Questions I Still Have for Jonathan Martin | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Questions I Still Have for Jonathan Martin

The things that bothers me is, if Martin had simply walked into Philbins office and talked about his issues, I doubt a majority of this makes it into the media.

Getting up throwing your lunch all over the place is the equivalent of a suck attack. Children do it all the time for their own personal needs. This selfish act has shed a poor light over the entire organization, and reports are now surfacing where coaches jobs may be on the line. One hell of a fallout with wicked collateral damage I'd say.
The things that bothers me is, if Martin had simply walked into Philbins office and talked about his issues, I doubt a majority of this makes it into the media.

Getting up throwing your lunch all over the place is the equivalent of a suck attack. Children do it all the time for their own personal needs. This selfish act has shed a poor light over the entire organization, and reports are now surfacing where coaches jobs may be on the line. One hell of a fallout with wicked collateral damage I'd say.

He never had to go that far. He just had to speak with his player rep. The union rep is there to keep a eye on the work site.
The things that bothers me is, if Martin had simply walked into Philbins office and talked about his issues, I doubt a majority of this makes it into the media.

Getting up throwing your lunch all over the place is the equivalent of a suck attack. Children do it all the time for their own personal needs. This selfish act has shed a poor light over the entire organization, and reports are now surfacing where coaches jobs may be on the line. One hell of a fallout with wicked collateral damage I'd say.

I agree. Although to me it is "one hell of a fallout with wicked collateral damage" if Philbin and staff truly had no idea this kind of thing was going on. If Philbin knew about it, and simply chose to ignore it, then I would say he's fair game.
To me this whole thing will be a media driven story. With the usual suspects yelling their discrimination beliefs from the rafters.

But it is a simple thing when all said and done. A young man, quit and left his team. He didn't have the maturity to go through the proper channels to seek remediation on his grievances.

As for Incog, his play is why he should be replaced....
Martin walked away from a hostile work environment, something to which no one should be subjected. It's not a normal situation and I doubt he has any prior experience dealing with a hostile work environment, so whether he handled it poorly or handled it well doesn't really matter to me. It's very easy to Monday morning quarterback this situation and say he should have done this or he should have done that. We have the luxury of not being the subject of the hostility and of not being emotionally involved or affected; however, those decisions are not always so clear in real time.
Martin walked away from a hostile work environment, something to which no one should be subjected. It's not a normal situation and I doubt he has any prior experience dealing with a hostile work environment, so whether he handled it poorly or handled it well doesn't really matter to me. It's very easy to Monday morning quarterback this situation and say he should have done this or he should have done that. We have the luxury of not being the subject of the hostility and of not being emotionally involved or affected; however, those decisions are not always so clear in real time.

Do you have a problem is Martin hazed other players?
Do you have a problem is Martin hazed other players?

I explained this to you in a different thread.
I don't think it was the pranking that cause Martin to walk. I think it's more likely to be the racism and threats that Incognito was directing at him.
There's a difference between pranks and hazing. You seem insistent on rolling it all up into one package. For example, moving someone's car is a prank. It's not meant to harass, abuse, or humiliate.
Seriously, your point has been made in other threads....I get it....Martin is at fault because he sucks...and you don't want him back. Great to know, doesn't excuse Incognito's pattern of conduct during his tenure in the NFL and most notably what is coming to light with this specific situation.
Was Martin the only player picked on? If not why is he the only one to react like this? These are grown men that play in a gladiatorial game, the rules of normal society are not fully realized in an nfl locker room. I would like to see the full extent of the bullying come out and then make a decision for myself but I would like to know about why it seems that only Martin was hurt so much. Why can't a man say no to being asked to buy dinners etc? Was he the only one doing so or did others tell the bullies to screw off. What was the fear on the victim's part? Did he fear physical retort? There is too much info that needs to come out before we can do more than guess at the results of all this are.
Martin walked away from a hostile work environment, something to which no one should be subjected. It's not a normal situation and I doubt he has any prior experience dealing with a hostile work environment, so whether he handled it poorly or handled it well doesn't really matter to me. It's very easy to Monday morning quarterback this situation and say he should have done this or he should have done that. We have the luxury of not being the subject of the hostility and of not being emotionally involved or affected; however, those decisions are not always so clear in real time.

He displayed NO maturity in dealing with a work place problem. You can 'think' this or that, but what he displayed was childish and immature. He left his team. Period.

People everyday have to deal with uncomfortable surroundings. Most if NOT ALL don't have the luxury to walk off a job site. Stop making excuses for poor judgement.
He displayed NO maturity in dealing with a work place problem. You can 'think' this or that, but what he displayed was childish and immature. He left his team. Period.

People everyday have to deal with uncomfortable surroundings. Most if NOT ALL don't have the luxury to walk off a job site. Stop making excuses for poor judgement.

Racism and threats would have had an employee in a typical job setting fired....that is what Martin dealt with...
He displayed NO maturity in dealing with a work place problem. You can 'think' this or that, but what he displayed was childish and immature. He left his team. Period.

People everyday have to deal with uncomfortable surroundings. Most if NOT ALL don't have the luxury to walk off a job site. Stop making excuses for poor judgement.

We have no idea how he handled this situation in the months leading up to walking out and we have no idea what efforts he may have made to deal it prior to walking out. But let me ask you this, why should he have stayed and continued to work in that environment?
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