****Official**** John Beck Discussion Thread | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

****Official**** John Beck Discussion Thread

He will be a good back up in 2 years in one system. after maybe 5 years in one system he can be a starter. He just needs a lot of time and care.

Say's who? You? Please share with us all your expert knowledge in the field of NFL Quaterbacking.....I really want to know how "YOU" can see a player play in such an awful sitution last year and from that situation conclude anything at all much less if a player will succeed or fail. You can't and won't cause you aren't an expert. Basically you post an opinion on a player and pretned it's the slightest bit more valid then anyone elses opinion. You have your own opinion, that's it, that's all!

I remember last year when Beck was being drafted and Ron Jaworski was breaking down the Film he said of all the QB's drafted last year, Beck was the only one who was making NFL level throws in college. Now Ron, who played in the NFL as a QB, he played in a SB and in his FAR more educated opinion, saw thing's "you're" now telling us Beck needs 5 years to do. It's beyond ridiculous.
First off I have my doubts about your timeline. But, let's pretend it is accurate. Why cut a guy you know has the potential to be a high quality backup, and eventual starter? We've had enough Ray Lucas action among our backup QBs to warrant that maybe, just maybe, we should keep a guy in this system long term to be our backup and that we we don't keep underperforming the mediocre quarterbacks that we keep bringing in here.

Let me hit you with some reality. The following are the QB ratings of players we DUMPED over the last decade, since dumping them, versus the QB ratings of our QBs over the same time period...

QB Ratings
Damon Huard 2001-2007 vs. Miami QBs 2001-2007: 85.8 vs. 71.9
Brian Griese 2004-2007 vs. Miami QBs 2004-2007: 76.1 vs. 68.7
A.J. Feeley 2005-2007 vs. Miami QBs 2005-2007: 77.8 vs. 71.2
Sage Rosenfels 2006-2007 vs. Miami QBs 2006-2007: 87.3 vs. 70.4
Joey Harrington 2007 vs. Miami QBs 2007: 77.2 vs. 69.6
Daunte Culpepper 2007 vs. Miami QBs 2007: 78.0 vs. 69.6

Notice a trend? The only ones missing, really, are Gus Frerotte and Ray Lucas. Lucas will never get a shot in the NFL ever again. But, give Frerotte time, he just might outperform us yet...the way the trend goes. Next is Cleo Lemon, watch him end up playing better than our guys this year.

This is what I'm talking about when I say premature reactionation. We've absolutely not had any premium talent at the QB position over the years. Not denying that and I'm sure some idiot out there is going to pretend that's what I'm saying when I'm clearly not. However, what assets we did have, we consistently traded out for worse assets...simply because we were disappointed and kept chasing the hot dot.

You know, the average mutual fund investor underperforms the mutual funds they invest in. What does that mean? It's the same thing. Mr. Lay Investor decides he's going to invest his money in a mutual fund, so he picks the fund with a hot recent track record. Ride the hot hand, he thinks. Then that fund goes through some reversion to the mean, and eventually, recent performance sucks and Mr. Lay Investor says screw this crap, I'm taking my money elsewhere. So he finds the new hot dot. Then THAT fund goes through some reversion to the mean. By the time he gets done with 30 years of investing, each of the funds he invested in could have earned an annualized 11%, while Mr. Lay Investor earned an annualized 7% and he wonders why.

We paid a hefty price for the rights to John Beck. Why would we just suddenly give those rights up, after 1.5 training camps? Sounds like pure overreaction, to me...the kind that has plagued this franchise and sent it to the basement.

CK, it is NOT AN OVERREACTION. What has plagued this franchise is not dumping players too soon, its picking the WRONG PLAYERS. Everyone from our scouts, coaches and medical "specialists" have played a role in making the the wrong decision when it came to player evaluation. If we had ONE freaking guy in the organization that had some brains our QB situation would have been resolved years ago. This is why I was thrilled to find out that Parcells fired everyone, you need to get rid of the garbage when it comes time to rebuild the most pathetic team in NFL history.

