MERGEDX2: USC LBs Clay Matthews and Brian Cushing test positive for steroids | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGEDX2: USC LBs Clay Matthews and Brian Cushing test positive for steroids

I remember Luis Castillo, DT now playing for the Chargers failed a drug test during the combine, and he went from a top 10 pick, to being selected 25 (i believe). So for Raji you can expect something similar. For Cushing and Matthews who were projected in the 15-25 range, id say you can expect them to fall out of the first round.
Im not to sure how you would rather have someone doing steroids then pot. Taking steroids is cheating and would help Matthews and Cushing perform better. When they come off of the steroids (if this report is true) you will see there muscle mass decrease greatly and they will lose a lot of speed.

I hope Darius Butler is availible at #25.
cushing is hopped up on everything, i heard he spends like 50,000$ a year on performance enhancing drugs and all those GNC products.

matthews, this is a shock. with his bloodlines, i guess i imagined him to be clean, Parcells type guy.

Raji wont slip past the broncos, at 12 or 18. It might knock him out of top 10.

It's interesting to see Andre Smith back in McShays top 10, after his awful work outs.

Harvin and raji wont be as big of a deal. They're in celebration mode, and could use some relaxing wiht all the work they put in. As long as they are pot heads it should be a problem.

Come draft day, i don't think they'll be talking to much bout harvin and raji's weed problems, but the USC steriods case could become serious
didnt something like this happen with warren sapp and look how good he turned out, i say you take the risk, because it will be worth the reward
We might not want to jump the gun quite yet. The report that I saw said they tesyed positive for "performance enhancing drugs"... This is not necessarily steroids. It could be stuff that is perfectly legal off the shelf of GNC. If you remember last season and bunch of players got their suspensions overturned for this type of stuff. Might want to wait before acussing them of being juiced up on roids...

However, if any of this turns out to work in the Fins favor, I'm all for it!
Guys this report is very questionable. I know source very close to the Matthews family and Matthews agent is extremely pissed and is taking care of the situation. He is trying to make the NFl release a statement on all the test at the combine.
I dont think the Marijuana thing will be nearly as big of a hit as a stroids test....if it turns out to be true.

IMO, the substance itself isnt a huge issue, if anything marijuana would be a bigger deal. Hear me out.

The only difference in penalty is if a player test positive for roids its an automatic 4 game suspention. When it comes to weed a first time offender has to enter the substance abuse program and their name only becomes public if they fail a second time (and than a 4 game suspention). When a player takes roids he is using it to enhance performance on the feild, not using it recreational like marijuana users. IMO, this immediate embarassement would mean the player would be less likely to do it again.

When a player fails a weed test (especially one they know is coming) is way more irresposible. Its more about surrounding yourself with the wrong type of people. And chances are he will give in to peer pressure again, and again, and again.
I'm just saying that the NFL has the strictest drug testing policy of any pro sport out there, they conduct random tests on their athletes all the time, and every year they add like 6 new obscure substances that are on the official banned list, which now stands as thick as a copy of War and Peace. This does not sound like a league that likes to just "look the other way" when it comes to steroids. HGH? Maybe. I could see that, because the fact of the matter is there IS no accurate test for HGH. As soon as one comes out, you can bet the NFL will be using it.

But for someone to have the gall to suggest that anyone who doesn't believe what they believe is just "naive"...well if you're going to display such arrogance, you'd better have some evidence to back yourself up, and the evidence ought to be pretty obvious and easily available since you're asserting that everyone else is "naive" for not having seen or not believing the evidence.

It's just a very disrespectful thing to say.

Yes what gall for someone to express an opinion, and stating it was just their opinion.
As for arrogance and disrespect, IMO it is arrogant and disrespectful to crucify Matthews and Cushing based on a so far unsubstantiated internet rumor, which is all the evidence there is. What be the fun in waiting for corroboration though?
But I guess I am just naive for not totally believing nfldraftbible, since it supports the preconceived notions of more than a few fans.
Yes what gall for someone to express an opinion, and stating it was just their opinion.
As for arrogance and disrespect, IMO it is arrogant and disrespectful to crucify Matthews and Cushing based on a so far unsubstantiated internet rumor, which is all the evidence there is. What be the fun in waiting for corroboration though?
But I guess I am just naive for not totally believing nfldraftbible, since it supports the preconceived notions of more than a few fans.

Way to completely change the subject and pretend you didn't say something that you did, in fact, say.

Anyone who thinks the use of performance enhancing substances is not commonplace, is naive IMO.
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