Kim Bokamper rips the Dolphins organization | Page 10 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Kim Bokamper rips the Dolphins organization

Only finheaven posters think Tua played
good/great against Tennessee.šŸ¤Ŗ
Everyone else around the country is wrong..šŸ¤£

Who claimed Tua played good/great?

Nevermind. I see you were already unable to substantiate your statement
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Tua definitely **** the bed in the biggest game of his life but worst performance ever is an over-exaggeration. Agreed on the Flores front though. Thought he should have got one more season. Grier meanwhile should have been fired
Kim Bokamper went on CBS4 and completely demolished the entire franchise. Here are some of his quotes:

On Flores being fired: ā€œI donā€™t like it one bit. If the players on this team are put off by a head coach who demands excellence then they should go play somewhere else. If this team is going to start becoming soft then Iā€™m going to look for my entertainment elsewhere.ā€œ

On Tua: ā€œThe game in Nashville may have been the worst performance Iā€™ve ever seen in the National Football League. If Tuaā€™s satisfied with the way he played then I want nothing to do with him. If heā€™s committed to working and trying to be the best quarterback he can be then Iā€™ll stand by himā€¦if not then move on and find someone else.ā€
This guy did not watch Zach Wilson at all this year then
My evaluation of college players is based on many thingsā€¦for exampleā€¦Tua was surrounded by NFL talent and superior talent to nearly every team he playedā€¦yet I still saw some turnovers at bad times and it was clear to me that he wasnā€™t an elite QB.

Herbert on the other hand had elite talent, but played for a coach with a philosophy that didnā€™t take full advantage of his big arm.

Herbert is and will be a franchise QB in the NFL and his team will improve around himā€¦.Tua Iā€™m afraid was a big mistake and lacks big time skills!
I think itā€™s more confirmation bias than anything as Tua and Herbie have more in common than you care to see or admit. Lets get this straight, Herbie is better and likely to have a better career, Matt Stafford like IMO. Also yes Tua was propped up by superior talent playing inferior competition. He is also limited physically which will affect his ceiling. That said, Herbie definitely has fatal flaws too. His most glaring is He wilts in the spotlight. He did it in college, heā€™s doing it still in the NFL. He leaves a lot of wins on the table. Iā€™m quite sure he will put up the stats and look great on a fantasy football magazine cover, Thatā€™s what some fans want. However if youā€™re really being honest with your self, based on the data available, past and present, do you honestly trust him to win in the brightest moment, the playoffs?
The worst performance he's ever seen? C'mon man. I think Bokamper's memory is shot.
right - just on tis team aloneā€¦the Ray Lucas game(s), Cleo Lemon, Pat White, Rosen, the Oregon QBā€¦just bad, bad, bad QB play - but yeah, a pro QB that can't play in the rain?? Love Tua, but if you can't play in the rain as an NFL QB, you've got to find another job. NFL QB is not for you.
I'll tell you what, we are not going to beat Buffalo and Josh Allen in a big game with Tua as our QB unless we have an insanely talented team. Sure, once in a millennium, you can put together the 85 Bears or 2000 Ravens D and win an SB. Problem is, you can't win like that consistently. I so want to be wrong on this. I love Tua, but we have a big problem in the AFC east and his name is Josh Allen. I'm sure if he loses next week, people will say I'm wrong. The dude is only going to get better and will carry his team through the ups and downs of injuries and coaching changes. Flores probably knew this, but he handled it way wrong.
Yeah, I've said this before but my fear is that we are going to see an AFC dominated by Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, and Herbert for the next 6-8 years if not longer. There might be another team that squeaks into a Championship game every now and then, but I think it's highly likely one of those 4 teams are going to be in the SB representing the AFC every year for the next several years.
basketball dunk applause GIF

Dolfans be like.
Yeah, I've said this before but my fear is that we are going to see an AFC dominated by Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, and Herbert for the next 6-8 years if not longer. There might be another team that squeaks into a Championship game every now and then, but I think it's highly likely one of those 4 teams are going to be in the SB representing the AFC every year for the next several years.

Excluding the Pats (I consider them a one-off team) how many games have the 'top 4' QBs won SBs in the last 20 years? No, you didn't say SB, I know that, but the goal isn't Championship games - it's SB wins. Even then, if the 'top 4' dominated the Championship game, often failed to lead their team to a SB.
I agree, top tier QBs raise the odds of succeeding and I, like every fan, want my team to have a top 4 QB, but, excluding TB, those top 4 QBs haven't taken their teams to a SB often.
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