If I hear 10-6 one more time... | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

If I hear 10-6 one more time...

Originally posted by LIQUID24

I do give them credit. I said they were a good team.
What's the difference between the 9-7 2002 Pats and the 14-2 2003 Pats?? Did Belichick coach any better? No. Did Brady play any better in 2003 than 2002? No. Did they have more talent in 2003 than in 2002? No.
The ball bounced their way more than a few times last year. That's all I'm saying.
No, I think Teddy W was a big part of the drastic change in record. The Pats were god-awful against the rush in 2002, but Big Ted made it hard to run against them in 03. Yes, he's gone now, but the Pats have Ty Warren waiting in the wings, as well as a bunch of draft picks
Originally posted by LIQUID24

I do give them credit. I said they were a good team.
What's the difference between the 9-7 2002 Pats and the 14-2 2003 Pats?? Did Belichick coach any better? No. Did Brady play any better in 2003 than 2002? No. Did they have more talent in 2003 than in 2002? No.
The ball bounced their way more than a few times last year. That's all I'm saying.

A lot of the difference from this year to last I think was some of those younger players having another year in the system! Brady had another year to mature and the rest of the WR, besides Brown of course! I think they also throw down field better this year then they did in 02! They hit for booms down field this year than last! Don't worry they won't win that many games this year! They have there own issues in losing players to FA!
ty warren is barely 300 lbs, another undersized DT that they may end up having to move to end, either way i doubt hell end up being a great run stuffer. Seymour worked out for them i dont think warren will, but we shall see.
Originally posted by Dolphins17-0
9-7, 8-8 for the pats this year... not for lack of talent or coaching, just a hunch, call me crazy.

I hope you don't play the stock market with the same mindset.

Just a hunch, huh?

Nice analysis to support your 8-8 prediction for the Pats.
Originally posted by shalafi3455
Dude before the Pats won the first one all they wanted to do was make the playoffs! Don't make it sound like they have always expected to win it all because they haven't! Save your drama I live in NE my whole life! I have seen the years your were 5-10! If it wasn't for Mo Lewis you would still be without a Superbowl!

Damn you for making me back up a Pats fan!!!:lol: But since I have to, I don't think this guy said anything about their expectations being high BEFORE they won the 2nd Superbowl. In point of fact, I think he said just the opposite.
Saying the pats were lucky is just crazy. Luck ain't got $hit to do with it. They were the best and they beat the best.

Our beloved fins should attempt to mimic their success. Unfortunately the current FO doesn't have enough brain power to exercise care when signing bum ankled free agents.

If the Marino debacle didn't showcase us as the laugh riot we are, then surely our handling of free agency will jolt our comedic aptitude into the stratosphere.
Originally posted by PhinPhan1227

Damn you for making me back up a Pats fan!!!:lol: But since I have to, I don't think this guy said anything about their expectations being high BEFORE they won the 2nd Superbowl. In point of fact, I think he said just the opposite.

Yea your right my bad I read it wrong! I thought he was say that we always settle for 10-6 and they always expect 19-0! I stand corrected!!!:D
Originally posted by Dolphins17-0
the reason why 10-6 is so interesting is because our offense was ****, fiedler had like 7 more turnoavers than TDs and ricky williams rushed for 3.5 yards a carry, and we didn't have a 1000 yard receiver, thats pathetic... those are bottom of the league numbers and everyone was down on our defense and coaching too, we should have been no where near the playoffs with all that considered. That being said, there was only one game we were blown out, and we had a legit shot at the rest.

this despite no offense, our "overrated defense" according to most on this board, and our "terrible coaching."

How DARE you say anything positive about last season, sir? You sicken me! Wannestedt is a total idiot! Spielman has rocks in his head! Hueizenga is a devil-worshipping, neo-nazi, retarded, inane, penny-pinching, derelict impresario!!!

Ok, I'm just kidding... I agree completely. I'm glad someone else here has enough grey matter to notice that there are actually some good things to say about the Dolphins.

Originally posted by Dolphins17-0
No we weren't dominant, yes all our losses were to good teams, only one being a blow out, and yet we still only missed out on the playoffs by a tie breaker. By the way we had a tougher schedule than anyone in the playoffs according to strength of schedule. so with that im just hoping rick is making the right moves to give us a little boost, no real complaints so far aside from mcintosh's stupid ankle


Well said, and I agree, but let me also point out that we actually DID beat two good teams. Dallas and Baltimore. They both made the playoffs, and we did, in fact, beat both of them.

