Merged 5X: The Curse of the Dirt / I Hate the Marlins / Desperate Fans Blame Dirt | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged 5X: The Curse of the Dirt / I Hate the Marlins / Desperate Fans Blame Dirt

The Dolphins are an embarrassment compared to the Marlins. I woudl rather see the field used by a team that has the desire to win. The Marlins overachieve and pull out big plays.

Dolphins underachieve and choke.
I hate the Fu*ken Marlins right now more than ever!!!!!!!!!!!


Bullsh*t!! Plain BULLSH*T!
I'm on board!

Screw the marlins! Get your own field.

Baseball just cost the Dolphins the game-not once but twice.
We played awful but we still should have won. We play 8 home games a year. I think we deserve a nice field to play on.
My Yankees will rule all soon.
Desperat Fin fans blame dirt.

You guys grow up. The dirt was not the problem.

9 players stealing their salaries on the offensive side of the ball and a weak pass defense is the problem.

This game was lost in the spring when the Dolphins failed to get offensive line help that everyone KNEW they needed.
Originally posted by ZOD
I'm on board!

Screw the marlins! Get your own field.

Baseball just cost the Dolphins the game-not once but twice.

I'm with you. I'm sick of hearing about how good the Marlins are, yet they can't even afford their own field. How many teams in MLB don't have their own field? Or how many NFL teams still share a field with a MLB team? They cost us the game. Ludicrous.
If we would have paid big money for O-line help it would be the same old defense from last year.. I do see a new attitude on defense.. and I think it WILL pay off in December..
The dirt didn't have everything to do with it, but it had a lot to do with it.
How many NFL teams still share a field with a MLB team? I want to know the exact number. 2?
you guys are a bunch of crying pussies .. the marlins make it the world series and you people r crying and blaming the marlins on the loss?? GET A LIFE and grow up! Mare had 2 attempts for a game winning field goal.
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