Jets and Bills' fans think Zach Thomas is a cheap shot artist | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Jets and Bills' fans think Zach Thomas is a cheap shot artist

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I'll take London Fletcher - thanks.

Thats not the sentiment I hear from fellow Bills fans at the games. In fact I heard a Bills fan seated around me that he would take JT and Zach any day of the week (right after he slighted the entire Dolphin organization).
Zach Thomas is awesone. Clean, hard working professional. To call him anything else is absurd.

Guys -- they are Bills and Jets fans. Clearly they don't have the ability to think much. :D
The girls are just pissed that Zach and Jason are the best defensvie players in the entire AFC East...Who's the best D man on the Jets...Vilma (WAY OVERRATED) Bills...Spikes (he sucks so bad and can't stay on the field)..Fletcher...He's decent...The only player I can think of that is worth anything is Clements

None of these guys are in the league that Thomas and Taylor are...
Ask those numpties if they would have liked Zach on their team for the last 11yrs performing year in, year out at Pro-Bowl level? hmmmm...:jetssuck: :billsbite
The girls are just pissed that Zach and Jason are the best defensvie players in the entire AFC East...Who's the best D man on the Jets...Vilma (WAY OVERRATED) Bills...Spikes (he sucks so bad and can't stay on the field)..Fletcher...He's decent...The only player I can think of that is worth anything is Clements

None of these guys are in the league that Thomas and Taylor are...

Surely you forgot about our DE that's going to the Pro Bowl.
Man, this is rich.

While your team has wallowed in mediocrity and mismanagement for the past five years, you look back to the old days and dare anyone to have what you used to have as if having that memory somehow makes your current team less crappy.

It is quite possible that you can't name three famous Jets players because beyond what you read in your local paper you can take all the knowledge you have of football history, write it down on a piece of paper, crumble it up and shove it up the asssss of a gnat. Names like Martin and Klecko and Gastineau and Maynard mean nothing to you because you were likely still breastfeeding when they played. But my, oh, can recite Bob Griese stats like he was your roommate at the local detention center.

You think you have the best franchise? You have a coach about to go to Bama, an OC you hate who will likely be your next HC, an owner about to sell the team, a gimpy starting quarterback who will remain a question mark until otherwise proven as a real starter, a third-string quarterback closing out a losing season, a Canadian-running dope fiend who you all magically think will be reliable for you one day despite all evidence to the contrary, and a defense that is a rat's asshair away from receiving social security. And golly gee, if Jason Taylor can just get named Def. Player of the Year, then this year can be considered a total success!!!

But you go on with the battle cry of years gone by because as is typical of the Miami fan, when the team starts sucking, the history books start getting cracked open.

Look, I know my team has sucked even longer than yours, but for the love of god, get a grip on yourself. You sound like Al Bundy reminiscing of that one great touchdown he scored in high school.

He scored four actually. :D
Zach is one of the cleanest players in the league and they are just frustrated after the bone crushing hits he put on McGahee and Coles.
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