McMichael should he get a new deal? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

McMichael should he get a new deal?

Fin Fan in Cali

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Sep 8, 2004
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I know there are other McMichael threads, so before somebody gives the old merge hear me out. I think Randy is a good tight end to which I will give my reasoning. He can make catches, and at times he does drop passes. He needs to work on his blocking. If he was a leader, he wouldn't complain publicly about not getting the ball, that's for the locker room. If he was a team leader on offense, he would be a mentor to Lee, and other young tight ends, by that I mean give them an example to shoot for. As for his smack talk on I want the ball, that again is taken care in the locker room with the coaches and the quarterback. I think McMichael can be a great tight end, but he has to give the whole package.

I could be in the minority here, but I say Saban enplains what he expects from him, and see how he does this year. If he steps up his his game on the field, and let's that do the talking for him, becomes a mentor, and helps this offense step it up as a team, then I say sign up for a long term deal.
His performance this season will determine whether or not he returns to the team. I hope he goes out and plays great. I wouldn't want to see him leave and go to another team. We all know what he is capable of doing.
byroan said:
His performance this season will determine whether or not he returns to the team. I hope he goes out and plays great. I wouldn't want to see him leave and go to another team. We all know what he is capable of doing.
I totally agree, I just want to see him become the total package of a great tight end, and a leader on offense as well. He has got to hold on the rock when he has it in his hands. Lets hope for the best!
theres no doubt in anyones mind that mcmicheal is in all likeliness worth the money, but no one is diserving of anything when a new coach comes to town. Mcmicheal has to prove he can play all over again. when saban was named head coach, it was as if everyone on the team became a rookie, and had to earn their spots all over again.

Also, Jermaine wiggins led the vikes in receptions last year as i remember. (i could be wrong, don't bash me if i am, please) Linehan will make mcmicheals numbers even better.
It's sign McMichael this summer or lose him. If he does well, he'll want more than we'll pay. If he doesn't do well, the team will go in another direction. If he has just a solid but in no way spectacular season, maybe he stays. Even then, I doubt it.

Please note that even though I'll have to get a new avatar and signature if Randy leaves, I expect Nick to be smart about this. My best guess is that it will come down to the numbers and incentives asked for...
Jimmy James said:
It's sign McMichael this summer or lose him. If he does well, he'll want more than we'll pay. If he doesn't do well, the team will go in another direction. If he has just a solid but in no way spectacular season, maybe he stays. Even then, I doubt it.
I can't remember where I read it, but it was stated that Saban wants to wait until the end of the upcoming season before signing McMichael long term, so that it will give him flexability.
Personally I think McMike is underrated. I've seen him choke in the crunch. I think it's becoming more and more evident that he'll struggle to pan out a dominant career and Saban may let him go given his demands -- having said that, I do think he's light years ahead of anything else we have available at the TE.
Fin Fan in Cali said:
I can't remember where I read it, but it was stated that Saban wants to wait until the end of the upcoming season before signing McMichael long term, so that it will give him flexability.

If that is indeed what Saban wants (and it's hard to tell given how little he is talking), then we'd all better be prepared to lose Randy. Depending on what Linehan really wants to do with the offense long term, that may not even be a bad thing.
for one he is a better blocker than every other TE that got over 700.

He is a leader, who remembers the Bengals game when our oline sucked and he ****** yelled at all 300+ pound guys by him self. To get the team motivated he does things.
Jimmy James said:
If that is indeed what Saban wants (and it's hard to tell given how little he is talking), then we'd all better be prepared to lose Randy. Depending on what Linehan really wants to do with the offense long term, that may not even be a bad thing.
I think this will be an evaluating year for all the veterans on the team. By that I mean Nick is going to know who he must keep, and who he can do with out, by bringing in his kind of player. I hope that the veterans bring it this year, because if they don't then some could be looking for new teams next year!
CChambers7284 said:
for one he is a better blocker than every other TE that got over 700.

He is a leader, who remembers the Bengals game when our oline sucked and he ****** yelled at all 300+ pound guys by him self. To get the team motivated he does things.
I hear you, but what I am saying is for the whole year, and take Lee, and these other young tight ends under his wing, and show them the right way by mentoring them, and being a player coach.
No one seems to realize how good Donald Lee could be with good coaching.

The kid can block and really wouldn't be a massive dropoff from Randy if he got his head on straight. He can be a better blocker than McMichael (he was before, but Randy has improved that aspect of his game) and isn't as athletic but is absolutely talented.

But yes, he drops balls, gets called for holding, and makes dumb mistakes. I'd like to see Saban whip him into shape.

I've stated before that I like Randy and he's valuable... but I would not pay him like a top 3 TE because he isn't one. He's a playmaker, a reliable first-down guy and he has to be accounted for, but he's also inconsistent and TE is not a position you lock up millions of millions of dollars in. I'd pay him like #5, because I'd say he's between #7 and #5 right now and is worth the money if he improves consistency. I like that he's vocal, also.

Up to Saban.
McMike has had a history of making the spectacular catch, and dropping too many balls that land in his hands. According to some folks who followed him back in college, he did the same there. That is entirely a matter of focus - he concentrates on the difficult catches, has the athleticism, agility, and balance to bring them down, but get to thinking about YAC before he secures the ball with the "gimmes".

He's got to get more consistent before he gets some sort of superstar contract $.
Saban4prez said:
Also, Jermaine wiggins led the vikes in receptions last year as i remember. (i could be wrong, don't bash me if i am, please) Linehan will make mcmicheals numbers even better.

Ya... Wiggins did lead the team... and McMicheal is a stud compaired Wiggins... wait... he is a stud compaired to anyone! :cooldude:
I used to feel that Lee was an adequate TE but after last season, I lost pretty much all respect...he was getting flagged way too much, dropping balls, having balls picked off in front of him, fumbling....with coaching from Saban, shaping him up -- sure, I'd give him another look.
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