Predictions of Eight & Eight Stink | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Predictions of Eight & Eight Stink


Pro Bowler
Nov 24, 2004
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What is the point of the people that predict 8-8 as a season record?

What kind of prediction is that? Can you get any safer? I would think you should not even predict unless you are saying at least 9-7 or higher or 7-9 or lower. Anyone can say 8-8 and be almost assured of being reasonably correct.

I say 10-6 but will fall short to 9-7 and just miss the playoffs once again. But at least you know what side of 8-8 I stand on. The season will be fun and memorable for the most part with a few great games.
Why don't we merge all the replies that ask for threads to be merged
Ummmmm, okay.....

So anyone who predicted Cincinnati, Minnesota, New Orleans, and/or St. Louis to finish at 8-8 last year made predictions that stank?


So you're telling me that if I sat down and looked at the Dolphins' schedule for this year, and found 8 games I thought they would win, and the other 8 I thought they would lose, my prediction would stink? I'm not making an 8-8 prediction to be safe; I'm making it because I actually think that's what their record will be.
Excluding ties, there are seventeen possible records. 8-8 is one of them. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's a invalid prediction.

2-3 months ago, 8-8 is what I predicted for us. Not because I was unwilling to say we would have a loosing record. Not because I was too pessimistic to think we would have a winning record. I predicted 8-8 because I felt that was very realistic (and actually, at that time, optimistic). I still believe that is a fair prediction, though I am trying to talk myself into 9-7...If ties were still common I'd compromise and say 8-7-1. :D I feel if I start saying 9-7 it will be the HOMER in me talking rather than the realist. I thought people were crazy last year predicting us to be so bad when RW left...My glasses were certainly rose colored back then!

Yes, we will be MUCH better, but we are in a TOUGH division, and still have some BIG questionmarks. A 2-4 record within our division is about all I expect...That leaves us having to go 6-4 against the rest of the teams we have to face, which won't be easy.

I guess I am saying I am willing to commit to 8-8, with a possibility of 9-7. Talk about commitment, eh?!? :lol:
Finland said:
What is the point of the people that predict 8-8 as a season record?

What kind of prediction is that? Can you get any safer? I would think you should not even predict unless you are saying at least 9-7 or higher or 7-9 or lower. Anyone can say 8-8 and be almost assured of being reasonably correct.

I say 10-6 but will fall short to 9-7 and just miss the playoffs once again. But at least you know what side of 8-8 I stand on. The season will be fun and memorable for the most part with a few great games.

This post and thread makes no sense what so ever. If i think the team is going 8-8 by looking at the schedule and the players, why does that "stink"? It's a record that is plausible so i am going with it. There is no fence here, it's a record.
Finland said:
Why don't we merge all the replies that ask for threads to be merged
or here's a bright idea you could use the search function before you post a new thread when you could have just voiced this opinion in one of the many other dolphin's record thread instead of wasting bankwidth and server space
Predicting that we will win twice as many as last year stinks? I don't really get it. A team goes 4-12 last year and it's "safe" to predict they go 8-8? Are you saying that it's safer to say that we'll go 8-8 than to say we'll go 5-11? This has to be one of the more moronic ideas I've heard on this board. :lol:
ladeback said:
Predicting that we will win twice as many as last year stinks? I don't really get it. A team goes 4-12 last year and it's "safe" to predict they go 8-8? Are you saying that it's safer to say that we'll go 8-8 than to say we'll go 5-11? This has to be one of the more moronic ideas I've heard on this board. :lol:

or is it "moronic" to think that we are only one game improved from a 4-12 team????
Yes, I am saying don't predict 8-8 even if you think that is right. It is safe and useless and you have a great chance of being right. In short it is not much of a prediction. Anyone can can say that and be pretty safe at being correct. It is not like you are betting money, you are communicating with others, so get off the middle ground.
i predict 7-9.

but the way the NFL is, you may win 10 or loose 10.

but ill give reasons:
your D wont be what it has been the past few seasons, cus you lost 3 of your 4 starters in the secondary, and replaced them with lesser tallent, (for the most part). LBs are very good, but getting older, and 1 is comming off an injury. (but they are still VERY good)
your D-Line is improved but also older. rookies usually dont help much their first year, and the gaps from last year were filled with older players. but i think the D-Line is improved over last season.

overall the D is weaker. (IMO)

and your O is improved, Brown SHOULD run well, but RBs RARELY have 1300 yard rookie seasons. and R. Williams ability is questionable. (but RB is better than last year.

O-Line is improved, but still not good enough,
WRs are good, but will they all perform like there former selves, (except chambers who is, and has been, consistantly very good). improvement over last season.

that leaves QB, which has to be improved, even if its only slightly. (im thinking, more experience = better play). so another improvment.

all in all, improved Offense (though not greatly improved)
weaker Defense (improved rush D, but much weaker pass D)

definatly not a 4 win team, but not a 10 win team eather (IMO).
MelbournePhin said:
or is it "moronic" to think that we are only one game improved from a 4-12 team????

I don't think that well go 5-11 if that's what you're implying. In fact, I was thinking more along the lines of 8-8, so I'd better change my mind quickly since I've never been one to be 'safe'. Finland, you have a very interesting take on the whole 8-8 thing.
Finland said:
Yes, I am saying don't predict 8-8 even if you think that is right. It is safe and useless and you have a great chance of being right. In short it is not much of a prediction. Anyone can can say that and be pretty safe at being correct. It is not like you are betting money, you are communicating with others, so get off the middle ground

What the hell? Why is predicting 8-8 have a great chance of being correct? I'd say 7-9 has just as good a chance if not better. This 'get off the middle ground' garbage is really weird. :lol:
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