Change Things From Top To Bottom? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How Would You Change Things From Top To Bottom?

I believe now more than ever that a tough, physical style of football, particularly in running the ball with a 21-personnel look using a fullback on many running plays, would catch much of the league flat-footed. So many defenses have switched to light LBs and upfield pass rushing-first linemen that a truly big, physical offensive line that stresses (and coaches) a run-first mentality could really clean house.

I posted this in another thread but since it applies to this discussion, I'll paste it here, as well:

As for the solution, it's right in my sig and what I've been saying for the past two years: Hire Tom Gamble, one of the greatest draft evaluators of all time, as GM (clear everyone else out, including Tannenbaum); hire Jim Harbaugh and let him build an all-star coaching staff that focuses on running the football with run-first powerhouse offensive linemen* and stopping the run by switching Miami to the 4-3 Under similar to what Seattle runs.

You can also clear more than half our salary cap space by cutting players that have virtually no impact on this team winning games in 2019: Robert Quinn, Andre Branch, Cameron Wake (sorry), Ju'Wuan James, TJ McDonald and Ryan Tannehill (I'm finally ready to let it go). With just those moves and a few more, you save over 50 million in cap space and would have approximately 70 million plus free for next year.

* Hire the best offensive line coach you can find, even if you have to pay more to steal one from another team. Dante Scarnecchia is proof that good o-line coaches can deliver top-shelf units year in and year out even through injuries and free agency departures. In fact, in my opinion, no other member of the assistant coaching staff is more important, including both coordinators! Get a great one with an established track record at building strong run-blocking lines: Russ Grimm, Tom Cable, Bill Callahan, Mike Munchak, Mike Tice, etc. Start with one of those. In fact, find out if Scarnecchia has got a prized pupil on his staff and back up the Brinks truck!
I honestly wouldn’t mind Harbaugh, I was wanting him after the whole Sparano fiasco and even when they got rid of Philbin. I honestly don’t care anymore this team is such a dumpster fire right now I don’t know what to think. Been a fan for the past 30+ years, it’s been such a **** fest lately.
First thing I would do after this season is over is to sell the team to Peyton Manning. He wants to be a owner. Then have Mr. Manning fire the whole Front Office. Keep Gase as an Offensive Coordinator because I still think he can do a good job there. Bring in a Hard Nose Defensive Coordinator like George Edwards and turn our 4-3 D to a 3-4 D with exotic Blitz Packages and make Corners only play there positions. Move McDonald to ROLB and ditch his SS position to Mincah. Hire Darren Rizzi as Head Coach (just HC) or get HC with pedigree who is willing to do so but, I don't have a name yet he needs to be a winner. I like Danny to be our Coach but it is up to him. Seriously. I want a thrilling and thriving offense who is not afraid of anything and let them play the ****ing game wide open every play start to finish.

Hate to say this but Cam Wake needs to retire. He is getting slow off the snap. He is always so close but, not close enough.
Keep Tannehill as an option and get a QB in the Draft (BEST AVAILABLE) and FA for competition if that's what is need. Best man wins. No more guaranteed #1 spots that is for everyone across the board. Best 22 players will PLAY but they need to be consistent every game or they get switched. Make sure the 53 guys you make this team are not injury prone.
Draft some OL and some LB. GET A GODDAMN FB!!! I am sick of a HB set without a FB!
If we keep the same WR group (which will probably happen). I think we can make it work.

It is enviable that this ORGANIZATION needs an overhaul and it need to re-build again. I am sick of it and I know you are all too but, what else is there to do.

GO DOLPHINS!!! Is all we can do is cheer win or lose.
Damn I didn't realize Peyton had bank like that. He must have fared well with those sponsor deals.
1) Get rid of older assets for draft picks

2) Get rid of Tannehill’s contract after the season

3) Evaluate Gase after the season

4) Begin searching for the QB of the future
First thing I would do after this season is over is to sell the team to Peyton Manning. He wants to be a owner. Then have Mr. Manning fire the whole Front Office. Keep Gase as an Offensive Coordinator because I still think he can do a good job there. Bring in a Hard Nose Defensive Coordinator like George Edwards and turn our 4-3 D to a 3-4 D with exotic Blitz Packages and make Corners only play there positions. Move McDonald to ROLB and ditch his SS position to Mincah. Hire Darren Rizzi as Head Coach (just HC) or get HC with pedigree who is willing to do so but, I don't have a name yet he needs to be a winner. I like Danny to be our Coach but it is up to him. Seriously. I want a thrilling and thriving offense who is not afraid of anything and let them play the ****ing game wide open every play start to finish.

Hate to say this but Cam Wake needs to retire. He is getting slow off the snap. He is always so close but, not close enough.
Keep Tannehill as an option and get a QB in the Draft (BEST AVAILABLE) and FA for competition if that's what is need. Best man wins. No more guaranteed #1 spots that is for everyone across the board. Best 22 players will PLAY but they need to be consistent every game or they get switched. Make sure the 53 guys you make this team are not injury prone.
Draft some OL and some LB. GET A GODDAMN FB!!! I am sick of a HB set without a FB!
If we keep the same WR group (which will probably happen). I think we can make it work.

It is enviable that this ORGANIZATION needs an overhaul and it need to re-build again. I am sick of it and I know you are all too but, what else is there to do.

