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Red Sox's Nixon criticizes A-Rod

FaninPatsyLand1 said:
Whatever nyjunc, it's obvious we don't agree. All that matters is that ALL New York sports teams s*ck. Mets, Yankees, Rangers, Islanders, Knicks, Jets and Giants... not a winner in the bunch. Neither are most of the people that live there.. excluding the occasional Dolphin fan :wink:

Meanwhile, Boston is the best sports town in the country. New York isn't even close to the sports town that Boston is. Second City mentality, ha what would us New Englanders have to be jealous of? Most of your teams are overpaid underachievers, and all your teams are garbage.:roflmao:

Enjoy your little run, it won't last and Boston will be a loser town once again. Everyone knows Boston fans are inanely jealous of NY. It's common knowledge and you know it to but are afraid to admit it.
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
You Boston fans just want to be the Yankees. !

If that was true I would have been a Yankee fan!
Are you f'ing brain dead! I mean come on!

There are as many Sox fans here as there are stankee fans here(in RI).. believe me, I have never wanted to be a stankees fan, man...

NY IS THE ARMPIT OF AMERICA; I would never be a fan of any NY team, EVER! said:
If that was true I would have been a Yankee fan!
Are you f'ing brain dead! I mean come on!

There are as many Sox fans here as there are stankee fans here(in RI).. believe me, I have never wanted to be a stankees fan, man...

NY IS THE ARMPIT OF AMERICA; I would never be a fan of any NY team, EVER!

I'm sure you never wantd to be a Yankee fan but you and all Sox fans are insanely jealous of the success of the greatest franchise in the history of sports and you all wish you the Sox had even half the success the Yanks have had.
nyjunc said:
Enjoy your little run, it won't last and Boston will be a loser town once again. Everyone knows Boston fans are inanely jealous of NY. It's common knowledge and you know it to but are afraid to admit it.

Im a Boston fan but I'm not from Mass so there is a little difference there because I really dont see this jealousy thing.. not around my area. You can't generalize all Boston fans like that, junk, because a lot of Boston fans that aren't from mass could have easily been stankee fans, since its not their local team.
nyjunc said:
I'm sure you never wantd to be a Yankee fan but you and all Sox fans are insanely jealous of the success of the greatest franchise in the history of sports and you all wish you the Sox had even half the success the Yanks have had.

Son, understand, I had the choice between the two when I was growing up. They stankees had their success well before I became a baseball fan believe me when I tell you there is one reaseon why I didn't become a stankee fan: I like the underdog. Jealousy does not compute, junk.
MikeO said:
that might be the stupidest chant in the history of sports. If Boston fans actually DO that this year, they will be the laughingstocks of sports. Laughing because a team hasn't won a WS in 4 years....good god. :shakeno:
Yeah, and Nineteen Eighteen wasn't?:shakeno: Hypocritical much? :lol:
MikeO said:
that might be the stupidest chant in the history of sports. If Boston fans actually DO that this year, they will be the laughingstocks of sports. Laughing because a team hasn't won a WS in 4 years....good god. :shakeno:
If that doesn't catch on (good idea anyway Simmons) then maybe we'll stick with the usual, Balco, or my personal favorite, YOU'RE ON STERIODS.

I love the idea that you New Yorkers think you have something that we want, that we're jealous of you. HAHAHA. Our city is nicer, and Boston is miles ahead of NYC as a sports town.
If that doesn't catch on (good idea anyway Simmons) then maybe we'll stick with the usual, Balco, or my personal favorite, YOU'RE ON STERIODS.

Like manny Ramirez hasn't used steroids :rolleyes: go back and check manny from the mid 90s and now then get back to me.

I love the idea that you New Yorkers think you have something that we want, that we're jealous of you. HAHAHA. Our city is nicer, and Boston is miles ahead of NYC as a sports town.

I've been to Boston, it has some nice parts but Boston is always striving to be what NY is and they don't come close. It's part of the reason why Bostonians are so consumed w/ everything NY and have an insane jealousy towards everything NY.

I've been to fenway and Foxboro and I have never seen anything like the intense jealousy by Bos area fans. Quite frankly I felt embarrassed for them. Now you have had a little success and maybe feel a little better about yourselves but deep down you are always losers and always take a back seat to NY.
FaninPatsyLand1 said:
Yeah, and Nineteen Eighteen wasn't?:shakeno: Hypocritical much? :lol:
1918 was 86 friggin years.

You are gonna compare 86 years to 4??:shakeno: :shakeno: ???? Please, you can't be serious!
MikeO said:
1918 was 86 friggin years.

You are gonna compare 86 years to 4??:shakeno: :shakeno: ???? Please, you can't be serious!
I'm comparing chants, not years. We're giving back to you what you gave to us for all these years. You guys CHOKED, just deal with it.
MikeO said:
1918 was 86 friggin years.

You are gonna compare 86 years to 4??:shakeno: :shakeno: ???? Please, you can't be serious!
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I remember at Phinzone all you did was talk crap. Then the Yankees got their asses beaten in the greatest comeback of all time.

Not only should you be embarrassed (almost so much that you should never talk baseball again) but even more ashamed of the fact that your team has spent 100 million for the last 4 years and no won ****. Go away Mike (and all Yankee fans). Talk when you win something in this century.
Hostile7 said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I remember at Phinzone all you did was talk crap. Then the Yankees got their asses beaten in the greatest comeback of all time.

Not only should you be embarrassed (almost so much that you should never talk baseball again) but even more ashamed of the fact that your team has spent 100 million for the last 4 years and no won ****. Go away Mike (and all Yankee fans). Talk when you win something in this century.
:roflmao: talk about holding a grudge! Bringing up topics from a closed down website! :roflmao:

And 2000 we won the world series. Guess that isn't this century!:shakeno: Oh wait, now Im gonna hear how the century doesn't start till 2001 right! :shakeno:
FaninPatsyLand1 said:
I'm comparing chants, not years. We're giving back to you what you gave to us for all these years. You guys CHOKED, just deal with it.
We choked once. You guys have a lifetime of choking.

Wanna compare resumes................I didn't think so! DEAL WITH THAT!
MikeO said:
We choked once. You guys have a lifetime of choking.

Wanna compare resumes................I didn't think so! DEAL WITH THAT!
I've dealt, apparently that devistating loss is still eating away at you. I mean I'd be angry too if a bunch of overpaid underachievers embarressed me as a fan. Yeah your resume is really impressive -- outspend ALL the competition, that's something to be proud of. HAHAHA.
Hostile7 said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I remember at Phinzone all you did was talk crap. Then the Yankees got their asses beaten in the greatest comeback of all time.

Not only should you be embarrassed (almost so much that you should never talk baseball again) but even more ashamed of the fact that your team has spent 100 million for the last 4 years and no won ****. Go away Mike (and all Yankee fans). Talk when you win something in this century.
You are absolutely right, couldn't have said it better myself. All they've been doing as a fan base is talking lately. All those fans that jumped on the bandwagon in '96 are dropping like flies, they can't root for hardworkers like O'Neill and Williams (before he was washed up) anymore. Now they are forced to root for a bunch of babies/scumbags like Arod, Sheffield and Kevin Brown. Meanwhile, we're rooting for the hard workers like Varitek, Mueller, Millar, Nixon and Schilling. And they're jealous, our team has heart and there's doesn't.:)
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