We don't have time to "hope" that someone that is over matched on the field may blossom in to an NFL QB someday.. We don't need to keep mediocre under-performers on this team for years at time if we have already concluded that they do not fit the culture or high standards this team is looking to implement. Enough with the BS "hope" mediocrity has brought, enough with the hurt feelings that we didn't give him his time to shine after he failed to impress. Lets develop a WINNING culture here, one that SHUNS mediocrity. This isn't preschool either you have it or you don't. This is the NFL and only the BEST damn players in the world DESERVE to wear the Aqua and orange. And its about damn time the organization played with excellence in mind- While dumping those that don't live up to that standard
I disagree with that. Guys get better all the time by observing other players operate the offense, practice, and adding certain things to their own game or having the mistakes of others reinforce what not to do, etc.

That's true, but he's at least got to have a venue to display improvement, and it's clear that he's expected to perform with minimal reps at this point. That's sure as hell not a spot I'd want to be in.
John Beck treating the footbal like a greased pig last year was ridiculous, someone offering their opinion on something football related here isnt.
Say's who? You? Please share with us all your expert knowledge in the field of NFL Quaterbacking.....I really want to know how "YOU" can see a player play in such an awful sitution last year and from that situation conclude anything at all much less if a player will succeed or fail. You can't and won't cause you aren't an expert. Basically you post an opinion on a player and pretned it's the slightest bit more valid then anyone elses opinion. You have your own opinion, that's it, that's all!

I remember last year when Beck was being drafted and Ron Jaworski was breaking down the Film he said of all the QB's drafted last year, Beck was the only one who was making NFL level throws in college. Now Ron, who played in the NFL as a QB, he played in a SB and in his FAR more educated opinion, saw thing's "you're" now telling us Beck needs 5 years to do. It's beyond ridiculous.

also don't forget that there's a SB winning QB: someone with more than a passing interest in the Fins: Bob Griese, who also thinks Beck has all the tools for NFL starter success. These are some guys who have walked the walk and now make their livings as analysts, not glorified bloggers.


Say's who? You? Please share with us all your expert knowledge in the field of NFL Quaterbacking.....I really want to know how "YOU" can see a player play in such an awful sitution last year and from that situation conclude anything at all much less if a player will succeed or fail. You can't and won't cause you aren't an expert. Basically you post an opinion on a player and pretned it's the slightest bit more valid then anyone elses opinion. You have your own opinion, that's it, that's all!

I remember last year when Beck was being drafted and Ron Jaworski was breaking down the Film he said of all the QB's drafted last year, Beck was the only one who was making NFL level throws in college. Now Ron, who played in the NFL as a QB, he played in a SB and in his FAR more educated opinion, saw thing's "you're" now telling us Beck needs 5 years to do. It's beyond ridiculous.

Again turn something not negative i say about the guy and put a twist on it to make you feel better about your crappy Beck Bandwagon. Get over it!

considering i was one of the few that said Beck will have zero percent chance to start i think i have a little more cred than you would so why dont you just trust my judgement unlike before and get onto my bandwagon that is actually going someplace.
I find it funny how even after you are proved wrong with your silly man love for Beck you guys are now trying to fight about how he can be a good backup lmao. If you havnt noticed the guy is stuck in 3rd/4th string right now behind noodle arm and Chad the rookie. LOL. He cant even flat out steal a 3rd spot from a journey man, Ya he oozes with potential so much that the coachs decided to let him hold that magical clipboard. PLEASE:sidelol:
also don't forget that there's a SB winning QB: someone with more than a passing interest in the Fins: Bob Griese, who also thinks Beck has all the tools for NFL starter success. These are some guys who have walked the walk and now make their livings as analysts, not glorified bloggers.


every qb ever drafted has some sort of tools to work with. after that its alot of the mental stuff that determines how far he goes with that. predicting what qbs will have success is a crapshoot at best, as evidenced by how many top picks have failed who were evvaluated by people who actually do it for a living.
It would be in beck's interest to move on and get a fresh start. Why would he want to stay on a team that's rebuilding? Most players are happy to get to another team.
also don't forget that there's a SB winning QB: someone with more than a passing interest in the Fins: Bob Griese, who also thinks Beck has all the tools for NFL starter success. These are some guys who have walked the walk and now make their livings as analysts, not glorified bloggers.

