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Merged: Matt Schaub

#23 said:
Hey, did we forget about the possibility of aquiring Matt Schaub?? Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing him playing for the Dolphins next season. Last I checked, he wouldn't cost us much, he is young, and he did alright filling in for Vick.
Well when was the last time you checked? Because last time I checked he was going to cost a first rounder.
dominizzo said:
Im fed up of other teams BAck ups we need young blood a franchise Qb

finally someone agrees with me.


forget other teams trash and lets draft our own franchise qb.
NewEra13 said:
He is youngblood... and youre telling me he couldnt be a starter?

we dont do the WCO thing. so why put a guy who has done the WCO his whole life in our non WCO system?
death7star said:
we dont do the WCO thing. so why put a guy who has done the WCO his whole life in our non WCO system?

Uhhhhh scroll up bud and read my first 2 posts... Im just backing the kid up that he isnt trash....
In Madden 06, I traded for Matt Schaub. I went 15-1 but lost in the Super Bowl when Schuab threw 5 interceptions. Now I'm 12-1 with Craig Krenzel starting. So maybe Krenzel is the answer! lol Schaub's salary is like 200k in the game and a real steal for anyone needing a quarterback. As far as real life, I'd take him but only for a 4th rounder or lower. Which won't happen, considering Feeley cost us a 2nd rounder and eventually a 7th too.
Schaub will leave this year. Vick is the money machine, and there is no way they want a controversy over there.... They will ship him out and bring in a an adequate back-up that will not cause a tustle over in Vickland... A great choice would be Aaron brooks. He's a good back-up, and a cousin of vick so he can be trusted to stay in line. Then they can just keep to coming up with reasons why its not Mikes fault. ...I wouldnt even blink an eye if they drafted marcus vick...
Id rathe rget Chris Simms if they cost us the same. And i wouldnt want to lose a pick for either of them if it was above the fourth
NewEra13 said:
Uhhhhh scroll up bud and read my first 2 posts... Im just backing the kid up that he isnt trash....

dude i get the point but look


I wanna change After MArino we had noones look at that list man we are suffering at the position
We should offer ATL our 2nd pick for Matt Schaub

I don't see Jay Cutler making it to 16. Atlanta got Schaub for a 3rd and has proven he can play in this league. He's a really good, young quarterback and would be a steal for a 2nd rounder while maintaining our first to address other needs such as OT or DB. IMHO, he's better than David Carr. Although, I have doubts ATL would part with him.
NO! we need to get our own QB, not another teams backup, Plus it would take more then that to get Schuab. He has played in WCO his whole life, who says he can play in our offense?
Why is everyone so high on schaub?

His career completion percentage is 47.1%

And he has played one good game in his life and it was against an injured patriots defense
Although, I have doubts ATL would part with him.

This is where you got it right. At this point, I think it would take more than just a 2nd to get Schaub. Plus the fact that Atlanta would be reluctant to part with him because he is currently better than Michael Vick at running Atlanta's particular brand of the West Coast offense. If Vick gets hurt, which is always a strong possibility, or Vick doesn't develop into the passer that he should be, also a decent possiblity, Schaub can step in and immediately take the reigns.
He's a backup because he plays behind Mike Vick. The kid would be starting on 20 other NFL teams, ours included.

He makes all of the throws and has great poise and imo could easily adapt to our offense. QB is QB, there are different styles of play but if you can throw and read defenses, it's pretty much an apples to apples comparison.
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