Some of you guys are pathetic | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Some of you guys are pathetic

I'm giving up defending JT here. I'm just saying what I think about it, y'all think what you want, I'm tired of talkin about it. This is how it is with me though. I don't see a problem with what he's doing because on a smaller scale, we'd do the same thing. He's not using up time that he's contractually obligated to use for the football, to jump start his career after football, he's using the offseason. That's just the truth. I've seen so many spins on this statement that he's the leader and he's obligated to do voluntary minicamps blah blah blah. He's contracted to be here for training camp, and we'll see what happens when that comes around. I see nothing wrong with what he's done SO FAR. People criticize the guy as if we wouldn't do the same thing. And it's no secret his career is coming to an end. Anybody getting to the later part of their career is going to have questions on how long he's gonna play no matter what the player says. Even if JT wasn't talk about his future plans, do you really think other teams aren't going to hesitate on trading for the guy just going by the fact he's on the wrong side of 30? My Mom's a radiologist and she just closed down her clinic, but when her clinic was still open, she was working on setting up what she's going to do after she closes. What's the big deal?

Your moms life and your moms next job doesnt = JT's life and job. :rolleyes: Some people's JT defenses are hysterical. Yes, when I was working at McD's when I was 17, I was also looking for another job, that means JT should be able to too.:sidelol:

He is under a contract for the dolphins, and he is missing camp, though voluntary, as the leader of the defense he should be there if he intends to stay. If he doesn't intend to stay, then he should help out his own situation more than telling the world football is not his priority any more.

He also cannot complain about not being traded to another team, bc this FO has made it very clear they aren't just going to let him go for nothing, and his search for another job is affecting our asking price.

It's quite simple, and its obvious its a big deal if you look at what we are being offered for him.
Yeah that Emmitt Smith was a real "ME" guy too wasn't he. Have you been off Sabans pole long enough to get on Parcells?

Emmitt smith was RETIRED when he was on DWTS, if you meant that.

As for the Saban pole comment, way to come back with an insult when you know your beaten.
I will come back with my own, "get off JT's pole" comment for you.

BP will keep guys he finds productive for the team. JT isn't productive or worth anything to the rest of the league right now, so he'd rather hold onto him. Sorry, his and your feelings are hurt bc of that.
Maybe, Maybe not the Jets still suck. Just be a man about it. I must be the only one not getting all wet about Parcells coming in and trashing whats left of our team. I have never questioned Thomas' or Taylor's committment. The way they were both treated was classless. If you think different then your probably just an ol Giant reject from the 80's.

Why was it classless what happened with ZT. This is what happens in football. If you can't stay on the field then your value is ziltch. Players get cut all the time for this very reason. What did you expect a giant parade or a send off at the stadium.

As for JT he has wronged the team. I'm glad the Dolphins are playing hardball with him. He deserves it after lying to the team. The guy is a football player not an actor. Get your butt in camp and play for the team you signed a contract with.
Emmitt smith was RETIRED when he was on DWTS, if you meant that.

As for the Saban pole comment, way to come back with an insult when you know your beaten.
I will come back with my own, "get off JT's pole" comment for you.

BP will keep guys he finds productive for the team. JT isn't productive or worth anything to the rest of the league right now, so he'd rather hold onto him. Sorry, his and your feelings are hurt bc of that.

Emmitt was treated the same way as Taylor is now. Read the article. Nuff said.

I remember Dolphin teams from the time I began watching football and it wasn't because of those cool TEAL uniforms and mammals flying thru a circus ring. I liked players like Keuch who had a screw put in his finger so he could play in the super bowl, like Csonk, who punched out the Bills DB running down the sideline, like Zach nearly taking the Bus' head off in a rain soaked miami game and yes like Taylor whipping Bardy into the ground like some Super fly Snuka wrestling move. I think that putting up with the crap for front office that Huizenga has brought on this team maybe brought those guys a little more respect than they were shown. Just classles the way it was handled. We have never handled our former greats with any class and it shows why no one wants to come play here and suffer the same fate. Since the ALMIGHTY Shula stepped down that's all we've done. Sorry if that gets your panties in a wad.
Why was it classless what happened with ZT. This is what happens in football. If you can't stay on the field then your value is ziltch. Players get cut all the time for this very reason. What did you expect a giant parade or a send off at the stadium.

As for JT he has wronged the team. I'm glad the Dolphins are playing hardball with him. He deserves it after lying to the team. The guy is a football player not an actor. Get your butt in camp and play for the team you signed a contract with.

Your moms life and your moms next job doesnt = JT's life and job. :rolleyes: Some people's JT defenses are hysterical. Yes, when I was working at McD's when I was 17, I was also looking for another job, that means JT should be able to too.:sidelol:

He is under a contract for the dolphins, and he is missing camp, though voluntary, as the leader of the defense he should be there if he intends to stay. If he doesn't intend to stay, then he should help out his own situation more than telling the world football is not his priority any more.

He also cannot complain about not being traded to another team, bc this FO has made it very clear they aren't just going to let him go for nothing, and his search for another job is affecting our asking price.

It's quite simple, and its obvious its a big deal if you look at what we are being offered for him.

