**Official 2007 NFL Draft Thread (Day 1) ** | Page 71 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

**Official 2007 NFL Draft Thread (Day 1) **

Whoop-dee-****ing-doo, we reached for a center thanks to the Panthers. Fantastic!
when we picked him he was the bpa acorrding to kiper and it was a need it was a great pick
Ryan Kalil would have been perfect -- ready to start now.
Oh Well.
Next pick better be defense.
First of all, I just went from not caring about Carolina to disliking them. That being said, Satele is a great choice for us. I agree, we need Free at 71 or Josh Beekman wouldn't be bad either. Keep doing your thing Cam and Randy!

Welcome to the Phins Samson Satele!


Go Phins!
Every single one of our picks have been reaches.. There is nothing different here from the pathetic Wannstedt regime..

We could have had Quinn, Jarrett and Kalil (with a small trade up) ..

That's ALOT better than Ginn, Beck and Satele -- ALL reaches !!
Wow Brandon Jackson from Nebraska. I guess they like backs from Nebraska.
lol @ fullmetal, yeah, Carolina can bite me (us)

but, Satele could be a better than average OL with Houck's help.

It's been said he just needs to play more under control and get a little bigger/stronger, but he's very athletic and excels in the pass pro dept.

The pass pro was breaking down far too often in the middle of the line last yr. With a little refinement, Satele could be part of the solution.
Every single one of our picks have been reaches.. There is nothing different here from the pathetic Wannstedt regime..

We could have had Quinn, Jarrett and Kalil (with a small trade up) ..

That's ALOT better than Ginn, Beck and Satele -- ALL reaches !!
no not all reaches its not a reach if your not sure the player you want will be aorund the next time you pick
Every single one of our picks have been reaches.. There is nothing different here from the pathetic Wannstedt regime..

We could have had Quinn, Jarrett and Kalil (with a small trade up) ..

That's ALOT better than Ginn, Beck and Satele -- ALL reaches !!

Wow, could not disagree more. Ginn was a reach because I do not think we could trade down. I think we targeted Beck and Satele. We worked out both.
Man, I feel silly wearing my C-pep jersey. Just so disgraceful lol. Hopefully Beck will turn around our QB history!
It will be interesting to see what happens between today and tomorrow... nothing has come from all the heavy trading talks with Cpepp, Booker, and T.Green.

I think I echo most people's sentiment when I say I am not too thrilled with day one thus far, in that there were reaches and we could have had better players imo... that said, we did get 3 of our biggest needs taken care of at QB, WR, and OLine... maybe not the guys I wanted... but.
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