Merged: JOHN St. Claire signs with Phins | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: JOHN St. Claire signs with Phins


What depth......we have no right side of the line.........

I saw this guy play and he sucks.......

He is week to play guard......

He is Greg Jerman with more playing time.

2.6 million??????????????????????????????
i'd love to trust you, but you really didn't give me any reason to there. We don't know if hes even for depth yet... does anyone have a list of all our current lineman under contract?
I know we have Wade Smith, St. Clair, McIntosh, Jerman who are all tackles... i would put St. Clair 4th on the depth chart based on that, does anyone still see us bringing in steussie or ANOTHER rt, because if not then Jerman should be the starter until MC gets healthy and i know no one wanted to go into the season with jerman as the starter
Originally posted by DOLFAN91
ok people.. don't worry.. st claire was a desent signing.. he played out of position at RT .. he is more of a center/guard type .. he was thrown to the wolves in st. louis .. the guys got experience and he adds depth ... and he's young... look miami could have done worse... trust me .. for depth, he was good insurance ...

Well said....
I've been ok with ever move the FO has made thus far, and every move we didnt make including woody/tait... but nothing about this is a good move.

if hes for depth, it's too much money and if it's for starter, our QB is in a whole lot of trouble and we better get boston so he can just chuck it up and let chambers and boston go get it.
Do you remember how bad Wadse Smith was against the Colts?

Well, that was probowl material compared to what I've seen from St Claire, let's put it that way.

Oh and Wade, as we all know was a rookie.

WTF do you have to say to this signing? This FO clearly has lost it. HOw can you sit here with a straight face and say that you have confidence in this team's FO. HOW? This is a f-ing joke, a complete joke. I can bet you that these idiots have this guy penciled in as a starter. I guaranteee you this.
According to Alex Marvez...

St. Clair will be the starting Right Tackle.

I don't see how $600,000 is too much money.....that's all we would be out if we cut him in TC....
2.6 million....for a backup..........i doubt it.....

This turd is starting........

Originally posted by Muck
Thanks dude.

He is strictly insurance IMO.

I agree. I think his signing means no McIntosh.

I expect a Stuessie, r M. Collins signing...if not both in the next week or so.

Maybe even Nails.
Originally posted by PhinstiGator
According to Alex Marvez...

St. Clair will be the starting Right Tackle.

So he played all year, the year they went to the SB?....the next year they have Turley and Pace......and he backs does this mean he isn't any good?
Originally posted by Dolphins17-0
he didnt start a single freaking game last year, and the year before he let up 8 sacks (11 penalities) and was TERRIBLE. he IS the reason they got kyle turley

He gave up 1 sack for every 81 passing attempts in 02.
That was the same ratio that Wade allowed for us in 03.
UNBELIEVABLE, well you can change the gameplan from
ricky right
ricky left
ricky middle
ricky left
ricky middle
because everything to the right will be a 3 yard loss, this is devastating news, especially with steussie being released today. PRAYING for a fast recovery for McIntosh
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