Merged: TV for the game (LOCAL TV ONLY) | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: TV for the game (LOCAL TV ONLY)

Shamboubou said:
If you have DTV and you go to your guide and look at game time tomorrow night you will see that ESPNNEWS says Friday Football so I think that is probably going to be our game. There is no description if you try and look but I'm really hoping that will be the fins game!!!!

SOME HOPE!!!!!!!

ESPNNEWS doesn't carry games. Must be a program by that title. The game would be on ESPN, DTV or ABC.
NaboCane said:
ESPNNEWS doesn't carry games. Must be a program by that title. The game would be on ESPN, DTV or ABC.

Yeah, its a weekly program that previews the upcoming weekend of college and pro games.
Mshuttle13 said:
i just spoke with dtv and they said the game will be telivised fri night.

No one get your hopes up. Last year there were DTV reps that said the game would be shown because they didn't have a clue about what was going on. We should have a confirmation in a few hours if it will be shown or not.
If Sunday Ticket picks it up from a local feed, atleast I'll get to watch it. However, I really wish ESPN or ESPN2 would pick it up and show it in HD.
Shamboubou said:
If you have DTV and you go to your guide and look at game time tomorrow night you will see that ESPNNEWS says Friday Football so I think that is probably going to be our game. There is no description if you try and look but I'm really hoping that will be the fins game!!!!

SOME HOPE!!!!!!!

Football Friday is when all of there football minds get together to talk about the weekend games coming up. College and NFL.
If Sunday Ticket picks it up from a local feed, atleast I'll get to watch it. However, I really wish ESPN or ESPN2 would pick it up and show it in HD.

That would be sweeeeeeet

It showed on ESPNNEWS for our gametime tomorrow on Direct TV Guide Friday Football. Hopefully that is the Fins game, If you try and get a description it doesnt have one available. I think its our game though. Orange Jerseys?
The game between the Miami Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs was rescheduled to Friday night to beat Hurricane Wilma's arrival in Florida.

The game will begin at 7 p.m. Friday instead of Sunday afternoon, which is about when Wilma is expected to hit Florida's southwestern coast.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said broadcast and television details were being worked out.
The DTV site still says nothing...but that doesn't mean anything, seems they're always the last to know.

Sounds like the NFL is doing what it can to get the game on TV...good news!

NEW YORK -- The game between the Miami Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs was rescheduled to Friday night to beat Hurricane Wilma's arrival in Florida.

The game will begin at 7 p.m. Friday instead of Sunday afternoon, which is about when Wilma is expected to hit Florida's southwestern coast.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said broadcast and television details were being worked out.
Shamboubou said:
It showed on ESPNNEWS for our gametime tomorrow on Direct TV Guide Friday Football. Hopefully that is the Fins game, If you try and get a description it doesnt have one available. I think its our game though. Orange Jerseys?

Don't you even read the thread? Not even a few posts down?
Don't expect the game to be televised

This link explains that the legislation about not televising games on Saturday, also applies to Friday. I hope I'm wrong......but here is an excerpt:

"Oliva said the NFL imposed the blackout to avoid possible antitrust sanctions. Although contracts between television networks and professional sports leagues are immune from antitrust scrutiny under a 1961 congressional exemption, a superseding 1966 law withdrew immunity for any professional football game telecast on Friday night or Saturday if any high school or college football game was being played within 75 miles of the broadcast station that same day."
just got confirmation that the game will be broadcast on sirius so i'll definitely be able to at least listen to it.
Shamboubou said:
It showed on ESPNNEWS for our gametime tomorrow on Direct TV Guide Friday Football. Hopefully that is the Fins game, If you try and get a description it doesnt have one available. I think its our game though. Orange Jerseys?

It is only an hour long, it can't be our game. But I hope they put it on somewhere nationally. They did it for the Saints game, why can't they do it for us? Make another benefit out of it.
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