John Beck draft redux... | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

John Beck draft redux...

You can't even be comparing last years talent to this years on the offense. Why because we had Chambers? Our O-line was horrible. Our receivers are better this year IMO as a whole. Booker wasn't fast to begin with, and he was always nicked up. He may not even make the cut in Chicago, and he was our #2.

Pure fantasy that a group of Ginn, Hagan, Wilford and whomever is better than Chambers, Ginn, Hagan and Booker. The line was not horrible last year and in fact gave solid protection. You act like Chambers and Ginn would not be much better than what we have.
I want to know what the anti-beck guys are gonna do when and if the FO keeps 4 qb's or dumps McCown? Look If Parcells dumps Beck, I will accept it and stop talking about it. No offense I will differ to Parcells on this one. If Parcells decides to keep him, will the Beck hating stop, maybe? The cut R. Brown threads have already started. Also GInn is a Bust threads have been going on for the last year. You guys let me ask honestly, when does a player deserve a chance to prove themselves and when don't they? Is it biased on position of the player or as a individual? Give me some general guidelines please.

Also don't give me this crap about it's clear cut. Nothing much in the NFL is clear cut anymore. To many times a player plays great for one team and gets signed to a big contract in FA and stinks it up on their new team. Also many instances were a player is traded to another team and goes on to play well. If the QB position is so Important to you guys(I think it is important as well) why don't we keep 4 qb's. Keep them until and if we find someone better. BTW if I want to support a player that I think has some skill or potential that is my right as is yours to oppose the player. Calling supporter of a player a homer is demeaning, obnoxious, immature, opinionated, classless and rude. I don't always display the most class. But I try and I hope this can be elevated to the point everyone can agree to disagree.
just so you know dj, my acid reflux has nothing to do with your's more that i know this may become another battlefield thread like all the other beck ones have become.

just food for thought.

It most surely will and all we had to do was wait one post, and we see one of the main reasons why. He can't let anyone say anything positive at all about Beck.
Screw Jaworski , I trust our staff A LOT more than that clown... Beck stinks.. It's no wonder there have been a plethora of spread offense college QB's who just can't hack it in the NFL.. Hell, Beck in his 2nd training camp couldn't even beat out a rookie . And beck is just about 27 years old so his time is short to get out of that spread offense funk in a lousy conference mindset.. He is chicken little in the pocket and plays like a junior varsity QB when he goes against the big boys... Can't wait til he's gone so the Beck buffoons can stick their head in the sand. For good.. And then all the Beck buffoons can concentrate on a couple REAL QB's in Penny and Henne and wake up.

This has now become the typical antagonized baiting around here.

A sure sign of wanting to fight with someone or make someone make a knee jerk reaction and attack you........then they end up in trouble.

Sometimes you can make some good points but this type of BS is uncalled for IMO....
I agree with you 100%, I got caught up in it for a bit, but am trying to be better. I just try to ignore certain posters.
Ignore list is a heavenly thing. I suggest using it. So far, only one has made it on mine.
Ignore list is a heavenly thing. I suggest using it. So far, only one has made it on mine.

I know some people like the ignore list, but I don't.

One of those very same people that annoy me, might actually have something to say about another subject that is worth reading.

I only dislike ONE person on this site, and it's for a good reason and nothing to do with this site.

As for the rest of the members. I could care less if I get into a very heated scrap with someone. I know that I can also put that behind me (say sorry or whatever) and move on very easily.
I know some people like the ignore list, but I don't.

One of those very same people that annoy me, might actually have something to say about another subject that is worth reading.

I only dislike ONE person on this site, and it's for a good reason and nothing to do with this site.

As for the rest of the members. I could care less if I get into a very heated scrap with someone. I know that I can also put that behind me (say sorry or whatever) and move on very easily.
Ya, I don't put them on the ignore, just ignore what they type if it's the same stuff.
So I guess none of the Beck supporters want to address my post on page 5? The one where I asked how John Beck is any different than any player in NFL history before him who hasnt got a fair shot at a job? Not much to be said I suppose.
What is the issue then? Ive asked before and none of you Beck supporters have an answer. Bill Parcells is the boss. If Bill doesnt give John Beck an honest opportunity to win a job, and cuts him, I agree thats not fair. Is John Beck the first player in the history of the NFL to not get a fair shot at playing time or a job? Will he be the last? No, of course not. Stop whining. We get it man. John Beck isnt a Parcells player evidently. Whining about it over and over doesnt change it. It is what it is. Get over it already. Either that, or go talk to Wayne H and apply for Parcells job so you can keep Beck as a Phin so you can all sleep with a grin every night.

OK I'll bite! I won't answer your question directly because I don't really care if Beck is cut or not. I also don't care if Bill Parcells is the boss. Not here on Finheaven I don't. I like Beck! But I've said it a million times. I also like Henne and almost everyone one here has given praise to Henne.

