MERGED: NBA Ref FIXED games. MOB betting scam./ NBA concern "off the charts" | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: NBA Ref FIXED games. MOB betting scam./ NBA concern "off the charts"

If this is true it makes the NBA like the WWE. There are always going to be refs and players living beyond their means who the mob and others can get to shave points. :rolleyes:

It hurts the leagues credibility a lot in the immediate future. It will be a stigma attached for a very long time!!

Every road game Boston College plays to this day in most sports you see a "Betting College" sign brought to the game by a fan. Or a Betting College chant usually. You never live this type of stuff down.
point shaving and fixed games by a ref won't hurt the league?!!! :sidelol::sidelol::sidelol: Uh, yeah ok!

Perhaps you should spend a little more time reading posts and a little less posting side splitting smilies.

Where did I say it wouldn't hurt the league? I didn't. I simply said it won't "cripple it for years" or "destroy" it as you said.
When I read this article, I knew there would be a ton of people who failed to read it properly and make poor assumptions. No offense, but I kind of guess who would be the one on Finheaven to do so. I was correct in both cases. Please read the article again. It has nothing to do with the outcome of the games, but rather the spread sheet. In other words, if a team is up 4 at the end of the game and need to cover the spread, then the ref in question would call a few fouls to get the score up. Easy to understand by reading, actually. Btw, go back and do all your research -- pretty much every big gambler took Dallas in Game 5 of that series, and picked them to win it to begin with. If there's anything known about the MOB and their betting scheme, they usually go for the majority.

I knew this would date back to Dwyane Wade and the '06 finals. PREMATURE.

& yes, Crawford has always been suspicious to me. The way he refs the Heat/Bulls games, Pistons/Pacers (in their rivalry), Spurs/Suns, etc. always amaze me. He really has something going for Chicago & San Antonio, especially. Bruce Bowen gets away with murder when Joey Crawford is out there.

If anyone has been ****ed or attempted to be ****ed, it's quite obvious who that team is. Although they were successful in one series, every away game they played in the 2006-2007 playoffs was a damn rip off. If you don't agree, then IMO, you weren't watching the same games as me, someone who has no bias when dealing with the:


The Jazz got every freakin call it was ridiculous.
It wasn't a theory. It was a GUESS as clearly stated. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

A theory is a guess.

I can say I'm legitimately surprised by an NBA ref betting on games, but I'm not surprised that you were wrong about which referee it was, and which games were affected.
I cant wait to hear Stern try to weasel his way out of this one when Dan Patrick grills him.

The NBA is not really basketball, the players are an embarresment at the Olympics every four years, and now credibility goes right through the stinky hole in the bottom of the comode....Outstanding.

NEW YORK -- The FBI is investigating allegations that veteran NBA referee Tim Donaghy bet on basketball games over the past two seasons, including ones in which he officiated.

A theory is a guess.

I can say I'm legitimately surprised by an NBA ref betting on games, but I'm not surprised that you were wrong about which referee it was, and which games were affected.

Steven A SMith had the ref wrong. I just posted what he said on the radio today. :rolleyes:

Take your personal grudge about me and leave it at the door when posting ok!!
Steven A SMith had the ref wrong. I just posted what he said on the radio today. :rolleyes:

Take your personal grudge about me and leave it at the door when posting ok!!

I have no grudge against you, and I apologize sincerely if you honestly believe I've got something against you.

That said, I was referencing your original post in which you stated you believed the referee in question was Bennett Salvatore, and then went on to talk about the phantom foul that wasn't in the '06 NBA Finals. You were wrong on both counts: it wasn't Salvatore, and there was no phantom foul.
It wasn't a theory. It was a GUESS as clearly stated. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yup, just another opportunity for you to bash the Heat. Oh well, failed attempt. :)

Take your personal grudge about me and leave it at the door when posting ok!!

I don't think he has a personal grudge against you. If you read this thread, there are quite a few people who have noticed that all you do is bash the NBA. Yeah, talk up Marbury and his good deeds all you want, but that's an individual. You bash the NBA with every chance you get, and it's tiring.

If you think there's never been a fixed NFL game, then you've got another thing coming to you.
How did this thread become about me???

Unreal. A ref is fixing games and people are more upset with ME posting it than the actual ref who has ruined the integerity of the game. This is the biggest sports story of this decade possibly and for bringing it up I am "bashing the NBA" :rolleyes:
It hurts the leagues credibility a lot in the immediate future. It will be a stigma attached for a very long time!!

Every road game Boston College plays to this day in most sports you see a "Betting College" sign brought to the game by a fan. Or a Betting College chant usually. You never live this type of stuff down.

I went to grad school at Arizona State University and they had a scandal like this around the time I went there. I am sure the pro's have point shavers as well.
MikeO, your Dwyane Wade/Miami Heat theory has been ERASED.

It's Tim Donaghy - Shocker, IMO. I'd of never guessed it.
(zero games reffed in the 2006 NBA Finals, btw)

Coincidently (?), Donaghy was ref'ing that infamous Pacers/Pistons game at the Palace....Yeah, THAT game! I doubt it means anything, I just thought it was interesting.
Why does every thread posted by MikeO turn into a thread about MikeO?
While this certainly is serious I can't see the NBA folding its tents over this. Its ONE ref (so far at least) going out on his own and shaving a few points. College BBall has a scandal about players shaving points what every other year? If fans believe the entire sport is fixed then it becomes WWF (which is still very successful) but the league will go on. Gambling on basketball will probaly take a hit and the people who watch merely for betting purposes will lessen but I don't see the league being damaged beyond repair. A big deal but not the sky is falling scenerio some are painting here.
I agree. Crises (is that the right word, lol) in Pro sports have had a habit recently of blowing over more than one would think. Unless this uncovers some major conspiracy ring, it'll flutter in the wind, causing some bad publicity and negativity, and then the game will recover, if not finding some form of detachable humility to lead the healing process, which in turn, could very well make the game better for different reasons.
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