Poll:Was Tagliabue a good Comish? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Poll:Was Tagliabue a good Comish?

Was Tagilabue a good Comish

  • Yes

    Votes: 176 97.8%
  • No

    Votes: 4 2.2%

  • Total voters
capecoralfinfan said:
i think you've been brainwashed LOL go back to school and learn some "country grammar" hahaha

Last time I checked this was a football forum, not an english class. By the way you start a sentence with a capital letter and you end it with something called a "period".
Se7eN said:
i am white by the way but here is why i consider it him trying to make the nba white.

i worked at a bar as a bartender on long island in ny right by a college which was prodominantly white, the next town over is a very urban community. The reason i say this is because the dress code for the NBA is pretty much the same dress code as the bar. Here was the sign on the door.
No White Tees
No Hoodies
No Doo-rags
No Tims or Boots
No Big Jewlery
you see what im getting at i did not mean to say nething that would affend some1 but from the owner of the bars mouth(racist fat ex stock broker) he didnt want to have blacks in the bar which i have black friends its just my opinion and alot of other peoples and for some reason when i see david stern i see the John(bar owner) just tryin to take urban style away from were it once was

its called being professional
usf dolfan23 said:
What makes a person "respectable"? I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with what clothes you decide to wear but rather the manner in which you live you're life and the way you present yourself AS A PERSON. I don't care if a person is wearing a wife beater or a designer suit, it doesn't change anything about who that person is and what they represent. Rich white guys are the ones who decided suits and ties are what makes a person respectable because they for the most part are the only people who can afford them. So stop acting like it has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with race, even if thats not exactly how it was meant to be taken.

Wait, you're saying that the NBA is trying to make the players wear suits because they know the black players won't be able to afford them?!?!?!?!
You've been listening to too many Knicks man.

And the 'suit' wasn't invented to exclude poor people from entering companies. Suits are designed to make everyone look as similar as possible - they hide physical differences/height/width to an extent. That's bad for an entirely different reason IMO, but to suggest that all black people are poor and can't afford suits is RIDICULOUS. Heck, a cheap suit is less than most clothes at Tommy/etc anyways!
Well its clearly obvious that he was good! He did alot of great things for the NFL ! He was probably the reason we have a New CBA too. He has done way better than any other commish!
i am for the dress code
its always good to see professionals act like professionals
Agua said:
I'll remember him most for his uneven treatment of disciplinary matters with superstars getting off light and bending rules for the same. He presided over the "thugacization" of the NFL. My opinion is he was a limp-wristed Commissioner.
Most of this is just the changing of the times. It isn't the '50's or even the '60's any longer. All leagues do this to a certain degree, unless a superstar blatantly crosses over the line to the point where it can't be swept under the rug. That doesn't make it right, but it does make it understandable. And for a "limp-wristed" commissioner, he certainly seems to have put perhaps professional sport's most stringent drug enforcement policy into practice and brought labor relations to an apex that other sports can only envy.
Se7eN said:
With Taqliabue officially announcing his retirement, i realized a couple things that the nfl honestly has been run really well the last couple years. Taqliabue honestly is probably the best comish out of all the major sports Bud Selig made baseball a mess with the Steriod scandal, David Stern is trying to make the the NBA "professional"(edit) with all his stupid dress code rules, and Gary Betman i dont have to say nething. Tagliabue saves the nfl this year from becoming what baseball is, an unfair, capless free for all. He also made the NFL a huge success and pretty much took over baseball as Americas past time. Superbowl gets huge rating, i know this is not all him but while he was the comish there was no big thing that i could say that was really bad.

The NFL is so successful today, and has been the most dominant sport for years under his leadership. Just think he's leaving prematurely.
Se7eN said:
No White Tees
No Hoodies
No Doo-rags
No Tims or Boots
No Big Jewlery
As long as he equally applies those rules to everyone, I don't see how that in and of itself is an indication of racism.

