John Beck draft redux... | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

John Beck draft redux...

There are alot of glowing comments on many drafted qb's. Trent Edwards had some nice comments on him also. Im sure there were no draftniks complaining that Ryan Leaf was a poor pick.

What people seem to be forgetting is that these guys get paid to make evaluations and its not in thier best interest to cut a guy that will be a good player. Im not saying that Gm's are perfect but they did put alot of extra work into Beck so they have seen alot more than us this off season.

I just dont like how people feel that somehow Beck is getting less of a chance than anybody else in this thing. If they keep McCown over him obviously they think Mccown is a better qb. I mean how do we not know that Matt Baker might become a good NFL qb since we did not keep him around, any cut can come back and haunt but a team so in need of a qb should be really studying thier guys extra hard.

So why should they keep a lesser qb in Beck if they feel Mccown brings more to the table? Im speaking in if's I still think that Beck is what I said he was from the beginning . A qb that was taken a little early that was in a very favorable college offense that helped his draft position. A qb that I think has a great makeup to be a solid nfl backup. I would not mind him being that guy in Miami. Him being traded really does not help his career unless he gets in the right situation and even then the team will have little investment in him and he can get easily squeezed out by a player that a team has a real investment in.

Well I don't know about other guys. I think the FO is giving Beck a decent chance to prove himself. I think it's the some fans that aren't giving him a chance.
1) I LOVE this place....obviously. My sig never suggests that its bad here.

2) It is pretty funny isnt it? :) Its a joke dude. Alot of people really could stand to loosen up a lil.

I love it too!! I was just venting. It wouldn't be the same I guess if I didn't have you making by blood boil. HAHA. I just wish we had a vent server or voice chat server. Sometimes It's hard to really get your point across in a post.
Coach speak is a problem. Although some are worse than others. Scam Cam was the worst. Sparano is not to bad. I think he is fairly honest. Some stuff it's his job to lie about.
I would never claim to know more about QBing than Jaws. However, everyone is wrong sometimes.

Id like to get Jaws' candid thoughts with no cameras around about John Beck right after he watches the tapes from last season. I GUARENTEE his tune has changed.

Reality is ALOT of people thought Beck had some skills and could turn into a nice pro going into last season. But, you wont find too many people who know football who think that now.

Jaws- "Surprise, surprise- he's a rookie"
Well Henne only needs one to tie Beck lol
Actually if you want to continue to be a S.A. about it, Beck had 2 pre season TD's last year on a much less talented team. ;) Henne is 22 for 36 for a meager 61% completion rate without facing a number 1 D, and he had our starters against JAX reserves. I am pulling for Henne, but some of you guys really need to back off all the praise until he deserves it.
Meh. Jaws was gushing over Akili Smith and a ton of other QB's that sucked.. Jaws is more of a butt kisser than anything.

If you were to get a quarter for every time those analysts have been wrong about a player, you'd be filthy rich..

and what does your premature bashing of a young developing player make you?
Here is a reminder of why the Dolphins picked John Beck, and why he was so highly thought of...

Now pay close attention to Jaworski's comments regarding how the best QB's go through their progressions and will check down to keep the chains moving. Interesting concept and something that I think has been missing from the debate on Becks value.

Why is Beck checking down as much as he has? Why is this behavior considered a weakness on his part vs actually smart play by a savvy QB? The Blogosphere camp reporting made it a point to place this part of his game as a huge weakness. This IMO shows more the lack of insight as to what is going on during each play. Beck was a master of seeing the field and going through his progressions and taking what was available. The fact that he checks down so much during practice IMO has more to do with the reality that Miami's receiving corp last and so far this year suffered from:

1. Getting jammed at the line
2. Not finishing or being taken off of their routes
3. Not acheiving separation
4. Dropping balls.

So as a QB, do I force the ball into coverage even though I know that the guy is not going to get open, the guy will most likely bobble, tip or drop the ball and thus waste a down or cause a turnover, or I will get picked because the 3 guys covering are on him like glue? The check down keeps the chains moving. Now thrown in an enemic running game and voila you have the makings of a disaster. The fact that John had trouble syncing with his center on the bulk of his fumbles and the chain of bad things escalating out of control certainly makes him an easy target of criticism.

All this IMO means that trading Beck might do allot more for Beck than it would do for the Dolphins. Why?