This Chicken Little thing happens every year. Fans run around screaming the sky is falling. It's ridiculous and sad, really. And, unfortunately, it will never end. Even if the Phins went undefeated again, I feel there would probably be one or two people out there that would say, "Yeah, but NO WAY they can do it again!"

I would love to see the Phins win a Superbowl. I'd bounce off the walls. But, I'm also not going to whine and cry about it every time one of the other 31 NFL teams wins it.

Congrats to the Pats on a great Superbowl victory, and to the Panthers for giving them one heckuva game. We'll see you next season.

That being said, everything is not lost in Miami. Not even close. Pope, that lunkhead with the Herald, just wrote an article calling the Phins the laughingstock of the NFL. I think that statement is absolutely ludicrous. Ask any team who has to play the Dolphins next season how much of a laughingstock the Phins are, and they'll tell you that Miami is a damn good team, and very tough to beat. Even after his fresh Superbowl victory, Tom Brady said that they have to get to work, that there really wasn't much seperating them and the Dolphins.

He spoke the absolute truth.

I said it before, and I'll say it again: Miami needs to shore up the OL and get a #2 WR. With that, they'll contend for the Superbowl, and that's all I ask... that they CONTEND. Just give me one good playoff game to root for my Phins. Anything more than that is icing on the cake.

God, I love football.

10-6. Amen.
Originally posted by PatsFanTX

I hope you don't play the stock market with the same mindset.

Just a hunch, huh?

Nice analysis to support your 8-8 prediction for the Pats.

dont play the stock market, but i do bet on sports very successfully so i tend to stick to my hunches... bottom line is sports don't always make sense and more often than not it's not breaking down the actually teams but following the trends. naturally it's not always the case, but this day in age with parity being what it is it's becoming less and less likely for dynasties to emerge such as the bucs/pats collapsing after superbowl wins previously despite not much turnover in roster/coaching.

like i said, feel free to call me crazy
11-5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEGATIVE FANS!!!:tongueout :tantrum:
Originally posted by Dolphins17-0

dont play the stock market, but i do bet on sports very successfully so i tend to stick to my hunches... bottom line is sports don't always make sense and more often than not it's not breaking down the actually teams but following the trends. naturally it's not always the case, but this day in age with parity being what it is it's becoming less and less likely for dynasties to emerge such as the bucs/pats collapsing after superbowl wins previously despite not much turnover in roster/coaching.

like i said, feel free to call me crazy

17-0, I'll by that so I won't call you crazy.

The margin of error for any team in the NFL going 11-5 versus 5-11 is very small.

One key indicator that I have always followed is how a team does in games decided by 7 or less points. To me, the good teams (well-coached, good execution, minimal mistakes) will always come out on the top of the division.

Pats are a perfect example of this. Last year the Pats were 7-1 in games decided by 7 or less points (a loss to the Skins 20-17) and the prior year the were 4-3 in games decided by 7 or less and ultimately missed the playoff.

They pull out just one of those games and they go 10-6 and win the division outright instead of losing out on a 3rd tie breaker to the Jets by finishing 9-7.

I laugh when people knock the Pats last year by saying "Yea, but all they do is squeak by people and don't blow them out."

To me, that is the highest compliment you can give any team.

Win the close ones, and everything will take care of itself.
i agree, i've never used that pats are lucky bit... great teams win close games, that being said. They won close games when they won the super bowl the first time around, and the next year they fell back to the pack. I think part of that could be when teams are in the close games with a super bowl champion the next season, they tend to find a little extra to get the win because they want it more. the "bullseye" theory, that teams just want to knock off the defending champs.

either way the pats will be interesting to follow next season(successful or not), naturally i'm hoping for the latter.
Originally posted by shalafi3455
Dude before the Pats won the first one all they wanted to do was make the playoffs! Don't make it sound like they have always expected to win it all because they haven't! Save your drama I live in NE my whole life! I have seen the years your were 5-10! If it wasn't for Mo Lewis you would still be without a Superbowl!

