Jets and Bills' fans think Zach Thomas is a cheap shot artist | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Jets and Bills' fans think Zach Thomas is a cheap shot artist

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zach is the best and definantly is not a dirty player, people who think that are just sour coz he plays for us and not them. had one of there players put that kind of a hit on i wonder what they would be saying about it.....nothing of course.
Man, this is rich.

While your team has wallowed in mediocrity and mismanagement for the past five years, you look back to the old days and dare anyone to have what you used to have as if having that memory somehow makes your current team less crappy.

It is quite possible that you can't name three famous Jets players because beyond what you read in your local paper you can take all the knowledge you have of football history, write it down on a piece of paper, crumble it up and shove it up the asssss of a gnat. Names like Martin and Klecko and Gastineau and Maynard mean nothing to you because you were likely still breastfeeding when they played. But my, oh, can recite Bob Griese stats like he was your roommate at the local detention center.

You think you have the best franchise? You have a coach about to go to Bama, an OC you hate who will likely be your next HC, an owner about to sell the team, a gimpy starting quarterback who will remain a question mark until otherwise proven as a real starter, a third-string quarterback closing out a losing season, a Canadian-running dope fiend who you all magically think will be reliable for you one day despite all evidence to the contrary, and a defense that is a rat's asshair away from receiving social security. And golly gee, if Jason Taylor can just get named Def. Player of the Year, then this year can be considered a total success!!!

But you go on with the battle cry of years gone by because as is typical of the Miami fan, when the team starts sucking, the history books start getting cracked open.

Look, I know my team has sucked even longer than yours, but for the love of god, get a grip on yourself. You sound like Al Bundy reminiscing of that one great touchdown he scored in high school.

It's so nice of you to reminisce with us!!! Reminds me of a fake spike play several years ago.:wink:
yeah these guys gotta get their heads out of their a**es... that shot ZT put on coles was 100% clean. just a great great hit. Deal with it
I would say the serious posters on tend to have a lot of respect for Zach Thomas.

There's a fine line between hitting hard and dirty play. Thomas just hits very hard. I've never see him do something that I construed as dirty play. The NFL is a nasty place to do business and Thomas has done it as well as any linebacker the Jets have faced over the last decade in my opinion.
I remember chad johnson got nailed with a helmet to helmet this year. took his head off almost. I dont remember if there was a flag tho. Anyone remember this hit or if there was a flag.

I remember one with T.J.Houshmandzadeh. Is that the one you mean??

As I recall there was a flag thrown and a fine. The guy lunched himself about a second early and cleaned T.J.'s Flavor Flav clock before the ball got there.
Ummm.... no they're not.... This is from the rulebook...

"A tackler using his helmet to butt, spear, or ram an opponent" is a 15 yard penalty.

Nowhere in the book does it mention helmet to helmet contact specifically.. I know for a fact I've seen numerous RB's, WR's, and TE's get the crap knocked out of them with helmet to helmet hits with no penalty called, it happens every game. It IS football you know, if you play professional football, you're probabaly going to receive a few concussions in your career..

Helmet to Helmet is just a media term that is widely used to describe an illegal hit. I believe it's illegal to lead with the head on a tackle.
I was just browsing over theganggreen and billszone to see what our rivals were saying about the Jets/Fins game and there were a ton of accusations that Zach Thomas is a cheap shot artist (the main criticism was for his awesome hit on L. Coles).

Seriously, this is why I hate these two teams the most. Their fans are complete ******s and must have sniffed paint during their childhood.

Zach Thomas is a class act and one of the toughest, hardworkers in the NFL. Its not his fault that the offense continues to be inept.

I will give congrats to the Jets' fans cause you guys are most likely going to the playoffs, but I dont think you guys will win a game. It took a last second field goal to beat a team that had Cleo Lemon as their quarterback (our 3rd string by the way).

He hurt Curtis martin(basically ended his career) on a cheap shot and the hit on Coles was a big cheap shot and one he should and will be fined for. I am not calling him a cheap shot artist but those 2 plays were cheap shots.
You are overstating the issue.

I don't think he is a cheap shot artist, but I do think that was a hard hit and goes right on the edge of a cheap shot. The one against Leon was cheap as the defender launched himself off the ground as opposed to just hitting him.

Zach Thomas' hit on Laveraneous Coles?

Hey Guys,

I'm new to the site. I have been looking everywhere for a video clip of Zach Thomas' hit on Laveraneous Coles form the other night. Does anyone have this? Thanks

You are overstating the issue.

I don't think he is a cheap shot artist, but I do think that was a hard hit and goes right on the edge of a cheap shot. The one against Leon was cheap as the defender launched himself off the ground as opposed to just hitting him.


Those 2 plays were both illegal hits, you are not allowd to lead w/ the helmet and they both launched themsleves helmet first.
You are overstating the issue.

I don't think he is a cheap shot artist, but I do think that was a hard hit and goes right on the edge of a cheap shot. The one against Leon was cheap as the defender launched himself off the ground as opposed to just hitting him.


They were both clean hits.

Watch the Washington play again. Lehan is 4 inches taller than Leon, who was bent at the knees trying to change direction. He's going to get hit in the mask or higher by most guys in the league in that situation. Yet Lehan tackled with his eyes, driving himself thru the ballcarrier and never left the ground until impact itself. Watch it again. When they make contact, Lehan is on the ground. If Leon wouldn't have bent his knees, it would have been an even bigger hit.

As for Zach, Coles was upright after going up in the air. And 5-9 Zach was slightly bent and tackling properly, seeing what he was hitting. He anticipated perfectly. That's how it's supposed to be done.

I think it might be a case of people just not used to seeing Zach hitting so hard. But that's been the case this year. He's been drilling guys. Last week, he delivered what Willis McGahee said was the hardest hit of his career. The week before, he plowed Daniel Graham and Heath Evans.
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