Ronnie has EAS endorsement deal | Page 11 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ronnie has EAS endorsement deal

AquaAssasin said:
yep, you and I are like the only ones who really know about bill before he sold out..


But our boy Ronnie is now endorsing.... so we won't spread the word on EAS to much... :lol:
AquaAssasin said:
Equapoise=another brand taking over deca (safe)
Aandrol 50=unsafe
sustanon 250=safe if monitored by a doctor for test(testosterone) levels.

there are so many out there...

your completely blowing my mind here... so give me more... and answer these q's if you can.

1) Is Deca short for anything (example- Andro = Androsteindiondiol)
2) Do you stack is with anything
3) Is it hormones or testosteron or something totally different

If I do consider getting some. I'll probably do a 4 week cycle of it, and not do it again for 4 months or so. Is that good?

I usually don't like taking a new product unless I do some major research and get some feedback from people who have actually used it.

P.S. Lou is still a monster even now at 58 (age?)... funny thing, this thread actually made me watch PUMPING IRON last week. :lol: Poor Mike Katz "Anybody seen my shirt?"
who whoa whoa here...deca is very strong...its also known as deca durabolin and has a very long half takes about 5 weeks to actually kick in and needs to be used for about 11-12 should really never take deca by itself or you risk the chance of getting deca d&^K...and thats not'll be wishing you could get up while your test levels are not even should always take deca with test...i would prefer test ethanate or cyponate or sust 250 but i would say ethanate first...EQ is also very good aka Equapoise...also should take test with should always take a test base with any steroid want to be able to have balls right? and sex right?

pro hormones or andro are totally different than steroids...its like going from minor leagues to the Majors...heres a link...madcat really knows his stuff..

and it also gives cycle advice etc...

Thanx and I was actually reading that page as you posted.

Very long article, so I took a break to see if somebody replied.

Thanx again.
tucker said:
go to bulknutrition and buy the susperdrol....its awesome stuff and will be amazed..take it for about4 weeks

This almost seems the way to go for me... I'm so leary on starting anything ilegal, no matter how good it sounds.

Have you used Susperdrol? and how did it work for you? what did you stack it with? and what phase where you going through when you did...

and Thanx to Aquaassasin for the deca info!
i have to get to my nite class but i'll write a brief summary when i get back later on it
finsnchips said:
Any of you guys used Xenadrine EFX?

I used a bottle once... and found it just as good as every other thermogenic diet pill out there.

It'll help burn fat, increase your energy, boost your metabolism, and it should help decrease your appetite... But I would always eat when it was time, even when I wasn't hungry.

But it's good. :wink:

what exactly did you want to use it for?
Spray Mucus said:
I used a bottle once... and found it just as good as every other thermogenic diet pill out there.

It'll help burn fat, increase your energy, boost your metabolism, and it should help decrease your appetite... But I would always eat when it was time, even when I wasn't hungry.

But it's good. :wink:
Lose weight and get toned for summer. Six pack... that kinda stuff - especially my stomach. Obviously the weitgh isn't going to fall off me... but I'm eating sensibly... i've cut out snacking, not saturated fats. Plus I'm doing a lot more cardiovascualr work.

Are there any problems with it when you stop taking it?
finsnchips said:
Are there any problems with it when you stop taking it?

no, not at all... you may feel a tiny bit slugish in your workouts becuz you won't have that buz anymore from taking it.

In a minor since, it's kinda like taking away your morning coffee.
Spray Mucus said:
no, not at all... you may feel a tiny bit slugish in your workouts becuz you won't have that buz anymore from taking it.

In a minor since, it's kinda like taking away your morning coffee.
cheers.... sorry, I edited my original post and acutally answered your question.
tucker said:
who whoa whoa here...deca is very strong...its also known as deca durabolin and has a very long half takes about 5 weeks to actually kick in and needs to be used for about 11-12 should really never take deca by itself or you risk the chance of getting deca d&^K...and thats not'll be wishing you could get up while your test levels are not even should always take deca with test...i would prefer test ethanate or cyponate or sust 250 but i would say ethanate first...EQ is also very good aka Equapoise...also should take test with should always take a test base with any steroid want to be able to have balls right? and sex right?

pro hormones or andro are totally different than steroids...its like going from minor leagues to the Majors...heres a link...madcat really knows his stuff..

and it also gives cycle advice etc...

Actually deca is not that strong. I used it soley and had zero problems. If you want probs use anadrol 50...That **** tears your insides out..

Actually when I got off Deca i used a natural testosterone builder found in any health food store. It worked great.

I tried stacking deca with andro and broke out with zits big off the stack real quick
""you want to be able to have balls right? and sex right?""

lol...just cut mine up on friday...No more kids for me......

yes it does hurt...
finsnchips said:
Any of you guys used Xenadrine EFX?

Me and my buddy both used a whole bottle after the ephedra ban, and neither of us were fat or anything, just trying to trim a few pounds. Neither of us had any results from taking the pills, just a higher blood pressure. I wouldn't waste my money until the ephedra version is back on the market.
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