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Super Bowl Picks & Thoughts?

This matchup is eerily similar to the colts-bears one. Only Wilson > Grossman. I'm going w Seattle in a 27-24 tilt.
I hope it's Seattle, for all the reasons j-off-her-doll detailed in another forum, maybe the general football forum. The team that does more things the correct way should be rewarded. It will be a better league going forward if Seattle wins, greater emphasis on defense. A Denver win basically spotlights the freak quarterbacks and not much else.

My YPPA Differential system has Seattle but I'm not fully confident. That system does best early in the playoffs when the gaps are widest. This barely qualifies, with Seattle at +2.1 the minimum half yard ahead of Denver at +1.6. I always use the Bud Goode version because that's how I tested the system initially.

Other than the dominant NFC run from the mid '80s through mid '90s I'm basically 50/50 in betting the Super Bowl. Props were the bail out many times but now too many people prioritize them so the bargains are few unless you stumble upon something in Las Vegas that none of the sharp guys have seen yet.
I don't think it will be a close game....


Seahawks, don't like Sherman but i have to admit he is solid. I just cant take manning in the big game and Wilson has been clutch since he came in the league. I think the Seahawks D is good enough to cover all of the Broncos weapons and give manning a hard time in the pocket and i don't think Denver has the D to stop lynch and Wilson.

Don't like either team in the finals but its still better than watching the Pats i guess last 3 years i got the winner right so i hope it keeps going.

Won't be denied...but I sure hope so!
Denver only because you asked. I could care less.
I've never met a Seahawks fan, one of those rare teams that don't carry a nation wide fan base.

Unless there is a team I really dislike, I usually let the game play out early before I decide who I am rooting for. Right now I am rooting for Peyton, but I could care less about the Broncos, that could change over the course of the game. I think Denver rolls easy in this one. Peyton retires.
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I'll be rooting for Seattle and I think they'll pull it out, they'll get down but Russell Wilson will bring his team back while Peyton falters.
The latest forecast that I saw said there's about a 20% chance of precipitation and it'll be cold rain if it comes.

Either way, I think I like Seattle. I think John Fox will play it close to the vest in a game where he needs to be very aggressive. I don't trust the Denver defense to stop Seattle's rushing game or hold up over four quarters if Denver can't strike quickly and force Seattle to panic.
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