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Official Detroit Pistons Thread

Does this mean Flip is out? I think the players lost respect for him during the playoffs and that usually is a recipe for disaster for any coach.
From a Pistons fan. For those Heat fans that actually have class, congrats on your win and represent the East well! Good series, see ya next year.
I can understanding hating 'Sheed, RIP (since he plays Wade more physical than anyone else in the league), and Chauncy because of his smug attitude. But how can you hate Tayshaun? Of course here come all the, the dude looks like an alien replies as a reason to hate him.

I love how this thread was created to seperate any smack talking between the teams, but all the Miami fans have done is come here after a win and talked smack.

It was amazing to see posters that were never blindedly homeristic toward the 'Phins, but they are the biggest Heat homers ever. A lot of my views of certain posters has definately changed since watching this series.
ChrisKo said:
I can understanding hating 'Sheed, RIP (since he plays Wade more physical than anyone else in the league), and Chauncy because of his smug attitude. But how can you hate Tayshaun? Of course here come all the, the dude looks like an alien replies as a reason to hate him.

I love how this thread was created to seperate any smack talking between the teams, but all the Miami fans have done is come here after a win and talked smack.

It was amazing to see posters that were never blindedly homeristic toward the 'Phins, but they are the biggest Heat homers ever. A lot of my views of certain posters has definately changed since watching this series.

His attitude towards the refs after game 2, where he basically called out the one referee...and he is ugly as hell....his face makes me wanna punch something....besides Rip and Ben Wallace are the only two guys on the team I can stand

I dont think Miami is unbeatable, but I knew Detroit wasnt the team that could do it, the only team that can is Dallas.....
Alex22 said:
His attitude towards the refs after game 2, where he basically called out the one referee...and he is ugly as hell....his face makes me wanna punch something....besides Rip and Ben Wallace are the only two guys on the team I can stand

I dont think Miami is unbeatable, but I knew Detroit wasnt the team that could do it, the only team that can is Dallas.....

Ya, that's a reason to hate a player. It's not like Shaq's ever complained about the referee's.
"That was the most ridiculous game I've ever been part of," he said Sunday after the 90-78 loss. "When you got a guy like Stu Jackson at the top, it shows why referees are the way they are. It starts at the top.

"There was a lot of flopping today and they just fell for it. They make these rules up and they don't follow them. We all know there's a double standard. I just wish they wouldn't make it so obvious."
O’Neal said referees target him and he knew he was in trouble when he saw Bob Delaney was working Game 3.

O’Neal was fined $25,000 by the NBA on Saturday for publicly criticizing the officials.

EVERY player in the NBA complains about the officiating. Get used to it, because it's part of every major sport too.

And see, how did I know you would call him ugly.
ChrisKo said:
Ya, that's a reason to hate a player. It's not like Shaq's ever complained about the referee's.

EVERY player in the NBA complains about the officiating. Get used to it, because it's part of every major sport too.

And see, how did I know you would call him ugly.

I dont mind complaining

Its this I dont like

'He apologized to me because he said something to me he shouldnt have said' and it wasnt just the words, it was the tone he used

and maybe you knew I would call him ugly because he is?
ChrisKo said:
I can understanding hating 'Sheed, RIP (since he plays Wade more physical than anyone else in the league), and Chauncy because of his smug attitude. But how can you hate Tayshaun? Of course here come all the, the dude looks like an alien replies as a reason to hate him.

I love how this thread was created to seperate any smack talking between the teams, but all the Miami fans have done is come here after a win and talked smack.

It was amazing to see posters that were never blindedly homeristic toward the 'Phins, but they are the biggest Heat homers ever. A lot of my views of certain posters has definately changed since watching this series.

I am guessing you are reffering to maybe Section and Blueprint? ALot of what got them and alot of heat posters riled up is becuase your fellow piston fans talk junk, attagonize, or w/e you wanna call it in the heat thread.
Finfan86 said:
I am guessing you are reffering to maybe Section and Blueprint? ALot of what got them and alot of heat posters riled up is becuase your fellow piston fans talk junk, attagonize, or w/e you wanna call it in the heat thread.

I must have missed the Detroit fans talking smack. I usually just read the last couple of pages of the Heat thread after a game to see what the Heat reactions were.

I don't particularly care to talk smack to people I only know on a message board. To me, smack talk should be done in person between friends as a good ribbing. Anyway, maybe you guys should have gotten a MOD involved if it was that bad. The forums does state the following:
Other Sports (27 Viewing)
Talk basketball, baseball, hockey, or whatever other sport here. Please keep the smack down to a minimum.
i didnt mean like harrasing or w/e, They just were more bragging i guess i would say.
Keep the trash talk out of this thread.

It's not cool in the Heat thread. And it's not cool here.

I've removed the worst posts.

Official warning.
Ahhhh, I never really brag too much about the NBA during the regular season as it really doesn't mean much. As long as you make the playoffs, all's good. I think the real BBall starts in the playofss and unfortunately, my boys didn't show much this time around.

Wade was amazing with his 70%+ shooting and the Heat shooting in general was very good. I've never seen the Pistons shoot so horrible since we had Stackhouse and Houston fighting over the ball and jacking up anything they could.

Again, rep the East well and hopefully you guys can smack down the Mavs by 20+ points in a 4 game sweep. That way my co-worker can't continue to give me the ribbing I know that will start on Monday.
Good season and good series Pistons fans.

I don't mind your team save one guy.

Ra' friggin' Sheed Wallace. What a punk.
Hey, guys. Just chiming in to say, great season.

I think the better team won, but both teams are great regardless.

Good luck next year, maybe we'll have a third straight go at it.
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