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Official OTA News Thread

And he knew that the Bama boosters were not going to outspend the UT and A&M Oil guys so he took his whistle and went home.
Bama has plenty of oil well money, he just (like most college coaches)
He could have kept teaching and coaching and helping young men and all that horsesh*t but apparently it wasn't as fulfilling if he could not longer compete for Championships.
Bama has plenty of oil well money, he just didn't like (like most college coaches) players declaring themselves Free Agents every year, whether they started and contributed or not.
Wow, that's "harsh"!
How many times did you lose? - LOL

Never, i refused to pay for friends in college and join a fraternity. Never had to worry about a soggy biscuit.

btw so I'm back on topic, do OTA's continue today :chuckle:
I am guessing OTA'S are over and this thread does what every other thread does. Devolves into an argument between 2 to 8 posters about anything.
Yea, we should make an actual official thread that actually talks about the Dolphins.

@Fin-Loco Love, ya but please dont label threads about ookie cookies as Offical OTA News.
Bama has plenty of oil well money, he just didn't like (like most college coaches) players declaring themselves Free Agents every year, whether they started and contributed or not.

Being able to avail yourself of a better offer like he did when he left MSU for LSU AND LSU for Miami AND Miami for Bama is IMMORAL and wrong.

Unless you are a coach.
Actually, his work ethic was questioned by Flores his rookie year.

I don’t doubt he works hard. As hard as most NFL players.

But I think what fans would like to see is a Brady-esque mentality (or as someone above put it, a “Momba mentality”). There is a great story from Scott Pioli how in Feb/March of Brady’s second year, Pioli had to go pick something up late on a Friday night at the Pats facility. As he was leaving around 9:30 pm, he noticed some lights on. When he went to check, there was Brady in a training area doing footwork and agility exercises. 9:30 pm on a Friday in the off season with no one else there. That’s one reason he became as great as he was. Those are the kind of stories I think we want to hear. While some/much of this absence stuff is overblown, it’s not nothing. Tua is working on his body but he definitely also needs more mental work.

We certainly aren’t hearing rumors of Tua being at the facility way beyond the call of duty. That’s the rumor you want to hear. You want to hear coach saying “Tua won’t stop pestering me for more film study” (players are allowed to get that from the coaches to study on their own); or, “We have to encourage him to go home,” kind of stuff in the off season.

No offense, but this is the type of random conjecture that is running rampant on this board and it’s time to knock this **** off.

Unless someone on this board is employed by the Miami Dolphins, we literally have NO IDEA what is and what isn’t going on behind closed doors. As far as Flores’ criticism of Tua, it has been established many times by credible sources that Flores had an irrational dislike of Tua- a player that he handcuffed, jerked in and out of the lineup, attempted to replace, and basically did anything he could to sabotage the young QB yet Tua still managed to reward Flores with a record above .500 as a starter on an offense with almost zero NFL weapons.

When McD took over, he tasked Tua with digging in and doing the hard work necessary in order to master his offense. Tua has responded with being the NFL’s leading passer over the last 2 season. We’ve seen tangible improvements that just don’t happen without hard work. We’ve also seen Tua focus on different areas of his body and passing technique each off season and every time he reports for camp we all can actually see the difference.

And for the record- and this is a big one, the idea that Tua has to be seen at the Dolphins facility in the offseason at all hours of the day in order to be considered a hard worker is just laughable on so many fronts. In today’s day and age, players can literally accomplish off-season work at their own home or at various training facilities. I said it earlier but it bears repeating- each and every one of his offseasons, we’ve seen Tua go into the lab and come out the other side improved in his physique and technique.

It’s high time for some fans to stop acting like they have any idea of what’s going on behind closed doors and stop with the false narratives based on personal conjecture and obvious agendas.
And he just happened to be good at football.

How many scrubs lives did he save?
I don't know him personally. But id imagine probably quite a few based on everything I know about the guy. He has numerous ppl that weren't even second string that he has impacted as a mentor. Ppl outside the game of football too. He has also been at the forefront advocating for college athletes getting paid market value. He talked to Congress about it

Is everything okay?
No offense, but this is the type of random conjecture that is running rampant on this board and it’s time to knock this **** off.

Unless someone on this board is employed by the Miami Dolphins, we literally have NO IDEA what is and what isn’t going on behind closed doors. As far as Flores’ criticism of Tua, it has been established many times by credible sources that Flores had an irrational dislike of Tua- a player that he handcuffed, jerked in and out of the lineup, attempted to replace, and basically did anything he could to sabotage the young QB yet Tua still managed to reward Flores with a record above .500 as a starter on an offense with almost zero NFL weapons.

When McD took over, he tasked Tua with digging in and doing the hard work necessary in order to master his offense. Tua has responded with being the NFL’s leading passer over the last 2 season. We’ve seen tangible improvements that just don’t happen without hard work. We’ve also seen Tua focus on different areas of his body and passing technique each off season and every time he reports for camp we all can actually see the difference.

And for the record- and this is a big one, the idea that Tua has to be seen at the Dolphins facility in the offseason at all hours of the day in order to be considered a hard worker is just laughable on so many fronts. In today’s day and age, players can literally accomplish off-season work at their own home or at various training facilities. I said it earlier but it bears repeating- each and every one of his offseasons, we’ve seen Tua go into the lab and come out the other side improved in his physique and technique.

It’s high time for some fans to stop acting like they have any idea of what’s going on behind closed doors and stop with the false narratives based on personal conjecture and obvious agendas.
I think we have to understand that to a degree this is just how things are in 2024. It's easier to ask fans not to put so much energy or weight into what other fans think or say as oppose to telling the other fans to stop thinking or acting one way or another.

It's like going to sports bar where there's a table with some crazy irrational fans that you disagree with, yet daily we go to the bar, sit at the table and engage in debates and discussions. At some point it's easier to go sit at another table or just stop going to that sports bar. Or if you're going to go and engage with that group, try not put so much into what they say. At least that's what I try to tell myself when I get triggered by fans here and trust me it still happens a ton.
I think we have to understand that to a degree this is just how things are in 2024. It's easier to ask fans not to put so much energy or weight into what other fans think or say as oppose to telling the other fans to stop thinking or acting one way or another.

It's like going to sports bar where there's a table with some crazy irrational fans that you disagree with, yet daily we go to the bar, sit at the table and engage in debates and discussions. At some point it's easier to go sit at another table or just stop going to that sports bar. Or if you're going to go and engage with that group, try not put so much into what they say. At least that's what I try to tell myself when I get triggered by fans here and trust me it still happens a ton.

Understandable, although I look at it a little bit differently. If you want to have a debate based on tangible evidence, I’m all about civil dialogue. If you want to try and ram your point home based on what you’ve heard (or haven’t heard), I’m not gonna shy away or “move to the other table”. If your points revolve around unsubstantiated rumors, you deserve to get called out. Again, a different viewpoint but I think avoiding engagement with people like that will only empower them to continue talking out of their ass- for lack of a better term. It probably wouldn’t bother me if that type of behavior was isolated to just sports talk but it’s getting out of control in everyday life. Especially when it comes to politics, religion, etc. If people get to continue pushing false narratives to suit their own opinions unimpeded, they’re certainly not gonna stop doing it.
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