On the other side of the coin, though, I've been called racist for enforcing my boss' policy of stop selling alcohol at 12 instead of 10, even though it's not even my policy in the first place and I apply the rules equally to everyone (either the beer is bagged and I have the money in my hand that the person is paying for it by 12 or I don't make the sale).
HeelsNPhinsFan said:
Wait, you're saying that the NBA is trying to make the players wear suits because they know the black players won't be able to afford them?!?!?!?!
You've been listening to too many Knicks man.

Wow, you completely missed my point. Of course NBA players can afford suits and ties, but does a suit and tie really represent how respectable a person is?

And the 'suit' wasn't invented to exclude poor people from entering companies. Suits are designed to make everyone look as similar as possible - they hide physical differences/height/width to an extent.

Once again, I never said the suit was invented to exclude poor people from entering companies. What I said was that for the most part throughout history, rich white business men were the only people who could afford to buy "respectable clothing"( suits, ties, etc). Which is ridiculous because a persons respectability has nothing to do with how much his clothing is worth. If a person had lived his or her entire life wearing a certain type of clothing, why should they change their appearence because all of a sudden they are part of the "business world"?

That's bad for an entirely different reason IMO, but to suggest that all black people are poor and can't afford suits is RIDICULOUS.

I NEVER suggested that all black people are poor and can't afford suits. Please don't put words in my mouth. What I was arguing against was the thought that a persons respectability is based on the kind of clothing they wear. I don't care what color you're skin is, to say a person is more respectable because they are wearing a suit is ridiculous.

Heck, a cheap suit is less than most clothes at Tommy/etc anyways!

Although not as much now, throughout history for the most part, the upperclass were the only ones who could afford "high end" clothing. These clothing were what made them look more "respectable" and "professional" (at least in their eyes). Now let me ask you a question. Who throughout American history have primarily been the upper class?
On the one hand, he did a great job of growing the sport and implementing the CBA...

On the other hand, I hate all the crap rules he's brought into the game, and the way he's really stomped on player / team celebrations. Taken all the individuality out of the game.
EBMisfit said:
As long as he equally applies those rules to everyone, I don't see how that in and of itself is an indication of racism.

It does imply racism when one particular race are the ones who primarily wear that type of clothing.
usf dolfan23 said:
EBMisfit said:
As long as he equally applies those rules to everyone, I don't see how that in and of itself is an indication of racism.

It does imply racism when one particular race are the ones who primarily wear that type of clothing.

These guys can wear whatever they feel like when they are not at work, but when they ARE at work, they are expected to represent their company, in this case the NBA/their respective team. There are thousands and thousands of companies across the world that require their employees to abide by a dress code. Are all of these companies racist too? These guys are being paid millions of dollars, they should look the part.
vanquenton said:
usf dolfan23 said:
These guys can wear whatever they feel like when they are not at work, but when they ARE at work, they are expected to represent their company, in this case the NBA/their respective team. There are thousands and thousands of companies across the world that require their employees to abide by a dress code. Are all of these companies racist too? These guys are being paid millions of dollars, they should look the part.

What does the kind of clothing you wear have anything to with how you represent you're company? I would rather have an honest hard working person wearing a wife beater and jeans then a dishonest and greedy person wearing a suit and tie."There are thousands and thousands of companies across the world that require their employees to abide by a dress code." So just because thousands of companies do it, that makes it right????
usf dolfan23 said:
vanquenton said:
What does the kind of clothing you wear have anything to with how you represent you're company? I would rather have an honest hard working person wearing a wife beater and jeans then a dishonest and greedy person wearing a suit and tie."There are thousands and thousands of companies across the world that require their employees to abide by a dress code." So just because thousands of companies do it, that makes it right????

If i showed up to work in clothes that most of the NBA players would wear to the game i would be FIRED on the spot.

when those players walk into the arena they are on the clock and the NBA has the right to tell there Employees/Players what to wear just like if you worked at mcdonalds, walmart, Kmart etc........

And for the last time it is not about race it's about presenting yourself with Professionalism!!!
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