Merged3x: Dolphins | Remain interested in Arrington; yet to extend an offer | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged3x: Dolphins | Remain interested in Arrington; yet to extend an offer

Well whoever we get arrington or peterson i dont care ill be happy to get either one.
id take lavar over peterson anywayz.....hes comin off a bad year where gibbs found he wasnt even good enough to start ( for some god forsaken reason).....hence cheaper!!!
I already have LaVar on my franchise squad on Madden :lol: I love LaVar and would be absolutely estatic
ASUFinFan said:
well yah im sure, that is obvious. Im hoping Arrington becuase he is just a beast.
C'mon man I am excited about getting a strong LB. Spell check works, because!:fire:
Peterson or Arrington, it doesn't matter. Just one of them. I'd rather focus on fixing holes at starting CB, OT, OG, S, and C.
either of the two would be a huge pick up. I just hope we can get them cheeper, and do it soon. I hate waiting
Could this be Christmas in March? :pray: Please let us get one of these two, I'm just dying in suspense!!!
Can you guys please sign him....ughh...I have a feeling if he leaves Miami and is able to come visit San Diego, he won't leave SD without signing a contract. I personally dont want him in San Diego, so PLEASE sign him!
Jaj said:
Why would you wait on those two over Lavar?

b/c lavar demands more money then ash and adams. this way, we can spend the money on wwhat saban apparently wants a LOTT more then the other 2. with Lavar we can offer hima contract then see how much money we have left and go from there as he said that he believes LaVar can be as important to the D as DC was to the oFF. Ash or Adams are no where near impacting our team taht way. saban himself ssaid the addition of him can be just as huge and important as DC was thats why with wiatin on those 2 we can offer LaVar good moeny to come here then go from there. get what im saying
He would be a huge upgrade but he's too expensive. This is all smoke and mirrors from the Dolphins front office. Its to keep you guys guessing through the rest of FA but honestly there is nothing in the works to get Peterson or Arington from the big spenders and from what I can see they are going to have big pay days. Culpepper was the big grab of FA for the Phins. That's it. I don't blame u guys cause its coming over the wire and if you haven't seen this stuff year after year its easy to take the bait. But its just smoke and mirrors honestly IMO. I would like to be wrong but I don't think I am.
Lt 21 how bad do you want to keep him here? Maybe you guys could take up a collection, and chip in some money lol
DrewOldSchool said:
He would be a huge upgrade but he's too expensive. This is all smoke and mirrors from the Dolphins front office. Its to keep you guys guessing through the rest of FA but honestly there is nothing in the works to get Peterson or Arington from the big spenders and from what I can see they are going to have big pay days. Culpepper was the big grab of FA for the Phins. That's it. I don't blame u guys cause its coming over the wire and if you haven't seen this stuff year after year its easy to take the bait. But its just smoke and mirrors honestly IMO. I would like to be wrong but I don't think I am.

Good morning Genius! Culpepper wasn't a FA. We'll get someone big in FA.
icephinfan said:
C'mon man I am excited about getting a strong LB. Spell check works, because!:fire:

haha that is week man hahahahhaa. but yah on a serious note, I am excited too. To add a playmaker of LaVar's caliber to our defense would be awsome.
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