Over Rated Eagles? | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Over Rated Eagles?

Agreed. Eagles were my pick to slip, vet Giants did instead.
A hard opening schedule made us all think so. Rush Limbaugh changed that focus from their play and tough foes to the media's desire to see a black man succeed.
Mcnabb was the higher man in this. His O line found its timing afer a shaky start, Ritchie their new all pro FB (and sixth OL) found his timing and the rb by committee took over. Staley's holdout was a slow start factor too, but it made him think team first and the rb now all are focused with shared reps to maximize their impact per carry/catch. Add a QB whose system and ability are tailored to what he does best which is improvsie or make things happen and who knows where they can go?

Their D had young speed who waited a year and learned, Hugh Douglas was a wake-up call to other key vets that this may be their last chance as a group. Taylor and Vincent know they will bid-war played by the Eagles office. Make this season count it is the way to stay above that. Their great OLB from Arkansas State is a key player despite no sacks or INT. Nobody throws at him and his D line does so well he needs not blitz. He is a pure cover lb and very underrated.

Wanny could use a guy like Mcnabb to make it happen with his feet as a missing ingredient. Jay's best games he runs enough to make plays. otherwise Norv needs a downfield arm. Aikman's system never used the running qb for Norv. Something needs to give here either talent or scheme or a combination of both. If Norv had other chances/looks he would use them for sure.
Here is to hoping the race gets you results. Otherwise give Sage a true look the last 2 games and evaluate the future.
Good thing we were playing a southern home game. Sounded like Philly at times.
Sorry, now you can rest at night knowing we are not overrated.
congrats Eagles fans, good luck the rest of the way. the better team won last night. looks like my Dolphins will be going the way of my Braves... time for management to make some decisions about players and personnel.
Originally posted by CarolinaFishFan
congrats Eagles fans, good luck the rest of the way. the better team won last night. looks like my Dolphins will be going the way of my Braves... time for management to make some decisions about players and personnel.

Back at you, Wayne H. didn't look to happy at the end. So you may get your wish.
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