MERGED: New Uniforms Leaked? | Page 19 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: New Uniforms Leaked?

Rate the new jerseys:

  • Love Them

    Votes: 136 28.2%
  • Like Them

    Votes: 182 37.8%
  • Meh...

    Votes: 100 20.7%
  • Dislike

    Votes: 33 6.8%
  • Hate Them

    Votes: 31 6.4%

  • Total voters
Can we get rid of the blue already. This team is aqua, orange, and white only.

When did they get rid of the blue (Navy)? I thought we added blue or navy since 1997.
You omitted some data like the "meh" category. Which means nearly 40% of fans were either unimpressed or hated them. In marketing if nearly half of your audience doesn't get moved by what you's a flop.

The vocal minority. Less a forum phenomenon than a societal one. Enjoy your No Thanks from DefensiveEnd76 for your opposing view of the logo.
Mixed feelings still myself. I love how clean the look is, and the white-on-white is sharp, but they also feel kinda dull and boring.

Like, I don't mind not having anymore stripes anywhere, but maybe like some orange/white piping somewhere on the jerseys like down the sides of something to give it a LITTLE more color. But it's whatever.

I DO kinda wish the helmets were matte instead of the shiny type though (can see the shine in the lights on the closer-up side shot)
You omitted some data like the "meh" category. Which means nearly 40% of fans were either unimpressed or hated them. In marketing if nearly half of your audience doesn't get moved by what you's a flop.

I agree with you about the data. It is too small to be statistically significant but Miami Dolphins don't care about the bandwagon/regular/win only fans instead they only cater to season ticket holders.
Obviously this doesn't help the logo, but I just did a couple of little tweaks in photoshop on the all white uni, to show how more orange and a couple of accents like stripes on the socks could have made this design so much more impactful.

That's much better IMO. Good work

Except I'd keep the white face mask and I'd make the orange stroke on the numbers just a little thinner
Obviously this doesn't help the logo, but I just did a couple of little tweaks in photoshop on the all white uni, to show how more orange and a couple of accents like stripes on the socks could have made this design so much more impactful.

If I'm going to point out all the negatives I might as well follow with some praise. The light aqua pants were the worst uniform in franchise history, as I've posted many times. Unbelievably sloppy looking, especially with any amount of sweat, which is rather a given in pro football. I'm very pleased we've apparently jettisoned those awful pants, pending the final release.

When I scrolled the thread I came upon one picture that stopped me in my, that one looks good. Then I realized it was Dansby 58, in last year's version. No kidding.

Last night while watching NFL Network and a shot of the Kansas City war room I was fixated and immensely jealous. That classic red helmet and simple logo, destined to be undisturbed decade after decade, never threatened by a small group of overmatched idiots simultaneously occupying the front office.

Eliminating the sleeve stripe was a ridiculous choice and then Mike Dee predictably compounded the error with a tiny version of our toothpaste logo on the sleeves.

Eventually there will be at least one or two hilarious books written about this era in franchise history.
You omitted some data like the "meh" category. Which means nearly 40% of fans were either unimpressed or hated them. In marketing if nearly half of your audience doesn't get moved by what you's a flop.

67% is Love it for Like it. Meh is only 20%. Meh is in the minority.
67% is Love it for Like it. Meh is only 20%. Meh is in the minority.

If you can get 67% of people to like something that is supposed to be artistic, I think they did a good job. Only 12% don't like it at all and that is a surprisingly low number for something as drastic as a logo/uniform change. I look at the "meh" people as being on the fence of liking it and not, so by FinHeaven's unscientific poll, the uniform change was a success.
well you forgot all the people who don't vote in those dumb polls...just sayin
well you forgot all the people who don't vote in those dumb polls...just sayin

Ya the Sun Sentinel I believe has a similar poll up, either hate or love options, but the last time I voted it was 53% loved it and 47% hated it.

I'd think any time you can get near 50% on something like this it can be spun as a success.

I mean when the 49'ers tried to change their logo it was a huge majority that hated, I believe.
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