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Nails out?

Originally posted by clumpedplatelet
I work in health care: he won't be ready for training camp AND likely to be on the PUP until week 10

Any bets?

Clumpy....I didn't know you were a nurse!:tongue:
I work in the hospital lab and know many doctors. I would trust a doctor's opinion over any reporter. Each doctor I asked, said that any Achilles injury takes a full year to hear properly. Nails was injured in December
Not trying to argue clump, but whats your explanation for the basketball player that was mentioned earlier in the thread? Certainly some people heal faster than others.......
The thing here clump is that it is not the reporter opinions.. it is there REPORT from the DOCTORS that are actually working with Nails and his recovery.. I would take thier opinion over some nurse (you) that talks to dr occasionaly.
Originally posted by clumpedplatelet
I work in the hospital lab and know many doctors. I would trust a doctor's opinion over any reporter. Each doctor I asked, said that any Achilles injury takes a full year to hear properly. Nails was injured in December

Clump man...I've got to tell you that statement is either patently idiotic, or 1st rate evidence that doctors LOVE to sound like they know everything about everything. Any REPUTABLE orthopedic doctor will tell you that "any Achilles injury" can have a WIDE range of time needed to heal properly. Sure, it could take a year. Heck, some achiles injuries are NEVER healed properly(Dan Marino).
We're just messing with Clumpy here...I believe he's a lab rat. :D My wife happens to be a PA (If you don't know what that is, it's a position that does virtually everything a Dr. does- prescribe medication, does surgical proceedures, sees and diagnoses patients etc...they just don't get paid as much; about half) and she has contact with several orthopedic surgeons so I'll have her ask them about the achilles injury (she works in cancer medicine otherwise I'd ask her.) That way we at least have a second opinion around here from someone other than a Jills fan.
even if she gets another opinion for you it won't mean much... everybody and every injury heals at it's own rate.. so unless she can talk to the doctors that are working with nails, it will not be very acurate info.
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