Positives from today’s game week 6 edition! | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Positives from today’s game week 6 edition!

Josh Rosen is mostly responsible for those 1st half sacks. He held onto the ball way too long on 3 of those sacks. So while the offensive line wasn't great Rosen made them look worse. Jesse Davis was responsible for one of those sacks and Deiter was beaten on a stunt to the inside on another. But in all fairness to Davis, he pointed the uncovered LB thinking Gesicki would chip him, but instead Gesicki ran a route, leaving the LB untouched to the point where Davis couldn't get there in time to block him. On a more positive note the play of the Offensive Line in the 4th quarter was fantastic. That's the type of line play teams can win with.
I missed a bit of the start of the game, but when I started watching Rosen was getting sacked the moment he finished his drop and was even getting pressured on screen passes, forchrissake. Still, it was a hugely disappointing game for Rosen, who had showed a lot of good things the last two games and was putrid today, a game that might have been our best shot at winning one this year. We still have to go back to him to start and hopefully we'll bounce back, but I'm pretty much off his bandwagon at the moment.
not being a smart-a, but Haack was brilliant yesterday. During a good season, in a game that might have mattered, he made some great punts, especially the shorter nose-down ones.
1) Obviously the biggest positive is draft order, call it the Tua bowl or whatever you want but this is the big win from today.
2) Mark Walton played very well, he’s our bes RB right now, drake and Ballage have been major disappointments but he was a nice find.
3) There was only 2 Defenders who looked to make any major impact and that was Raekwon and Vince Biegel. McMillan is putting together a rock solid season, for a guy who people thought was a possible fringe roster guy he’s been the star of our defense. Biegel had a few pressures and almost forced an INT.
4) Fitzpatrick played pretty well, and even though he almost won us this game which would have been bad, after watching 3 quarters of Josh Rosen the charisma and excitement Fitz brought was exciting. I think I’ve seen enough of Rosen to know he’s not it. I hope we get to see a little more Fitz throughout the rest of the season.
5) Mike Gesicki has his best game as a dolphin. He made one spectacular catch and created separation on a few other occasions which is progress for him. It’s not drastic but he’s improving and that’s encouraging.
6) Wilkins goal line stuff was a really big play.
7) Preston Williams did solid on punt return, no major mistakes a few nice returns.

Considering the mess in the secondary and no pass rush, the D did quite well
Josh Rosen is mostly responsible for those 1st half sacks. He held onto the ball way too long on 3 of those sacks. So while the offensive line wasn't great Rosen made them look worse. Jesse Davis was responsible for one of those sacks and Deiter was beaten on a stunt to the inside on another. But in all fairness to Davis, he pointed the uncovered LB thinking Gesicki would chip him, but instead Gesicki ran a route, leaving the LB untouched to the point where Davis couldn't get there in time to block him. On a more positive note the play of the Offensive Line in the 4th quarter was fantastic. That's the type of line play teams can win with.

I really didn't see that... Rosen didn't play a good game but for the most he really didn't have a chance!
Wash D was all out to sack and for all purposes Rosen had zero for a pocket -- nowhere to run or hide...
VERY VERY few QBs in the history of the game could have functioned effectively given the OL play Rosen
was getting... Not defending the kid but he was getting rocked left and right...
Big Nasty Fish, I saw that as well. My point was more specifically on each sack he took. The line played like crap the entire time Rosen played. He was getting pressured from everywhere. But instead of throwing the ball away on a few of those sacks he instead tried to make plays with his feet to buy time.
Josh Rosen is mostly responsible for those 1st half sacks. He held onto the ball way too long on 3 of those sacks. So while the offensive line wasn't great Rosen made them look worse. Jesse Davis was responsible for one of those sacks and Deiter was beaten on a stunt to the inside on another. But in all fairness to Davis, he pointed the uncovered LB thinking Gesicki would chip him, but instead Gesicki ran a route, leaving the LB untouched to the point where Davis couldn't get there in time to block him. On a more positive note the play of the Offensive Line in the 4th quarter was fantastic. That's the type of line play teams can win with.

As someone who attended the game in person solely to watch specific positions versus the overall game, I have to flat out disagree.

There were two sacks in the 2nd quarter alone he had less than 2 seconds to throw. He was hit literally right before his drop back, because the LG COMPLETELY whiffed on his assignment, letting a basic swim put him off kilter.