So it's ok for you Beck haters to to whine about getting him off the team, but it's not OK for someone who just wants to see him play some more?

I'm sure the "whinners" will stop if Beck is released but guess what? We get it also! The bashers think he sucks and should never play in the NFL. So instead of telling the whinners to stop, why don't the bashers just stay the heck out of these type of threads?

I mean it's not quite as simple as you're implying is my point here....
OK I'll bite!

So it's ok for you Beck haters to to whine about getting him off the team, but it's not OK for someone who just wants to see him play some more?

I'm sure the "whinners" will stop if Beck is released but guess what? We get it also! The bashers think he sucks and should never play in the NFL. So instead of telling the whinners to stop, why don't the bashers just stay the heck out of these type of threads?

I mean it's not quite as simple as you're implying is my point here....

I dont bash John Beck for the sake of it. I hated the pick last year, but hoped it would work out. So far its been disaster. I know he wasnt thrown into the best situation, but the retard who drafted him made that choice, not us fans. If you were Bill Parcells, and its your job to turn this franchise around, would you come in and put 100% faith in John Beck? Of course not. We all knew Beck was in serious trouble the minute Parcells took over, he always goes with his guys. Who am I to argue or complain if he turns things around? Theres people on here who say Beck has skills who Ive also seen dogging Matt Ryan.

I think some people will be eating some crow on that one. Point is, Beck didnt show anything in the very limited time he had. Was it a long enough audition? Nope. But the NFL is what have you done lately, and guys constantly get tossed aside without a real opportunity. If Beck is as talented as many of you say he is, he will land on his feet somewhere and be a starter. I personally think hes backup material if I ever saw it.
I dont bash John Beck for the sake of it. I hated the pick last year, but hoped it would work out. So far its been disaster. I know he wasnt thrown into the best situation, but the retard who drafted him made that choice, not us fans. If you were Bill Parcells, and its your job to turn this franchise around, would you come in and put 100% faith in John Beck? Of course not. We all knew Beck was in serious trouble the minute Parcells took over, he always goes with his guys. Who am I to argue or complain if he turns things around? Theres people on here who say Beck has skills who Ive also seen dogging Matt Ryan.

I think some people will be eating some crow on that one. Point is, Beck didnt show anything in the very limited time he had. Was it a long enough audition? Nope. But the NFL is what have you done lately, and guys constantly get tossed aside without a real opportunity. If Beck is as talented as many of you say he is, he will land on his feet somewhere and be a starter. I personally think hes backup material if I ever saw it.

I see everything you're saying. Everything! I just don't agree with it all, and especially the part in bold. Beck was not only thrown into "not the best situation" but it was absolutely the worst situation possible. The coaches even screwed up how they were using him. Trying to keep him in the pocket when there was no pocket. Then the very first play that they replace him with Lemon they roll Lemon out to the right to create some time to throw. Beck had proven to be somewhat nimble of feet in College yet they kept him in the pocket and let him get killed. I won't call Cam a retard because to me that's not true. I will say he was in way over his head as a head coach though.

Was Beck good last year. Nope! He stunk!! I'll say this though. Not one person on that offense helped either. So for some people to want to see more of him is not showing that they just don't know football like a few of the Beck bashers insist!! They would just like to see more, and it's about that simple.

I would tend to say that there are a few posters on both sides of this that don't know too much about how football works to make it good football. But I will say that there are three or four of the bashers who insist they know it all, and refuse to let one thread go by without letting everyone know they know best. And they do it in a manner where they throw names and insults at the entire group on Becks side. So IMO they're tip toeing the TOS and IMO, crossing it! Of course I'm not a mod, but I've been here on Finheaven since the very beginning so I think I have the right to just bring these things up. I really don't care what happens because I RARELY EVER am one of the people blatently violating the TOS around here. I'm just saying what I see..

You don't have to tell me that the Beck side is not innocent here. I know, and if they violate, they should be delt with. Period!
Im not taunting anyone who likes Beck, or thinks hes a starter in the NFL. But the fact is none of you who say he is starter material have any proof of that, outside of college gametape and hope. Thats it for now. The other point is, the morons who handpicked John Beck are now gone, so this whole debate has been a massive waste of time with any realistic fan who knows how the NFL works, and more importantly, how Bill Parcells would work.

The fact is, most of you who keep trying to make a case for John Beck I seriously doubt would put your job on the line in terms of having faith in him. Pennington is here for the present, and its clear this regime fancies Chad Henne. Time will tell if they made a mistake with Beck, but Parcells doesnt care, so why should I? I want to see the Phins become good again, I want to enjoy watching them play footbal lagain. It means absolutely nothing to me if Chad Henne or Beck is the qb when that happens.
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