It's Time to Thank Huizenga | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

It's Time to Thank Huizenga


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May 18, 2004
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With all these quotes coming from the players about Saban, it's time to pay a nod to Huizenga's commitment to the franchise by going out and getting the top coach available.
i agree , alot of people were saying before it didnt seem like he cared, you dont pay a coach 5 mil if you dont
Ditto on that bud. H. Wayne was under the gun not too long ago, I say he's brought himself out nicely with the acquisition of Saban.
Agreed. He targeted the best coach available and did what he had to to get him. He withstood the pressure placed on him by the league with its ridiculous minority candidate requirement.
The only issue Ive ever had with Wayne H. was the hiring of Wannestadt. I know he took the advice from JJohnson but he really should have known better. Wannestadt just simply was not a head coach.
His hiring of Saban was excellent. Considering just about every owner that has had a coaching opening over the last 5 years has tried to hire Saban, it says alot that Wayne H was able to get him. He is an excellent owner.
you are so right some of the pepole here wanted his head looks like hes taking care of bussines
I cursed a few times because of his extension of wannys contract, some misplaced media comments, but this year, hiring Saban, planning the new stadium etc, he really does deserve some credit.

Good work Wayne.
He has always been willing to spend the money on players to win. He has to be one of the best owners in the NFL.
I've always seen him as the best owner in football. He has always opened his wallet to get whatever it is the coaches wanted, and he's smart enough to recognize he has no business meddling with the team.
DolphinsRkool99 said:
Sorry to get off subject but do you guys know if he still plains on building the dome on dolphins stadium.:confused:

It's a retractable roof, not a dome. Yes, it's my impression that that is still the plan.
I met wayne H at this seasons season ticket holder party at Dolphins staium. Ithanked him for bringing in saban and the new coaching. He thanked me and told me to my face, thank you for beeing a fan and a season ticketholder. Iill do what i can so we can win!!

I thought that was really cool of him. He also took time to sign a mini helmet and shake about three of four others hands before he took off. He was there to listen to saban speak and then needed to take off. A very cool experience.. Man i hope to have 1/10 of the money that he has someday
shouright said:
With all these quotes coming from the players about Saban, it's time to pay a nod to Huizenga's commitment to the franchise by going out and getting the top coach available.

really what do you think these guys are gonna say about their coach.
JT,"Well I cant believe this guy would even think of running anything but base 4-3. I hate his additude"

ZT,"He actually wants to be in charge of the team! I want Wanny Back."

RW,"Can I play?"
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