MERGED: New Uniforms Leaked? | Page 18 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: New Uniforms Leaked?

Rate the new jerseys:

  • Love Them

    Votes: 136 28.2%
  • Like Them

    Votes: 182 37.8%
  • Meh...

    Votes: 100 20.7%
  • Dislike

    Votes: 33 6.8%
  • Hate Them

    Votes: 31 6.4%

  • Total voters
I think they look like dull practice jerseys. But that's what all the recent Nike designs have reminded me of, something you might wear if you were scrimmaging in the mud.

These jerseys are like a long forced carry on a par 3, and you don't want to use a new Titleist. Grab a beat up Top Flite out of the bag. If you lose it, so what?

That's the attitude these uniforms represent. We need to change something. We're Ross and Dee. The quality or concept don't really matter. Fans are going to embrace change regardless, as long as it's our change.

Vikings win by open lengths, Dolphins struggle around the turn, further back than previously, while Jacksonville gets left in the gate, a true victim of Nike.

They won't be the last.

SkapePhin got it right...the old design would have been preferable in combo with the new colors. Somehow the organization managed to negate the improved aqua with needless changes like eliminating the stripes on the sleeves. That in itself provides the feel of a cheap practice jersey.

At least the positioning of the dolphin on the helmet is the most tolerable they could have made it, given the ridiculous motion sickness backward slant, the spit of toothpaste approach. Instead of tilting the head severely upward, as some versions have had it, it's mostly parallel, with the nose angled slightly downward. That was a nice save. I can almost guarantee it was a late change, after the organization heard comments. The angle on the helmet doesn't even match what has already been printed on shirts and hats, not to mention the logos used on the television networks, where our dolphin is poking upwardly at anyone who shares the screen with him to the right. It's quite amusing on NFL Network.

I guess it all comes down to different opinions. The best part of the new look is the removal of the 1970s stripes on the sleeves. Made me think of something Mary Tyler Moore would wear on her show back in the day. I didn't think I would like such a simple look, but I really do. I had made my mind up that I was going to hate it, but I have to say they made a look that I really do like.

The logo still hasn't converted me to a lover of it. Not sure why I don't love it yet, but I am kinda in the "meh" group on the logo. It looks ok on the helmet, but doesn't look as good on merchandise IMO. I am sure they will come out with some better looking stuff in the future. I do love the white on white uniforms though. I do wish the border around the numbers could be a little wider and I hope it isn't black.
Since 1966-1996

So you admit the years that those were our only colors were pre 1996, yet still use the word "ONLY" ?? Does this mean you are living in a pre 1996 world, or are you discussing a team other than the Miami Dolphins?? :goodpost:
meh...I definitely do not love it, but I guess I don't hate it, so there's that...
i dont remember navy on the unis of the teams that won superbowls...


So are you living in the 1970s ?? If someone today posted "our QB's names are Bob and Earl, and NOBODY ELSE/only"!!!! Would you consider that an accurate statement today as well ??
I've got a good feeling that the orange is really going to pop out and the unis will look great when we see them in proper lighting

This is my thought.The orange may be lighter but the lighting is dulling out the orange pinstripes on everything.There might be an opportunity to have an orange belt or gloves etc.

Plus I'm sure alot of you peeps have used a camera where the flash over powers colors like red and orange making it look yellow.

Plus the Tannehill face shot leak photo with the helmet on you see wide aqua,navy blue outter and thin orange on the outter edges that doesn't seem so light.I have a 1997 Riddell helmet and the orange pinstripes looks almost the same orange as the Tannehill helmet leak photo.
don't you get involved...i'm not interested in arguing the merits i've been here long enough to know the way things go here...everyones entitled to their opinion...there's a set group that will attack you to no end if you say anything about the goings on with this team...whether in the end you are right or not...a band of brothers i guess...whatever...

and it's not like it bothers me enough where i leave is what it is...but it's not the coolest thing either...

anyways i'm done...

If you look back throughout the uniforms threads, the same select few of folks are the ones talking all the **** in the world about the new look. Let's not act like one group is innocent over the other.
Well if we want such a "clean" look then maybe all of our players need to wear white sport jackets instead of uniforms. Football uniforms should not have soft or "dreamy" colors. All white is just boring and unimaginative. Light aqua looks like powder puff blue. Weak.

The Dolphins have had all white uniforms since 1966. Have you had a bug up your ass since then?
These were leaked too


Could this be throwback Uniform 3?
Not really a fan of coloring of the numbers...Not sure I like that stripe down the helmet either...
Obviously this doesn't help the logo, but I just did a couple of little tweaks in photoshop on the all white uni, to show how more orange and a couple of accents like stripes on the socks could have made this design so much more impactful.
Its funny to me that people that hate something post way more than people that like something on this forum,

Example, as of now:
11% of people Hate or Dislike the Jerseys (according to the poll so far)
65% of the people Like or Love the new look
Yet somehow 90% of the posts on the last 5 pages are people that are hating on the new jersey.

IF you look even further into it, Most of the press articles I have read , the players and most people on twitter are really liking the new clean look from the leak today. This tells me that the haters are just way more vocal and not necessarily representing the average fan.

I personally love the simple clean and modern look. I will be buying the new stuff when it comes out because it is no longer gaudy and overdone like almost all dolphins gear from past years. Gone are the nasty two tone collars and the huge colorful stripes which I am not a fan of, gone is the goofy cartoonist helmeted dolphin as well, and good riddance in my opinion.

Ooooh, just past 500 posts (took me 7 years but WTH)
The vocal minority. Less a forum phenomenon than a societal one. Enjoy your No Thanks from DefensiveEnd76 for your opposing view of the logo.
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