Rosen looked back in the 2nd half though. He started holding onto the ball, started making hero throws. Our receivers were not open on any intermediate passing plays, and our tight ends get jammed when they line up on outside. Ive never seen that before. Impressive! Gesuck.
Big Nasty Fish, I saw that as well. My point was more specifically on each sack he took. The line played like crap the entire time Rosen played. He was getting pressured from everywhere. But instead of throwing the ball away on a few of those sacks he instead tried to make plays with his feet to buy time.

I guess he could have thrown the ball away in a few situations -- but he would be
bailing on the play about 1sec after snap!


Kid was trying to make a play or at least have an opportunity to get the ball out...
I almost have to give the kid a pass based on the perverse pressure he was under!
Side note -- I was actually looking forward to the game foreseeing an opportunity
where the OL is improving and getting a chance to evaluate Rosen and (in retrospect
delusionally) hoping to see continued improvement...

It because obvious real fast that was not gonna happen!

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How do you fix this OL next year?

I don't really see anyone on this OL that should be assured of a starting spot in 2020.

Do you really want Jesse Davis protecting Tua's blind side? Sure, he would be ok to average but not the type of player I would count on long term. (They obviously feel differently but that also worries me).

Deiter at LG has a lot to prove to remain, IMO. Yes, he deserves time but the LG spot should not be ignored just to put all your eggs in his basket.

Do you draft a LT high (Wirfs) when it may become the 2nd most important position on the line? This is another dilemma from the Davis extension. Would you put Davis on the left side and draft a RT high? (Wirfs can play both).

Also still need C & RG.

I realize we may not be able to fix the entire gutted roster in one off-season but the OL rebuild is going to be of huge importance, if we make that #1 OA investment in a rookie QB.

We also won't have a RB, A TE that is still a question and no consistent WR's yet.

and then the defense....yeesh
I think he had one tackle, but you could feel Wilkins out there. He showed a good motor and intensity too.

Gesicki with some nice grabs. Mark Walton looked competent as a two way back. He'd probably be better as a change of pace guy but there's something there. McMillan is getting better and better.

Evan Boehm may have been a good find. Considering how incredible Indy is on the interior line, their scraps may be underrated.

I am intrigued by Steven Parker. He may belong as decent depth at safety over the long-term.

On the negative side, you have to wonder if Deiter can be a starter. He's physically weak and not very athletic either.

Rosen has some ability but you'd never know it because he's shell shocked right now. I didn't want to play him this early for this reason lest he fall down the David Carr-Joey Harrington hole.
How do you fix this OL next year?

I don't really see anyone on this OL that should be assured of a starting spot in 2020.

Do you really want Jesse Davis protecting Tua's blind side? Sure, he would be ok to average but not the type of player I would count on long term. (They obviously feel differently but that also worries me).

Deiter at LG has a lot to prove to remain, IMO. Yes, he deserves time but the LG spot should not be ignored just to put all your eggs in his basket.

Do you draft a LT high (Wirfs) when it may become the 2nd most important position on the line? This is another dilemma from the Davis extension. Would you put Davis on the left side and draft a RT high? (Wirfs can play both).

Also still need C & RG.

I realize we may not be able to fix the entire gutted roster in one off-season but the OL rebuild is going to be of huge importance, if we make that #1 OA investment in a rookie QB.

We also won't have a RB, A TE that is still a question and no consistent WR's yet.

and then the defense....yeesh

For me it starts in the middle. I have to admit I'm football horny for Creed Humphrey!
After that grab Jake Hanson or Solomon Kindley (to play with a quality FA acquisition).
Gonna have to draft or FA address OT as well + I'm still hoping Prince can develop...

After that, I really believe we need some kid to work in the slot who can get OPEN
and pester the hell out of the D! We got size on the outside but we need some
nasty quicks in the middle short game with some monster HANDS!

Of course a legit stud RB would be good too!

For me it starts in the middle. I have to admit I'm football horny for Creed Humphrey!
After that grab Jake Hanson or Solomon Kindley (to play with a quality FA acquisition).
Gonna have to draft or FA address OT as well + I'm still hoping Prince can develop...

After that, I really believe we need some kid to work in the slot who can get OPEN
and pester the hell out of the D! We got size on the outside but we need some
nasty quicks in the middle short game with some monster HANDS!

Of course a legit stud RB would be good too!


I like Humphrey, Biadasz, Wirfs & Andrews but I would lean toward drafting tackles (because they are expensive in FA) and signing guards (although that depends on the market). I would also not pass up Biadasz as he would be a 10 year starter and QB of the line and also make your guards better (Deiter).

Maybe resign Drake (on the cheap) or sign Jordan Howard in FA at RB. We might be able to get a good one with on eof our 2nd round picks but I'm not sure I would go RB over CB, S, or Edge.
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