MERGED: Breaking News: Ricky Williams Retires | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Breaking News: Ricky Williams Retires

This is Ricky's most recent journal entry. Reading this, I must say that Ricky comes across as one class individual and one who seem to be thinking about his life in very deep sense for a while.

Over the past few months that I have not been keeping up with my journal entries at all, I have received many e-mails, and personal comments from people asking me if I was going to continue posting them. My reply has always been an apologetic yes, followed by an explanation that I'm been trying to revamp my web site and my life, which leaves little time to write. Today while reading USA Today, the one with my before and after mug shots, I saw a story about writers cleaning their refrigerators -- a metaphor describing a writer's procrastination. To follow with my own metaphor, I have cleaned my fridge and everything else is dirty in my house. I am ready to write again (not that I consider myself a writer). The website is coming along great, by the way. I have found the more feedback I get, the easier it is to do. I am never sure of the things that you all find interesting. To reapply myself to this thing, I am focusing on my true fans. A good friend of mine who lives in L.A. told me a story last night about a school she visited. While at the school, she noticed a vocabulary lesson with my name in it. The class was working on words, and one of the words was 'aggressive.' The little girl wrote "Rickey plays football very aggressively." When I heard this story, I was overcome with a sense of disappointment. Not disappointment over the fact that she spelled my name wrong, but I was disappointed at myself for sometimes forgetting my real fans, like that little girl. It rarely occurs to me that anyone outside of my friends and family pay much attention to me that way. The way kids hang my posters in their rooms, the way they wake up early on Sunday mornings eagerly waiting to see me play, or the way the 3 and the 4 are falling off their "Ricky Williams" jersey because they wear it everyday. Not the way people in a restaurant hear that a football player is seated across from them, disturb my meal to ask me if I play football, if I start, what team do I play for, and ask for an autograph. Not the way they come up to me to tell me the Dolphins suck, and ask me to put down my teammates. To me, that's not a fan. I could go on forever. But who wants to be negative? Not me. Back to the little girl: The story made me realize that their are people who are really interested and touched by my personal account of my daily life. I even met a guy in Australia who recognized me, told me how great my site was and how much it helped his girlfriend deal with some difficult things in her life.

I have also decided to tackle some more of the issues I have in my life. I am trying to be a bit more organized. Both physically and mentally. My thoughts are usually all over the place (as if you couldn't tell in my writing.) I have been working on keeping a schedule, a very loose one, but a schedule. I have also been working on saying what I mean and meaning what I say. I am one of those people who overcommit themselves because they are trying to please everyone. I have also, most importantly, been working on setting goals. Not big ones, and not even football goals like yards or touchdowns. Goals which are simpler. My first goal is to really commit and dedicate myself to setting goals. I have been telling myself I am going to be more goal-oriented for a while now. Another goal I have set is to write more. I hope you all will benefit from that one.
I guess Ricky hasnt heard of 2 weeks notice. Looks like he wont be getting a good reference.
Any chance that this will be like that time Jimmy Johnson was dead set on retiring and was talked out of it soon afterward?? Lets face it, we all know the miami papers over exagerate in the negative, and Lebastard is the one reporting this right? So maybe this story isn't finalized. So maybe this is my desperate attempt to not kiss this year goodbye.

I am definetly crossing my fingers that the headlines read differently tomorrow. However, I doubt that will happen.
wtf? man... I just bought tickets to the Rams game and bought my airfare from California. I was saving up for this all last year. I was even thinking of which Rickey jersey I was going to wear. This is such a disappointment, I don't even know what to think or say. I need some gin.....:shakeno:
"Williams, who was scheduled to earn approximately $3.5 million this season, told Wannstedt of his decision Friday and said Wannstedt tried a variety of ways to persuade him to reconsider. Wannstedt, who approved the 2002 trade with New Orleans to acquire Williams for two first-round picks, went so far as to say if Williams were his son, he would tell him to play.

Williams retorted that Wannstedt would want his son to do whatever made him happy. Williams said he was ''hurt'' by their conversation."

doesnt seem like their is much chance of anyone talking him into another season.
This guy makes life so much more complicated than it has to be.............He's one of those people who will forever be tortured by their own overractive mind.
The Fins are doomed this year - - I'm in shock - - what the going on!
He converted to Buddhism. His mind is set. Wow! You guys are really screwed.
I just can't imagine someone doing that to the fans, regardless of the team.
Good luck, guys. And good luck, Ricky.
Sorry to hear this, guys. Maybe if Mike Anderson doesn't win the Denver job he would want to be traded to the Dolphins. He would kill for a starting RB job again.
Bye Bye Ricky! said:
He converted to Buddhism. His mind is set. Wow! You guys are really screwed.
I just can't imagine someone doing that to the fans, regardless of the team.
Good luck, guys. And good luck, Ricky.
SH*t, we might be as bad as the Bills this year. OH F*CK!!!!!!!
Ugh, I'm returning my copy of NFL Street. This is ridiculous. Jeez, the first time I visit the site in weeks, this turns up. I don't know what the hell Ricky's thinking? There's plenty of time to relax and do all that stuff after at least 7 more years?!? This is pathetic. I can actually sympathize with Wanny. I'd be angry as hell too. In fact, I am.
To all of you Jets/Bills/Pats/Broncos/w/e fans being at least a lil sympathetic i thank u. To all u *******s who are mocking us right now i say go to hell! I think there is still a slight chance hell come back, but this guy is a loon, and i seriously doubt hes playin football next year. I seriously hope Randy McMike and Eddie Moore go use there fighting skills and go beat the **** out of tht guy untill he come back here. I dont care if Dave F***ING WANNSTEDT has to get his *** down there and drag ricky by his lil gotee all the way back to Miami!

And about Lebatard making it seem like RIcky is doing something OK...F U BASTARD!

And about Ricky saying he was hurt by wut Wanny was saying to him in there conversation...F U Ricky, FU STRAIT TO HELL! And GJ Wanny nice to see you got mean with him. Best thing Wannys done his whole tenure!
I guess the Saints won that trade...they got 2 1st round picks and Miami got 2 seasons....what a steal for them.
I hope he changes his mind, I can't belive this is happening. I really thought we had a chance, but now our franchise is gone. This can't be happening.
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