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Thank You David Canter

Best line in that twitter feed:
We can put a man on the moon, but we can't shut off the signal to Mike Sherman's headset.
The talent is there??
Where do you see " proven" talent outside of maybe 3 or 4 positions.
This team has a lot of holes to fill for next year if they hope to improve.
He's right, what else has to be said.
I know it's shocking to some, but not every winning team has pro bowl players at every position. Don't take that as ireland endorsement, it's not. Just saying. We should have been a 10 win team. Not because our talent was of a 5 win team that these coaches could get us to 10 wins.
David Canter is absolutely right. I want the house cleaned. We won't win with this coaching staff and this GM. I want everyone OUT.
Canter's wrong. We do not have talent greater than 80% of the league. We have middling talent. Right about the league median. And guess what, that's where we finished. The coaching isn't spectacular, but the talent isn't really there unless Canter's thinking guys like Keller and Gibson were out there on the field.
David Canter is absolutely right. I want the house cleaned. We won't win with this coaching staff and this GM. I want everyone OUT.

you live in NJ and root for the FISH?

you chose....poorly.

you deserve this misery by picking the gutter fish over the Jets. The Jets are a respectable franchise. The fish are crap
How can you defend the talent on this team? Coaching sucked too these last 2 weeks but the players on the field reeked of feet and ass. Fire ireland and front office , hire a competent football minded GM and let him decide on the coach. only way to go in my opinion. Then again I have had the opinion to fire the gm for the last 3 years and no listened then either

Didn't agree until after watching that clusterf$&k. Philbin has lost the team. They ALL need to go. From Ross on down the entire organization is a disaster.
Canter's wrong. We do not have talent greater than 80% of the league. We have middling talent. Right about the league median. And guess what, that's where we finished. The coaching isn't spectacular, but the talent isn't really there unless Canter's thinking guys like Keller and Gibson were out there on the field.

Yep. Guy sounds like an Ireland apologist to me.
I honestly was willing to give Philbin another year and that wasn't predicated on us making the playoffs, but in seeing improvement in this team. There are things I like about Joe, I like that he keeps his cool, I like that he has a vision and he intends to stick to it, I like that he seems to be a high character guy, but the performance the last two weeks (with the playoffs on the line) was absolutely pathetic and inexcusable. He needs to go, as much as I was hoping that would not be necessary. His game day adjustments and inability to motivate his team, are enough reasons for that. Ireland, don't even get me started about. He's been here how long now? We've hardly improved. Clean house.
After being a fan of this team for almost 42 long years, the letdown and disappointment for yet another unfulfilling season pains me as much as every Dolphin fan. I will NEVER stop loving this team, but after losing the last two games, when we held the path to the playoffs in our grasp, only to let it slip away, makes me hope that Ross somehow has the balls to realize that this coaching staff and Ireland, needs to be replaced. No more co-ordinators or college coaches without NFL head coach experience will cut it. We've went that route too many times with nothing to show for it. I feel Fortunate to have been a fan during the 70's and throughout the Marino years when we were most always a proud and successful franchise. I just hope a proper coaching staff can be assembled, to lead us back to the great team we once were. That being said, I will never desert this team as a fan, and can only pray that better days are ahead of us, so that all of you who weren't around during those exciting years, will know how great it feels to be a fan of a successful, winning franchise. OK, I'll step off of the soap box now.
Yeah, I tend to agree. The talent is there, the execution, game planning and in game adjustments, or lack thereof, are awful.

Really poorly coached team and quarterback.

We have been 500 since 2009. When will people stop saying we have the talent to be a good team?
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