If I hear 10-6 one more time... | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

If I hear 10-6 one more time...

Originally posted by PhinPhan1227

I disagree...getting to the Playoffs is frequently the result of circumstance as much as quality.

Which is basically what I said when I referred to the Panthers. No one thought they would do squat once they got to the playoffs. They were not a dominat team during the regular season and they certainly lost games to teams that they should have beaten (Texans and Falcons), yet off they went to the big game.

Originally posted by PhinPhan1227
It's what happens when you get there that seperates the wheat from the chaff. And judging by our results against those quality teams, we weren't in that group.

Again, the Panthers lost to the Eagles, Titans, and Cowboys during the regular season. The only playoff team that they beat was the Colts...and it took OT to do it.

I'll stand by my statement...once the playoffs start it is a whole new ball game and anything can happen.
ten six.

By the way, I think your confused about New Englands style of play. They generally play a field position style of game.

They employ a boring low risk short passing game and play to keep the game close and win it in the 4th quarter.

7 of their Victories were by 6 points or less. That is close. Seven games came down to the wire.

But, enough about the Patsies...
What were we talking about again?

:blah: 10-6
Talent wise, yes we have a top tier team and I believe that what happened last year was a matter of circumstance. We finished out 10-6, which most years will get you a least a wild-card spot (it would of won the AFC East in 2002), but because of a couple of VERY unlucky defeats (see Patriots Week 7) and a lousy tie-breaker to Denver (who IMO wasn't as good as Miami last season), the Dolphins missed out. And also if you look @ our six losses there were just two that we were never really in (the Music City Massacre & the Pats game in the snow)....and oh yeah....10-6!
Originally posted by PhinPhan1227
I swear, I keep reading 10-6 thrown out there like it means something. Does anyone actually think that we were close to being a top tier team last season? Did everyone miss the fact that we lost EVERY game we played against GOOD teams? You want a reason why some players might be turned off by Miami? Here it is...the ONLY thing we've demonstrated over the last 3 seasons(other than the Ricky trade), is a commitment to mediocrity. Our rallying cry has been "WE WON'T SUCK!!!!". As rallying cries, that ones up there with "NOT THE FACE!!!!". Even our coaches attitude is "keep it close and hope we're lucky". How inspiring is it to go into a game with the goal of not getting blown out? Sure, money is the #1 priority of almost every player. But don't you think they also want to go someplace where they can get excited? Someplace where things are moving, risks are being taken? Bellichicken coaches the most god awful franchise in football. But his players always give 110%, and I think a big part of the reason for that is because he keeps them excited. He lets them try new things, he lets them push themselves. Sadly, I don't think this is something Wanny can fix...it's just the way he is as a person. Unfortunately, I think that it's just an atmosphere which incoming FA's can pick up on, and that might be why they're saying no.
Good post 1227:up:
I hope you don't get too much flak on here for NOT being a blind homer
Originally posted by MarksBrothers85
Talent wise, yes we have a top tier team and I believe that what happened last year was a matter of circumstance. We finished out 10-6, which most years will get you a least a wild-card spot (it would of won the AFC East in 2002), but because of a couple of VERY unlucky defeats (see Patriots Week 7) and a lousy tie-breaker to Denver (who IMO wasn't as good as Miami last season), the Dolphins missed out. And also if you look @ our six losses there were just two that we were never really in (the Music City Massacre & the Pats game in the snow)....and oh yeah....10-6!

Um...can you show me which team made it beyond the first round of the Playoffs with an O-line as bad as ours? Nothing else matters if your O-line is crap, and ours was the crappiest. Top Tier? Hardly!!
Here is my prediction so i dont have to answere in August when someone posts a thread on how well we will do this year.

Re: Re: If I hear 10-6 one more time...

Originally posted by CirclingWagons
Good post 1227:up:
I hope you don't get too much flak on here for NOT being a blind homer

i want to go 2-14 and beat buffalo twice!:lol:
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