So your saying that just because he is a SB winning QB that can barely pronounce the players names on the field says Beck can be good that it is set in stone? Really grasping now arnt we?....Just because someone is a QB doesnt make them the no all about everything related to football or there position. People can be wrong ya know, like Cameron wasnt he supposed to be some guru of QB's , ya he did a bang up job.
It would be in beck's interest to move on and get a fresh start. Why would he want to stay on a team that's rebuilding? Most players are happy to get to another team.

at this point I agree wholeheartedly..but sincerely hope that Henne's so good that we don't look back regretfully like Atlanta over Favre or NO (for awhile)over Delhomme. I'm a Garrard admirer and think he's proof that patience can well pay off!
at this point I agree wholeheartedly..but sincerely hope that Henne's so good that we don't look back regretfully like Atlanta over Favre or NO (for awhile)over Delhomme. I'm a Garrard admirer and think he's proof that patience can well pay off!
Garrard is no better than Chad Pen, Ya you have great taste in QB. :up:you " Let me admire average!!!"
So your saying that just because he is a SB winning QB that can barely pronounce the players names on the field says Beck can be good that it is set in stone? Really grasping now arnt we?....Just because someone is a QB doesnt make them the no all about everything related to football or there position. People can be wrong ya know, like Cameron wasnt he supposed to be some guru of QB's , ya he did a bang up job.
So can you
So your saying that just because he is a SB winning QB that can barely pronounce the players names on the field says Beck can be good that it is set in stone? Really grasping now arnt we?....Just because someone is a QB doesnt make them the no all about everything related to football or there position. People can be wrong ya know, like Cameron wasnt he supposed to be some guru of QB's , ya he did a bang up job.

I readily concede your point that analysts aren't necessarily right. But neither are Parcells and Ireland. Not talking about Henne here, but rather potentially Beck; remember they traded for Henson, kept Vinnie long after the parade passed him by, and then there's Quincy Carter. Fumbled FG hold or not, don't forget this group was not successful by the most important bottom line measurements when leaving Dallas (before that, ancient history is just that). I grant you that Beck could be a longer term project, but IMO, there's more to lose than gain by cutting him loose and I would question whether the FO realizes that as much as some others.
CK, it is NOT AN OVERREACTION. What has plagued this franchise is not dumping players too soon, its picking the WRONG PLAYERS. Everyone from our scouts, coaches and medical "specialists" have played a role in making the the wrong decision when it came to player evaluation. If we had ONE freaking guy in the organization that had some brains our QB situation would have been resolved years ago. This is why I was thrilled to find out that Parcells fired everyone, you need to get rid of the garbage when it comes time to rebuild the most pathetic team in NFL history.

We don't have time to "hope" that someone that is over matched on the field may blossom in to an NFL QB someday.. We don't need to keep mediocre under-performers on this team for years at time if we have already concluded that they do not fit the culture or high standards this team is looking to implement. Enough with the BS "hope" mediocrity has brought, enough with the hurt feelings that we didn't give him his time to shine after he failed to impress. Lets develop a WINNING culture here, one that SHUNS mediocrity. This isn't preschool either you have it or you don't. This is the NFL and only the BEST damn players in the world DESERVE to wear the Aqua and orange. And its about damn time the organization played with excellence in mind- While dumping those that don't live up to that standard

So then, by your logic, we need to cut Ted Ginn right now in favor of David Kircus, and we need to cut Phil Merling because Kendall Langford is doing so well. We need to cut Shawn Murphy because Donald Thomas is doing well.

I see. I disagree.
So can you
Of course i can but im not saying i cant, i only said that a expert can be wrong. On the other hand i wasnt wrong about Beck not starting, unlike other people who are trying to hold on for dear life about him playing backup now when the guy cant even hold a 3rd spot out right. I dont see other teams talking so highly about how there 3rd/4th stringer is gonna be great. Get over it, Beck was a bad pick and will always be known as a 2nd/3rd stringer for his whole life. Because you know what apparently im not the only one who feels this way or else why would Parcells and Sparnano be so willing to give up a talented Gem like Beck, ya hes sooooo good that they dont want his talent spilling all over the place. Yes that must be it!:up:
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