Im not bashing ronnie | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Im not bashing ronnie


This is the Year
Sep 19, 2006
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Seems to me Sammie Morris is faster then Ronnie Brown.I like the way Sammie hits the hole.Ronnie better get his speed up.He plays too slow.Ronnie gotta take the ball and just run.He got to stop that stutter step.Ricky will show him nexted year.How to hit the hole..Come-on Ronnie on routing for ya kid...Does anyone think ronnie is just to slow..
hes the fastest of all our backs. But he doesn't run like it i'l admit. theres a sense of delay in his running that he needs to lose.
kingfin23 said:
Seems to me Sammie Morris is faster then Ronnie Brown.I like the way Sammie hits the hole.Ronnie better get his speed up.He plays too slow.Ronnie gotta take the ball and just run.He got to stop that stutter step.Ricky will show him nexted year.How to hit the hole..Come-on Ronnie on routing for ya kid...Does anyone think ronnie is just to slow..
thats come with experince with running backs.. ronnie is our best offencive player
Saban4prez said:
hes the fastest of all our backs. But he doesn't run like it i'l admit. theres a sense of delay in his running that he needs to lose.
Sence of delay.Thats to word i was looking to say.
Dmancari23 said:
Don't be too hard on Ronnie Brown. It'll get you warned. Opinions aren't allowed in open forums.
grow up man.
Dmancari23 said:
Don't be too hard on Ronnie Brown. It'll get you warned. Opinions aren't allowed in open forums.

But the haters who only post crap about the entire team are allowed:rolleyes:

You should learn how to start a thread like kingfin23
I said this before about morris in the detroit game. When morris sees the hole, however small it is, he's gunnin. You can tell when he sees his hole because hes no longer studdering or searching, he's running downhill as hard as he can. (I also wanna note, this is why he fumbled against detroit, because hes so focused on running fullspeed he stops paying attention to the defense)

Ronnie has tendency to take it inside too much, instead of taking it out into the open. He'll hit the hole though. Its something he's gotta learn. As far as his intangibles though, like catching the ball, spin moves, and stiff arms, he's our most talented at the position. I love the guy. He'll get it all together i know it.
ronnie brown is faster. he just need to hit the hole directly instead of the tippy toeing crap he does before he hits the hole
I agree. I think he needs to make up his mind that he's a downhill runner like Larry Johnson and Fred Taylor (who have about the same size and speed by the way) and start using his 4.4 speed as soon as he gets the ball instead of doing more of what a "moves" guy would do in the backfield.

A little patience can be tolerated, but he needs to be up near top gear at the same time. On runs around the end he can run a tad slower and pick his cutback lane, but on the runs up the gut I think he needs to get way more "downhill" in his style.

If he runs into the backs of his linemen sometimes, fine; at least when the hole is there he'll have developed the habit of blowing through it. And maybe if his linemen get hit in the back a few times they'll start opening holes better. :wink:
Dmancari23 said:
Don't be too hard on Ronnie Brown. It'll get you warned. Opinions aren't allowed in open forums.
If this is what you do in this forum.I feel bad for you..Sad
Ronnie was a backup in college, has injury issues, and has never been a guy who could carry the load. Sammie is fresh, and takes little beating, so of course he'll look faster right now. Ronnie is worn out...he's never had to carry this kind of load. I think, he'll continually get injured if he's the featured back. Hopefully we'll find someone to replace, or supplement him with. Just my opinion.
Ronnie's faster. Sammy has better vision.

If Morris had a little more speed and bulk, he'd be a helluva back.
Dmancari23 said:
Ronnie was a backup in college, has injury issues, and has never been a guy who could carry the load. Sammie is fresh, and takes little beating, so of course he'll look faster right now. Ronnie is worn out...he's never had to carry this kind of load. I think, he'll continually get injured if he's the featured back. Hopefully we'll find someone to replace, or supplement him with. Just my opinion.

Ronnie's injury has nothing to do with his carries. He got a finger caught in a helmet.

To his credit, he didn't look worn prior to that.
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