The Culprit here in our coaching search woes thus far... | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Culprit here in our coaching search woes thus far...

How do you know Fisher will not want to work with Ireland? Where has this ever been said or reported, besides here on Finheaven, and if he does pick Miami is it now because he wants to work with Ireland. Stop letting your personal hate for the man get in the way by posting what you think will influence what coaches or prospective coaches are thinking.
Look, Miami has a better team than the rams, im not sold on Sam Bradford. So I doubt Fisher is considering the rams because he likes their team. He will have more freedom to construct his staff over there this is fact. Why would he want to work with ireland when he can bring in his own people answer me that. Its not about hating Ireland. I dont see how i have hate for Ireland just because im saying arguably the biggest head coach candidate available would most likely prefer a situation where he would have more control.
Miami to Jeff "Join our staff, take this money"
Rams to Jeff "Create your staff, heres the number 2 pick overall"...

Which one would you pick?
Jeff Ireland... Why is he still here? No one wants to work with the guy. Not players , not coaches. Why is Ireland still here? Hes a glorified scout. He sucks at management. I have no doubt if Ireland wasnt here the decision for players and or coaches to come here would be much easier to accept. The guy should have been shipped out with Sparano.

Dude you are just flat wrong.
Miami to Jeff "Join our staff, take this money and the #9 Brandon Marshall, Reggie Bush and a team that is ready to win now..

Rams to Jeff "Create your staff, heres the number 2 pick overall"...

Which one would you pick?

There. I fixed your post for you.
Has it occurred to you that perhaps the thing Fisher DOESN'T like about Miami is the knee-jerk reaction that goes on day to day.

I'm sure Jeff Fisher would be delighted to...say, see his name on a banner being pulled by an airplane asking for his job......... just sayin.......

A few fans easily ruin it for the rest of us.

This is definately has occured.
This is definately has occured.

You have a typo in here somewhere, but I think you are agreeing that this situation has happened, which is obvious.

My point, and the true irony, is in the fact that Jeff Fisher quite possibly wouldn't want anything to do with our incredible franchise, not because of anything Ireland related other than the em-bare-assment created by some very short-sighted fans calling for a mans livelyhood.
Fisher will have control of personnel decisions. It was reported Ireland would rescind that duty to him if he agreed to come to the Dolphins. Ireland will control the rest of the organization.
I personally think Ireland is a complete weasel. I can't say that he is going to cost us a coach, but I think that he will back stab and connive whoever threatens his pay check. I don't like him and I wish he was gone.
Jeff Ireland... Why is he still here? No one wants to work with the guy. Not players , not coaches. Why is Ireland still here? Hes a glorified scout. He sucks at management. I have no doubt if Ireland wasnt here the decision for players and or coaches to come here would be much easier to accept. The guy should have been shipped out with Sparano.

Who has said they don't want ot work with the guy? How does he suck at management? He's brought in a ton of talent. What do you base your assertions on? A bunch of misinformed hype if you ask me.
The biggest thing I have against Ireland was he was supposed to have been a friend to Sparano. Two football guys from Dallas and the way that whole Harbaugh coaching search went was stupid. Ross screwed himself with that entire situation. The Blackeye they got from that poorly handled situation is why the coaching search is the ways it is. No Cohwer( never believed he was coming), no Gruden (liked our chances), to go out and interview a guy when you still have a coach is classless. NFL network had several former coaches talk about that and how it was against code to do that. It will be hard to get a seasoned coach because trust will be an issue, and honestly fill Ross is looked poorly on and Ireland is his scapegoat. Ireland has an eye for talent and I feel he is doing good in that regard but what he did to Sparano was wrong. He was just as much to blame for Miami's poor season and lack of playoff runs. From the outside looking in I got the impression that he throw Tony under the bus to save his job. That is what future coaches have to think about and who to believe.
Very well put.

WAAaaaay too much hidden agenda in all of this.

Ya well... Blind love and blind hate are both blind...

For the record, Ireland has done a pretty damn good job personnel wise, and guess what, that, before ANYTHING else is HIS job. He has done his job, you people really need to get off HIS a$$.

Come on man... Right on the heels of accusing someone of having a hidden agenda and misleading with 'opinion' you follow up with your own... I have seen this movie and I COMPLETELY disagree... Ireland has been an abject failure at almost EVERY level.. More 'opinion'.

As for Dez Bryant. Guess what. That kid has, in only his second year here in Dallas, regressed to a ridiculous level. They had a scrub in Laurent Robinson, come in off his damn couch (Cause nobody wanted him, including the Cowboys who actually cut him in preseason) and took over receiving duties when Miles Austin went down. In fact, a HUGE part of the Cowboys demise this year can be directly attributed to Dez. While Romo was breaking records set by Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman, Dez was constantly a no-show.
At the time, I felt we blew that pick, but in fact, it is looking more and more like Jerra Jones is the one who really blew that pick. Also, keep an eye on for all things Dez this off-season. Many of the media here are taking open bets on how long and how serious he gets in trouble this offseason.

What does ANY of this have to do with Ireland EMBARRASSING HIMSELF AND THE DOLPHINS???? Nationwide headlines???? The 'Dez Bryant issue' has ZERO to do with the player and EVERYTHING to do with Ireland acting like a jacka**. It was not about Bryant's character but instead IRELAND'S character... or lack of... He acted like an arrogant a** and deservedly got lambasted for it... It was an EMBARRASSMENT. I shudder every time the man steps near a microphone.

IF we don't land Fisher, and it is directly due to the fact "He doesn't want to work with Ireland", bully for us. We end up the winner in that sweepstakes.

