MERGED: Wade Smith May Play Center | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Wade Smith May Play Center


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Aug 13, 2003
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Wade Smith at Center?,0,6720766.story?coll=sfla-dolphins-front
Wade Smith will have the chance to become one of the Dolphins' starting offensive linemen again, but it won't be at the position he has played the past two seasons.

A source said Smith will be used at center instead of left tackle when the team begins offseason practices later this spring.
Smith will now vie for playing time at center against incumbent Seth McKinney, who started every game in 2004. McKinney is an unsigned restricted free agent who can become an unrestricted free agent in 2006 if he eventually accepts the Dolphins' one-year contract tender. Smith is under contract through the 2006 season.

Although used exclusively at tackle by the Dolphins, the 6-foot-4, 315-pound Smith was projected by some NFL teams as a center or even a blocking tight end coming out of college. Smith hopes to exhibit that same athleticism again after struggling with knee problems in 2004 stemming from an injury suffered during offseason workouts.
The Dolphins plan to have McIntosh compete against Vernon Carey and possibly John St. Clair to start at left tackle. Carey was a 2004 first-round draft choice, while St. Clair is the returning starter at right tackle.
Uhhh....I don't know how to feel. :confused2

Does this mean we won't be drafting a center?
wow i really don't know what to say i guess they figure his @$$ won't sweat as much as mckinney's
wasn't April Fool's a couple of days ago?

On the bright least he wouldn't have to work in space so much and maybe wouldn't be such a freakin turnstyle for the opposing D.
this is a very interesting move. He probably will be a better center than Mckinney. Mckinney is probably the league's worst
DolphinDevil28 said:
I'm kind of hoping Rex Hadnot wins our center position.

Kind of hard to win the starting center job when you show up to the offseason program late and weighing in at 350 lbs. Rex has really disappointed me with his lack of an offseason work ethic.
KB21 said:
Kind of hard to win the starting center job when you show up to the offseason program late and weighing in at 350 lbs. Rex has really disappointed me with his lack of an offseason work ethic.

Wow, now I am usually right on top of these things. I did not know this. KB, where did you hear/see this from? And thanks for letting me know.
DolphinDevil28 said:
Wow, now I am usually right on top of these things. I did not know this. KB, where did you hear/see this from? And thanks for letting me know.
I didn't know this also. I must have missed that. :confused:
This is the first I've heard of Wade Smith having injury problems last season. There had to be a reason for his regression, and that very well is it.

Regardless of what the general opinion is for right or wrong, Wade Smith didnt have that poor of a offseason in 2003.
So, is this what Saban hopes for as an O-Line next year? :confused:

LT- Vernon Carey
LG- Jeno James
C- Wade Smith
RG- Rex Hadnott
RT- Stocker McDougle

This is what I would do(at least going into TC):

LT- Damion McIntosh
LG- Jeno James
C- John St. Clair
RG- Vernon Carey
RT- Stocker McDougle
Wade Smith @ center??

New article from Alex Marvez from the Miami Herald. Says they are going to try Wade Smith at center. Actually doesnt sound to bad....I actually like the idea. Smith doesnt do well at 315 and did real well at around 290 to 300. Doesnt sound like a bad idea. Smith has alot of the essential qualities of a good center. Quick, good mover, probably can pull very well. With Houck teaching him, this might pan out.
I think I'd rather try Will Smith at center. Maybe at least he could make the defender fall down from laughter while running unabated to the quarterback.
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