GO DOLPHINS!!! Is all we can do is cheer win or lose.
Manning doesn't have enough coin to be owner. He's worth about 200 million and the worth of the Dolphins is about 2.38 billion. pretty far off.
I think the team is headed for a top 10 pick. I don't see many second half wins with this club.

A new defensive coordinator is a must. I'd start there and maybe give Gase one more year. Miami needs a dominant defensive end who can defend the run.

But, if the team is in that top 10 maybe they can start with a quarterback of the future.

These are all organizations that have built, rebuilt, and rebuilt again superbowl caliber rosters over and over again in the time that the Dolphins have failed to even build a roster that could win a playoff game. I'm probably even forgetting a few.

The problem the Dolphins have goes much deeper than players and coaches. It's just a really bad organization that doesn't know what to do.
Plus always behind the trends. If fans can see things that the front office apparently can't that's a problem. For example, everyone saw that this team didn't have the personnel to play run defense. Then, not surprisingly , look at New England's first two draft picks. Just part of the problem.
I don't have much time to expound, but I've been envious of the Broncos and John Elway. Elway is passionate about his team. He will demand excellence. They've hit a rough patch, but they'll be good again sooner than us probably. I would keep the phone lines active with guys like Don Shula, Dan Marino, and even Peyton Manning. My goal wouldn't be to replace Adam Gase. No, instead, my goal would be to find someone who is both passionate about the Miami Dolphins and an excellent football guy. I say "football guy" because I'm not necessarily in the search for a coach, but I need somebody who knows the sport in-and-out and is just well connected and a great leader. I'm prone to wanting former great QBs to become head coaches, and that would be Dan Marino except he's got to want it and he needs to convince me of that.

So I would start there. I like someone of a HOF pedigree or at least is steeped in the aqua and orange (of old). The kind of guy who can step into a room and immediately has the respect of all the players. He would be committed to having only the best assistants under him. My opinion is Adam Gase is too consumed in the offense and the plays to see that the rest of his team, outside of special teams, is withering. We need this guy to be committed to having nothing short of the best assistants and to holding them accountable. I don't understand how the o-line coach last year was doing crack and the o-line has been so bad all this time. Gase has to have some sort of tunnel vision.

Anyway, this isn't a dump on Gase post. I think he's got some strong positives, but the young buck needs someone wise to tap him on the shoulder and show him everything that he's missing by holding such tight reins on the whole offensive playcalling. He's missing the rest of the world of coaching and must be seeing stars by now as this team bleeds out.
You do realize Elway didn't build the Broncos team that won the super bowl, that man was Brian Xanders. Elway may be the most overrated Gm in the league.
You do realize Elway didn't build the Broncos team that won the super bowl, that man was Brian Xanders. Elway may be the most overrated Gm in the league.

Well, that's an opinion I've ever seen one. I suspect you're right that Brian Xanders had some role in that, but, listen... the Broncos won the Superbowl in Elway's 4th year as the GM. The Broncos didn't do anything while Xanders was there, but the year after he was dismissed they did go 13-3. They did also lose the Superbowl the following year. I can't go along with the idea that Elway didn't, in fact, have a hand in building the Broncos team that eventually won the Superbowl, though, because 4 years is a long time. Plus, Elways had everything to do with Peyton Manning coming to the Broncos.

I get what you're saying, though... Elway is likely overrated. That doesn't mean I'm not envious of the situation with the Broncos. I think we'd all, collectively, feel a lot better if Dan Marino was calling the shots with the team and demanding the best. Elway walked into a good situation and made the most of it. He may, in fact, have brought an end to it, too, though.
I believe now more than ever that a tough, physical style of football, particularly in running the ball with a 21-personnel look using a fullback on many running plays, would catch much of the league flat-footed. So many defenses have switched to light LBs and upfield pass rushing-first linemen that a truly big, physical offensive line that stresses (and coaches) a run-first mentality could really clean house.

I agree. And, add to that a good QB who can throw it all over the field and the offense would be highly effective. Philbin and Gase prefer finesse, and the result has been that finesse gets run over by tough physical teams. The only way that this can happen is to clean house completely and start over with new people in charge.
Well, that's an opinion I've ever seen one. I suspect you're right that Brian Xanders had some role in that, but, listen... the Broncos won the Superbowl in Elway's 4th year as the GM. The Broncos didn't do anything while Xanders was there, but the year after he was dismissed they did go 13-3. They did also lose the Superbowl the following year. I can't go along with the idea that Elway didn't, in fact, have a hand in building the Broncos team that eventually won the Superbowl, though, because 4 years is a long time. Plus, Elways had everything to do with Peyton Manning coming to the Broncos.

I get what you're saying, though... Elway is likely overrated. That doesn't mean I'm not envious of the situation with the Broncos. I think we'd all, collectively, feel a lot better if Dan Marino was calling the shots with the team and demanding the best. Elway walked into a good situation and made the most of it. He may, in fact, have brought an end to it, too, though.
the core of that team was Xanders. He gets credit for Manning and Von Miller but Miller was a pretty easy 2nd overall pick. My point is that he finished off the team, he never built it. People just are in awe over him and the core of the team is turning into a mess under his watch.
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