:up: LOL...Looks like they have a plan now but I remember when anything above 500 was a successful campaign.

Nothing last forever...except the Miami Dolphins winning ways...and NOW that's considered MEDIOCRE!

10-6 an't it a b!tch!!!!

61% alltime..
Originally posted by PhinPhan1227
I swear, I keep reading 10-6 thrown out there like it means something. Does anyone actually think that we were close to being a top tier team last season? Did everyone miss the fact that we lost EVERY game we played against GOOD teams? You want a reason why some players might be turned off by Miami? Here it is...the ONLY thing we've demonstrated over the last 3 seasons(other than the Ricky trade), is a commitment to mediocrity. Our rallying cry has been "WE WON'T SUCK!!!!". As rallying cries, that ones up there with "NOT THE FACE!!!!". Even our coaches attitude is "keep it close and hope we're lucky". How inspiring is it to go into a game with the goal of not getting blown out? Sure, money is the #1 priority of almost every player. But don't you think they also want to go someplace where they can get excited? Someplace where things are moving, risks are being taken? Bellichicken coaches the most god awful franchise in football. But his players always give 110%, and I think a big part of the reason for that is because he keeps them excited. He lets them try new things, he lets them push themselves. Sadly, I don't think this is something Wanny can fix...it's just the way he is as a person. Unfortunately, I think that it's just an atmosphere which incoming FA's can pick up on, and that might be why they're saying no.

All this nonsensical rant that started this thread says is that we weren't good enough last year....WOW what a revelation!

IMO we were too weak on the OL. Hmmm, isn't that what the FO has given the most attention to so far this offseason?

You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't see 10-6 as mediocre. Not in the NFL.

Bill Parcels has become a legend by playing the kind of football that you call boring and uninspiring.

You also give way too much credit to the average NFL player. They are looking for money, first and foremost. If not, how can you possibly explain Woody leaving NE for Detroit, Tait leaving KC for Chicago, and Jeno James leaving Carolina for Miami?

While I'm at it, I'm sick of people whining that 10-6 means nothing. wah, wah, wah.....

It means we had 25% more wins than the average NFL team

It means we have fewer things to fix than many other teams in the NFL.


Originally posted by Larry Little

How DARE you say anything positive about last season, sir? You sicken me! Wannestedt is a total idiot! Spielman has rocks in his head! Hueizenga is a devil-worshipping, neo-nazi, retarded, inane, penny-pinching, derelict impresario!!!

Ok, I'm just kidding... I agree completely. I'm glad someone else here has enough grey matter to notice that there are actually some good things to say about the Dolphins.

Well said, and I agree, but let me also point out that we actually DID beat two good teams. Dallas and Baltimore. They both made the playoffs, and we did, in fact, beat both of them.

This Chicken Little thing happens every year. Fans run around screaming the sky is falling. It's ridiculous and sad, really. And, unfortunately, it will never end. Even if the Phins went undefeated again, I feel there would probably be one or two people out there that would say, "Yeah, but NO WAY they can do it again!"

I would love to see the Phins win a Superbowl. I'd bounce off the walls. But, I'm also not going to whine and cry about it every time one of the other 31 NFL teams wins it.

Congrats to the Pats on a great Superbowl victory, and to the Panthers for giving them one heckuva game. We'll see you next season.

That being said, everything is not lost in Miami. Not even close. Pope, that lunkhead with the Herald, just wrote an article calling the Phins the laughingstock of the NFL. I think that statement is absolutely ludicrous. Ask any team who has to play the Dolphins next season how much of a laughingstock the Phins are, and they'll tell you that Miami is a damn good team, and very tough to beat. Even after his fresh Superbowl victory, Tom Brady said that they have to get to work, that there really wasn't much seperating them and the Dolphins.

He spoke the absolute truth.

I said it before, and I'll say it again: Miami needs to shore up the OL and get a #2 WR. With that, they'll contend for the Superbowl, and that's all I ask... that they CONTEND. Just give me one good playoff game to root for my Phins. Anything more than that is icing on the cake.

God, I love football.

10-6. Amen.

And God bless you LARRY LITTLE for saying what needed to said around here.

The way I remember it.... either way we were only two missed field goals... or... at the most... three passing third down conversions from the playoffs.

Feely's accuracy would have taken care of the third down conversions.
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