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The Official 2007 Copa America thread

3-0 Arg.

I was expecting more from Mexico. They always fold when they play the big boys.
2 shots hit the post, we just couldn't score:(

What a goal by Messi, beautiful

I want to see Memo Ochoa starting from now on, he's the future

Mierdina and Briago suck ***
What was hugo thinking? Our only shot to stay in this game was to continue hunting them, dogging them throughout the game, not let them have the space to do their magic. And what he does is take out Torrado (which is cool) and put in Medina making Arce play in the middle (which is not cool) why not put Lozano or Gonzalo Pineda, someone out there that still recovers the ball while at the same time goes forward more often than Torrado??

He definetely got the benefit of the doubt in this Copa, but he has to start not making dumb things like that.

Having said that Guardado and Nery are wonderful, I hope Andres does great in Spain. Now it is only a matter of time Ochoa makes it up there, and then we got it good.
Messi's chip was SICK. Mexico came close on a bunch of occasions, but were unlucky not to score. Argentina has to be the favorite over Brazil on Sunday. It should be a good game but I think Argentina wins 2-1
What was hugo thinking? Our only shot to stay in this game was to continue hunting them, dogging them throughout the game, not let them have the space to do their magic. And what he does is take out Torrado (which is cool) and put in Medina making Arce play in the middle (which is not cool) why not put Lozano or Gonzalo Pineda, someone out there that still recovers the ball while at the same time goes forward more often than Torrado??

He definetely got the benefit of the doubt in this Copa, but he has to start not making dumb things like that.

Having said that Guardado and Nery are wonderful, I hope Andres does great in Spain. Now it is only a matter of time Ochoa makes it up there, and then we got it good.

Couldn't agree more on the first paragraph, well actually with the whole thing.
That Messi goal was nothing but class. Messi has raised his stock even more (if that was possible)... Osvaldo may be done as the starting GK with Mexico.
Congrats to Mexico, they played with a lot of heart, and managed to chip off a lot of paint of the goal posts:D, but as I said before this Argentine team is just loaded with talent and they were too much for Mexico. That Messi goal was beautiful, pure genius. Cannot say enough about Riquelme, that pass to Heinze for the score and how he faked out the Mexican goalkeeper on the penalty, just world class for "el topo". I am still very impressed with Nery Castillo, that kid is special, and he should be playing in Italy, Spain, or England where the money is. He is too good to be playing in Greece. Bring on Brazil!!!...Vamos Argentina!!!.
since when you loose you got to get some of the good things so that you are not depressed, this is what the argentinian press had to say:

"Hay que tener equipo para ganarle al Tri (México) por tres goles", comentó en referencia a los "lujos" que mostraron Messi y Juan Román Riquelme, autor del tercer tanto al convertir un penalti "picando" el balón hacia la portería.

For all the non-spanish speakers, losely translated:

You need to have a good team to beat Mexico by three goals" they said in reference to the flashes that Messi and Riquelme showed when scoring
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