The Culprit here in our coaching search woes thus far... | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Culprit here in our coaching search woes thus far...

Jeff Ireland... Why is he still here? No one wants to work with the guy. Not players , not coaches. Why is Ireland still here? Hes a glorified scout. He sucks at management. I have no doubt if Ireland wasnt here the decision for players and or coaches to come here would be much easier to accept. The guy should have been shipped out with Sparano.

Are you kidding me? Everyone knows the real culprit is the Peterson hiring. No one wants to work for Peterson.
No other fans do this, right?

No, I actually have never ever heard of fans renting an airplane and flying a banner asking for the recognition of somebody in the FO.

Even if it has been done, does that make it right? And, you don't think it would have bearing on whether or not somebody wants to possibly put themselves in that exact same scenario?????

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back :lol:

So, you think the only reason that Fisher didn't come to Miami is because of Ireland?

I find that as one of the most ignorant and delusional things I have ever heard.

Its a 100% sure thing ireland is the reason, time to face reality.
Ya well... Blind love and blind hate are both blind...

Come on man... Right on the heels of accusing someone of having a hidden agenda and misleading with 'opinion' you follow up with your own... I have seen this movie and I COMPLETELY disagree... Ireland has been an abject failure at almost EVERY level.. More 'opinion'.

What does ANY of this have to do with Ireland EMBARRASSING HIMSELF AND THE DOLPHINS???? Nationwide headlines???? The 'Dez Bryant issue' has ZERO to do with the player and EVERYTHING to do with Ireland acting like a jacka**. It was not about Bryant's character but instead IRELAND'S character... or lack of... He acted like an arrogant a** and deservedly got lambasted for it... It was an EMBARRASSMENT. I shudder every time the man steps near a microphone.

You are hammering a poster (rookie or no) for having the nerve to speculate that the GM and his performance might have something to do with Fisher's decision to come and work in Miami... This is not 'diatribe' it is common sense.

If you don't think that Ireland's history (as well as Ross) of how coaches are treated in Miami will affect the outcome of Fisher's decision then I don't know what to say to you... Ireland has blood all over his hands in the Harbaugh fiasco and do not think for a MOMENT that Fisher and every other coaching 'candidate' did not take note...

Fisher would be an IDIOT not to at least factor in the knife that Ireland and Ross sunk right between Sparano's shoulder blades... BOTH their fingerprints are ALL OVER IT.

Now you want some opinion??? because here it comes... Fisher will choose the Rams because they have a young QB he can build around whereas we do not... he can at least assemble pieces around him WHILE he evaluates that player... That puts the Rams ahead of Miami on the 'rebuild' PERIOD.

Oh and btw who's fault is it that Miami does not even have a developmental prospect at the most important position in football..? Take a bow Jeff Ireland.


You nailed it!!!! Ireland still has that 80's Bill Parcells philosophy..."4 yds and a cloud of dust"...and that is also how he will draft players. Look at this year in the is pretty much...if you have a passing win ...if playoffs. It is a passing doubt. So what does Ireland do??? He drafts a center, a injury plagued RB, and more importantly...bypast on Dalton, Yates, Mallett and shoved Henne back in our face as the STARTER. Then he brings in Matt Moore as a BACKUP. I just don't get this guy??? You bring in a backup...when your starter is an epic fail??? If Ireland had half a brain...he would draft a QB...hell maybe two EVERY YEAR..until we get Marino's replacement. Until then...we will be just good enough not to draft in the top 5...and just bad enough to miss the playoffs.
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