1. What kind of trade value does he really possess at this point? I am afraid that coaches are seeing a great get, without having to fork over much. Parcells is not negotiating from a position of strength here.
2. It would be shocking to find another team with the kind of fragile issues as Oline, receiving and continuity that Miami possesses. Let us not kid ourselves, 1-15 does not become winning season over night. .500 ball would be amazing. IMO I see Miami winning 5 games this year. With another draft some off season acquisitions we could see Miami into winning territory with an outside shot at the playoffs. So with that said, Beck wins because the team he ends up with will most likely be stronger in the areas that plague the team. Checking down out of necessity won't be a problem anymore.
3. Trading Beck does what for the Dolphins? It does not free up a position, it does not create depth as we are talking Beck for future draft picks (late ones at that), and it does not help the team become better in any way. If Beck were traded next year after having another year of seasoning, time under center late in games when the result is already given, the Dolphins keep someone who plays smart, is available if disaster strikes and Pennington goes down and Henne does as well (assuming Beck is the number thee), and whose trade value increases to create a stronger deal to heal what ails the Phins.

Beck leaving is Beck getting the most out of the deal and should concern IMO fans as to what Parcells is actually accomplishing. Sparano may be a rookie, but Parcells may end up poisoning the well in regards to Sparano's ability to preside over the team. If this ends up biting Miami in the butt, I am afraid that we might continue the vicious cycle of waiting for the 2nd coming of Dan Marino while Miami wallows in the squalor of another losing season.

That's all good and fine, but the bottom line is Beck, as it seems, is not wanted by this FO, so he goes. It doesn't matter how good Beck is, the FO chose a direction and apparently he is not part of it. These Beck threats should just cease, it's a done deal, Pennington now, Henne hopefully the future and somewhere in between we will pick up a QB to replace McCown.
Ron Jaworski is maybe THE most knowledgeable guy in the media today. That doesn't mean he is always right, but I'm a big fan of his and he really knows his stuff.
Actually if you want to continue to be a S.A. about it, Beck had 2 pre season TD's last year on a much less talented team. ;) Henne is 22 for 36 for a meager 61% completion rate without facing a number 1 D, and he had our starters against JAX reserves. I am pulling for Henne, but some of you guys really need to back off all the praise until he deserves it.

I dont know about less talented. The wide receivers were much more talented last year and after two games Beck had not faced a number one defense or thrown a TD. 61 percent is not all that meager a completion rate either. I have not heaped the praise on Henne but obviously the front office likes him better than Beck.
I dont know about less talented. The wide receivers were much more talented last year and after two games Beck had not faced a number one defense or thrown a TD. 61 percent is not all that meager a completion rate either. I have not heaped the praise on Henne but obviously the front office likes him better than Beck.

It was unfair unjust whatever but JB is yesterdays news he is holding a clip-board unless soemthing tragic happens
It was unfair unjust whatever but JB is yesterdays news he is holding a clip-board unless soemthing tragic happens

Never have seen a guy do so little and be so beloved by some. Well at least they are passionate about something. Feeley was booted without seeing action in one preseason game and all we hear is good riddance lol
I just think it's ridiculous how a lot of Dolphin fans are jumping on the Henne sounds painfully reminiscent of how we all were after drafting Beck (I.E. calling him the next Marino). How quickly we forget.

Everyone was saying how talented John Beck was and how he's going to be a Drew Brees clone. What has changed between now and last year? Beck was handled improperly and thrown in with a terrible running game and no Chris Chambers. I don't think he's been fairly evaluated to merit all the negative comments being thrown around these days.

I like the Chad Henne pick, and I'm not saying Beck should be the starter. I just think we are all to quick to dump guys without thinking it through because we get excited about a fresh promising rookie.
A lot of us were skeptical of the Beck pick from the beginning. You can look back at my posts here from last year and you'll see at best I was neutral. Beck just never seemed impressive to me. On the other hand after seeing him in game 2 I have a man crush on Henne. He's accurate, aggressive and plays like a leader. I'm not afraid of him being our eventual starter. Henne makes me confident of the dolphin's future in a way that Beck never has. It's over a year after he was drafted and I haven't been impressed by beck once. I'd be happy if we got anything for him at this point.
I dont know about less talented. The wide receivers were much more talented last year and after two games Beck had not faced a number one defense or thrown a TD. 61 percent is not all that meager a completion rate either. I have not heaped the praise on Henne but obviously the front office likes him better than Beck.

You can't even be comparing last years talent to this years on the offense. Why because we had Chambers? Our O-line was horrible. Our receivers are better this year IMO as a whole. Booker wasn't fast to begin with, and he was always nicked up. He may not even make the cut in Chicago, and he was our #2.
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