IT'S OFFICIAL: Oronde's Back! / Roster Moves | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

IT'S OFFICIAL: Oronde's Back! / Roster Moves

He is a leader. And that's something we're sorely lacking on offense. Doesn't have to be a starter. Just a leader.
Originally posted by KenCalo

This is great! I'm glad DW is gonna swallow his stubbornness. Demote Thompson, activate JR and sign OG. Kind of a Drastic change of heart wouldn't you say? Maybe we do have a leader on this team, which influenced the change.

DOLPHAN1 - That's more like "OZZY...Wondering?"
He's positive he woke up with a beard.:lol:

I made him an offer he couldn't refuse. :cooldude:
I think it's great. BTW (start shameless self-promotion music), check the Commentary page. I bumped a column I wrote in June concerning OG. It's interesting to read it now in light of current circumstances. To think we were worried about OG depriving an emerging offensive star of a roster spot.
I for one didn't want OG back,

However, it's funny how when OG's out of the lineup, this offense, especially the passing game is not as effective or consistant. He's a baller and I'm glad to have him back. Especially if he can make some plays for us down the stretch.
It's odd now......a running team with 7 WRs on the active roster. Last year we threw less than anyone in the league. Who'da thunk it. ;)
THAT'S AWESOME... IMO, other than signing an ALL PRO LT or premiere type wide out, this is the best thing that could happen to our offense... I truly believe it will be a huge emotional boost to the offense... Ricky, Jay, CC.. they all LOVE this guy...

OG RULED the Arena league before he came to the NFL, he was their TO, but better... I heard Jimmy Johnson say that OG was once traded for 11 players... 11! Thats the largest number of players EVER traded for one guy in Pro Football history. He has 3 photographs of his amazing catches in the Hall of Fame... Yea, he's slow, he's not young... but he has something... something that sparks this offense...

Say what you want... Some players just get it done, they may not have everything you want in a prototype player but they get it done... He is a guy that because of his size, hands, and body control, even when he is not open, he is.

It may just be a coincidence, but do you realise that since the last game he played with us, our offense has played like crap... OK some will say he wasn't putting up big numbers anyway... but I will argue that just becuase his numbers arent there doesn't mean his presence is not felt... Teams knew they couldn't just cover OG with some scrub especially on 3rd down...

Now lets talk about him as a person, so many of you hate him because of how he handled his "business" his job... I for one NEVER blamed him for watching out for himself first... he certainly can't count on the FO to do that... remember how this team treated OJ McDuffie...?

Thats why I am a fan of the TEAM, you know, the players... NOT the F.O.... Thustly if ALL the key players on the TEAM say that OG is a quality guy and he DESERVES to be on the team and that the team would be better WITH him on it. I think I'll listen to them instead of all the "keyboard quarterbacks" any freaking time.

Next time its 3rd and long, and a scrambling Fiedler hurries a high throw over his crumbling O-Line to a crossing OG who catches it with one of his freakish five-fingered pigskin magnets, then breaks a tackle for a crucial fist down... At that moment you might once again be an OG fan.
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I hope he sparks the passing game.

But seriously... what's the over/under on how many games before he gets hurt again?
All I know is that there was some pissed of fins when OG was let go.....

OG is one of these guys that you cannot explain.....he just goes out there and.....poof.....he makes a play.....and another........

Remember guys...our third down convertions have sucked all year....I wonder besides OJ McDuffie...who has been mister third down around here?


I am a little excited now. One of my favs is back!
Originally posted by Muck
It's odd now......a running team with 7 WRs on the active roster. Last year we threw less than anyone in the league. Who'da thunk it. ;)

I think it's a direct reflection of poor coaching and a lack of Ideas. How about Leonard Henry in the backfield or as a WR. How about Tolver. This move and season are shapping up to be exactly like last year. OG= CC

The only thing that's going to improve this team is good gameday decisions and players playing 100%.
Originally posted by juniorseau55
He's been our leading receiver for a while in an offense that has stank. Main thing is that Oronde Gadsen is one of the long term dolphins and guys that have bee here as a Rookie has seen him as a veteran and appreciated him as a teamate. His presense will likely light up this team which in doubt the current veterans had a petition to have Gadsen play for us and went to the front office and complained about the maltreatment that Mr Gadsen had. Its very encouraging to see what he does on the field.

I agree with Junior on this one ...
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