Blah blah blah. Y'all are making football out to be this entirely different system of employment, and are making exceptions to fit your argument. Sure he can complain about not being traded, it's just talking, if it's that detrimental, the FO can release him and be done with the situation. The FO made it clear they are not just going to let him go, but that's the FO's decision to not let him go for less than their asking price. So the FO has to live with their decision too. JT can do all he wants to try to get out of his contract, normally past a certain point people would get fired, unless the boss chooses not to fire them, that's on the boss though. Our boss is choosing not to fire (release) JT. That's BP's choice. We say JT has to fulfill his contract. How many of us would stay with a company we're fed up with. I just have a problem with people saying JT's situation is not like everyone else's, and then use that as an excuse to bash what he's doing even though we do the same. Just because the guy plays for our favorite team doesn't mean that he's gotta do everything we want him to. Hypocrites, all of you. Heh.
These are players that WILL be in our ring of honor some day. I would like for them to come back and get the respect they should have gotten. All good players leave and I suppose I should get over it.
All good players leave and I suppose I should get over it.

Unfortunately it is the way of the NFL with FA and the Salary Cap.
Teams have to make moves like this or they aren't managing the team well.

Dolphins players were shocked when told Taylor won't attend training camp, but former Miami All-Pro Manny Fernandez countered, ''The [Dolphins] are not going anywhere, so who cares? Jason's got a very inflated feeling of self-worth. He's setting himself up as the perfect martyr.'' Said Nick Buoniconti: ''It's stupidity'' that it reached this point. ``Tell him he's wanted.''

Dolphins players were shocked when told Taylor won't attend training camp, but former Miami All-Pro Manny Fernandez countered, ''The [Dolphins] are not going anywhere, so who cares? Jason's got a very inflated feeling of self-worth. He's setting himself up as the perfect martyr.'' Said Nick Buoniconti: ''It's stupidity'' that it reached this point. ``Tell him he's wanted.''


I love hearing comments from older players around the league.
You can tell just how hard it is for them to relate to today's "prima donna" type players and their issues.
These are players that WILL be in our ring of honor some day. I would like for them to come back and get the respect they should have gotten. All good players leave and I suppose I should get over it.

Zach Thomas still has everyones respect I'm sure because he left in a classy manner. He was cut so he moved on.

Jason Taylor on the other hand has placed himself above the team. Lied to the team by saying he would return after DWTS. He even went as far as saying he was a leader by example. If he was a leader by example he would be here. He is a team captain and he is out prancing around in Hollywod rubbing elbows with his new actor friends. It really is a joke.
JT has lost all my respect and I'm sure the majority of Dolphin fans agree. You reap what you sow!

I love hearing comments from older players around the league.
You can tell just how hard it is for them to relate to today's "prima donna" type players and their issues.

You know the only problem is those players were beloved like Thomas and Taylor. Just wish they could have gotten something out of their careers before they were gone.

Emmitt was treated the same way as Taylor is now. Read the article. Nuff said.

I remember Dolphin teams from the time I began watching football and it wasn't because of those cool TEAL uniforms and mammals flying thru a circus ring. I liked players like Keuch who had a screw put in his finger so he could play in the super bowl, like Csonk, who punched out the Bills DB running down the sideline, like Zach nearly taking the Bus' head off in a rain soaked miami game and yes like Taylor whipping Bardy into the ground like some Super fly Snuka wrestling move. I think that putting up with the crap for front office that Huizenga has brought on this team maybe brought those guys a little more respect than they were shown. Just classles the way it was handled. We have never handled our former greats with any class and it shows why no one wants to come play here and suffer the same fate. Since the ALMIGHTY Shula stepped down that's all we've done. Sorry if that gets your panties in a wad.

Wanny handled Marino classy? No

And Emmitt wasnt DWTS until after football, nor did he whine about not being treated right,as he was begging to leave.

Nobody wants to play here bc we have no respect in the league, and a leader who isnt in camp but on tour looking for an acting career, isnt going to get us respectability any time soon.

BP will get us back to respectability. Sorry if BP gets YOUR panties in a bunch, but he is the best thing going for our org. right now. So save your memories...
Zach Thomas still has everyones respect I'm sure because he left in a classy manner. He was cut so he moved on.

Jason Taylor on the other hand has placed himself above the team. Lied to the team by saying he would return after DWTS. He even went as far as saying he was a leader by example. If he was a leader by example he would be here. He is a team captain and he is out prancing around in Hollywod rubbing elbows with his new actor friends. It really is a joke.
JT has lost all my respect and I'm sure the majority of Dolphin fans agree. You reap what you sow!

Please refer to my first post......Again.

"This is how Dolphin-for-life Zach Thomas went out: With a press release barely more detailed than the one announcing Drew Mormino's exit. Consider this was the man who made more Pro Bowls than any other Dolphin. This is how Dolphins all-timer Jason Taylor is on the verge of going out: In an unnecessarily ugly dispute with a new, testy boss and being considered a villain for it."

They openly tried to trade him, didn;t talk to him when he came to the facility. Childish I might add. I would come running back as fast as I could to a situation like that. :rolleyes:
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