Truth is, I doubt it has even 1 iota to do with the fact Ireland is in Miami, and until I hear something substantial to that affect (Sorry, some rookie posting a hate diatribe in here is NOT bona-fide)I don't buy into it. If anything, that would and could make the next head coach's job much easier.

You are hammering a poster (rookie or no) for having the nerve to speculate that the GM and his performance might have something to do with Fisher's decision to come and work in Miami... This is not 'diatribe' it is common sense.

If you don't think that Ireland's history (as well as Ross) of how coaches are treated in Miami will affect the outcome of Fisher's decision then I don't know what to say to you... Ireland has blood all over his hands in the Harbaugh fiasco and do not think for a MOMENT that Fisher and every other coaching 'candidate' did not take note...

Fisher would be an IDIOT not to at least factor in the knife that Ireland and Ross sunk right between Sparano's shoulder blades... BOTH their fingerprints are ALL OVER IT.

Now you want some opinion??? because here it comes... Fisher will choose the Rams because they have a young QB he can build around whereas we do not... he can at least assemble pieces around him WHILE he evaluates that player... That puts the Rams ahead of Miami on the 'rebuild' PERIOD.

Oh and btw who's fault is it that Miami does not even have a developmental prospect at the most important position in football..? Take a bow Jeff Ireland.
I personally think Ireland is a complete weasel. I can't say that he is going to cost us a coach, but I think that he will back stab and connive whoever threatens his pay check. I don't like him and I wish he was gone.

Football is a BRUTAL business. Guys are hired and fired by billionaires that have made their fortunes by throwing more than a few people under the bus!

Ireland is surviving. He's also doing what his boss is telling him. His draft, this past one which was all him, wasn't too bad. He's a good talent evaluator. I fully expect Fisher to have input on player personnel.

Ireland would stupid not to work with whatever coach comes in. The concept of "team" doesn't stop with the players. The GM and coach have to be on the same page. Ireland and Fisher go back all the way to the Bears when Fisher was a player there, and Ireland was a ball boy.

I just don't get all this hate for Ireland. Because he asked Dez Bryant if his mom was a ho.. which she was.. and correctly exposed his immaturity, and other issues. It's not like he's been a model citizen in Dallas.

From what I remember, worse has been asked and said. I wonder the **** Gayle Sayers must have put up with!

I don't believe Ireland is an issue as much as people say. If he truly was.. he wouldn't be there.
Football is a BRUTAL business. Guys are hired and fired by billionaires that have made their fortunes by throwing more than a few people under the bus!

Ireland is surviving. He's also doing what his boss is telling him. His draft, this past one which was all him, wasn't too bad. He's a good talent evaluator. I fully expect Fisher to have input on player personnel.

Ireland would stupid not to work with whatever coach comes in. The concept of "team" doesn't stop with the players. The GM and coach have to be on the same page. Ireland and Fisher go back all the way to the Bears when Fisher was a player there, and Ireland was a ball boy.

I just don't get all this hate for Ireland. Because he asked Dez Bryant if his mom was a ho.. which she was.. and correctly exposed his immaturity, and other issues. It's not like he's been a model citizen in Dallas.

From what I remember, worse has been asked and said. I wonder the **** Gayle Sayers must have put up with!

I don't believe Ireland is an issue as much as people say. If he truly was.. he wouldn't be there.

BUT THIS IS THE POINT!!! For better or worse the game has CHANGED...How players are managed... Evaluated... has COMPLETELY evolved... Including the questions and treatment of players... Asking someone on the street if their mom is a ho will get your front teeth knocked out, so how is it ok in an interview???

Whether it is ego or just plain ignorance... It is just ONE MORE example of how Jeff Ireland is working off an outdated blueprint...
You have a typo in here somewhere, but I think you are agreeing that this situation has happened, which is obvious.

My point, and the true irony, is in the fact that Jeff Fisher quite possibly wouldn't want anything to do with our incredible franchise, not because of anything Ireland related other than the em-bare-assment created by some very short-sighted fans calling for a mans livelyhood.
No other fans do this, right?
Football is a BRUTAL business. Guys are hired and fired by billionaires that have made their fortunes by throwing more than a few people under the bus!

Ireland is surviving. He's also doing what his boss is telling him. His draft, this past one which was all him, wasn't too bad. He's a good talent evaluator. I fully expect Fisher to have input on player personnel.

Ireland would stupid not to work with whatever coach comes in. The concept of "team" doesn't stop with the players. The GM and coach have to be on the same page. Ireland and Fisher go back all the way to the Bears when Fisher was a player there, and Ireland was a ball boy.

I just don't get all this hate for Ireland. Because he asked Dez Bryant if his mom was a ho.. which she was.. and correctly exposed his immaturity, and other issues. It's not like he's been a model citizen in Dallas.

From what I remember, worse has been asked and said. I wonder the **** Gayle Sayers must have put up with!

I don't believe Ireland is an issue as much as people say. If he truly was.. he wouldn't be there.

Thank you.

It's not like "Team" stops with the rank and file. Management is a team. I'm currently enjoying being a peon
but for the last two decades I've supervised and led men. My team of subordinate supervisors when I was in a position to have them are a select group.
I value them for base things. Ethics are tops in my book. Loyalty is another. Loyalty and trust are the cornerstones of any organization. That goes up and down the food chain, and I want guys around me that understand that. I want my guys to have unfettered input into my decision making process, but I also
want them to say "Yes sir" and execute in good spirit the instructions I have given.

I have to reserve judgement on Ireland. As you say, I think the last draft was pretty good. I don't have an issue with him really, because it's my perception that Parcells was running the show until he left.
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