Our Starting WR's | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Our Starting WR's


Pro Bowler
Sep 7, 2003
Reaction score
First off ... remember this is a new system with possibly a new QB Starting for us.

Without any home field advantage on the system or the QB.

Does anyone else think that if Booker and Boston show they still have what it takes (which isnt far fetched since neither one is that old) that they could knock Chambers to the #3 spot? I mean only a couple of years ago these boys were Probowlers on teams that didnt have many other options but them.

AND FINALLY ... if nothing else ... at least this thread isnt about Ricky :D:D:D So those of you that wanted something different be nice lol.
I think either way you look at it, Chambers playing in the slot caused mismatches when we had Gadsden and McKnight starting early in Chambers' career, I'd also think a receiver as big as Boston in the slot would cause problems, not to mention having McMichael at TE. And if we go with a 3 WR set to start, that would be, hoping Boston plays to his full potential, one of the more dangerous sets of WRs in the league, but I'd still give the nod to Chambers and Booker as 1 and 2.
FemaleFinFan said:
I doubt Chambers would be knocked to number 3. He's just too good! HE'll finally have his probowl year...

Not to disagree, I am being devil's advocate here. But how many years have we as fans have said this only to see it not happen.

I like Chambers a lot but to be totally honest he looked like he was giving up on a lot of routes last year just cause he didnt think he would get the ball. Saban's a new coach with a new system and he probably saw it happen also.
RoninFin4 said:
I think either way you look at it, Chambers playing in the slot caused mismatches when we had Gadsden and McKnight starting early in Chambers' career, I'd also think a receiver as big as Boston in the slot would cause problems, not to mention having McMichael at TE. And if we go with a 3 WR set to start, that would be, hoping Boston plays to his full potential, one of the more dangerous sets of WRs in the league, but I'd still give the nod to Chambers and Booker as 1 and 2.

I agree, personally Chambers in my opinion plays best out of the slot, ever since we moved him outside he hasnt matched the numbers he produced as a rookie in the slot.
SQuinn17 said:
the #1 receiver should b a burner(chambers) with a posession receiver being opposite of him(booker)

How about a burner that weighs 225 - 230 pounds? Boston ran a 4.3 with 2 ACL Surgeries this one was minor so why shouldnt he be able to do it again.
Omaha_Dolfan said:
Not to disagree, I am being devil's advocate here. But how many years have we as fans have said this only to see it not happen.

I like Chambers a lot but to be totally honest he looked like he was giving up on a lot of routes last year just cause he didnt think he would get the ball. Saban's a new coach with a new system and he probably saw it happen also.

That is true. I do remember one play where AJ hit him in the back with the ball simply because he didn't turn around for it. Looked like he gave up then. We'll have to wait and see....
I think Chris out of the slot would certainly be best. I like Bookers ability to run his routes and turn into a chris carter type, with the Vikings, not the fish.. lol.. but, With Booker doing his "possession" things, and Boston stretching the field, that will leave alot of real estate for Chambers and McMichael to run against safeties and LB's.. I like those mismatches.. not to mention, with Ronnie and/or Ricky teams can't cheat the safety up in the box... there are alot of possibilities with this offense and Scott Linehan's a very good scheming coordinator.. I think, like has been talked about defensively, you won't see the same thing out of us from one week to the next..
Omaha_Dolfan said:
How about a burner that weighs 225 - 230 pounds? Boston ran a 4.3 with 2 ACL Surgeries this one was minor so why shouldnt he be able to do it again.
Really though, Boston can fly. I remember a play in San Diego where he caught a screen pass in the flat and just ran straight up the field to the house burning everyone in the process.

Great post although I think that we won't have a clearcut #1,#2, or #3. I think Linehan will experiment with our three multi-talented Wr's lining them up in different positions and different formations and just let them create.

I'm very sorry to bring Ricky into this thread, but with his return and a breakout season from Ronnie, our play action pass will be straight up deadly. The way that our offense is so talented at all the skill positions, you wont be able to cheat to one like the defenses did in the past. Our receivers will benefit from our running game and our RB's will benefit from our improved pass game(on paper).
dolfanrodney said:
Chambers is the #1 guy period.

You've got to remember Saban has no ties to CC. He will promote and push the players he feels are the best for the team. Not saying CC won't be that guy. But CC had better understand he has yet to live up to his potential and maybe a smart HC could demote him to get the proper response from that young talented under achieving WR.

If anything Boston has stronger ties to Saban than CC does. I would not rule out CC get demoted in the hopes it would motivate and make the kid get angry for once.

He just seems way too nice for a WR.
Think of it this way: Chambers can play in the slot, but teams will still put their #1 or #2 corners on him. So you've got Booker and Chambers on one side of the field with both top corners covering them. Stick Boston on the other side and McMichael on that side of the line. Now you've got either the FS, the nickel or dime corners, or OLBs covering McMichael, Boston, and anyone else that may be going out for a pass.
dolfanrodney said:
Chambers is the #1 guy period.

finsmx said:
no wey chambers can drop to 3 :roflmao:

And this is because you are blindly loyal to Chris Chambers? or did you just dispell all of the arguments that could drop him and forgot to put them in your post?
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