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***The Official NHL Offseason Thread***

Crosby, Ovechkin and Phaneuf are all RFA's next year are they not.

It is going to be damn interesting.

The thing is that unless they're extended this off-season or into the season the same thing should happen. Vanek is going to be a superstar, IMO. Though Crosby and Ovechkin are going to be the face of the league. It's a catch-22 you don't want to lose good young players. Though you don't want to handcuff your team by having so much invested in 3 or 4 guys. I could see an elite goaltender getting big money. I think teams are better if they build from the back to the front. Which is why I think a team that needs a goaltender should do the same to Lundqvist. Offer him atleast 7/mil a year and if the Rangers can match they're going to have half the cap in 4 players.

Thinking about the DiPietro deal last year. If he plays to his potential it's a bargain for the Isles. More teams are going to want to give long-term deals to young players hoping they reach their potential. Rather than rewarding them for becoming elite players. I think the league is in trouble. A year of NHL hockey was lost and right now it looks like for no reason.
Buffalo just got hosed. I love it. Teams should play hard ball with each other. If I'm a gm I'm going to do everything I can to put the best team on the ice for my fans.

The thing thats wierd for me is I heard Buffalo would have gotten 4 1st round picks if Vanek left. With Vanek the Oilers would have still sucked and finished near the bottom and be in line for the Tavares sweepstakes which would have then been Buffalo.

You don't give up a 23 year old 40+ goal scorer after losing your two stars to FA. PR nightmare for Buffalo if they didn't match Vanek.

I'm kind of glad Edmonton did it, Vanek wouldn't be locked up for 7 years if it wasn't for them. He probably would've signed a 2 or 3 year deal and we'd be going through the motions again in a few years. He is ridiculously overpayed.

With that said, I hope Buffalo still makes EDM pay for it.

EDIT: I wonder how hard of a time EDM has keeping their RFAs after this.
Crosby, Ovechkin and Phaneuf are all RFA's next year are they not.

It is going to be damn interesting.
They certainly are. Like I siad, garth should save his cap space for sid the kid next offseason. Can always go after ovechkin or pphaneuf otherwise :)
I can't WAIT until the Oilers get screwed when their RFAs receive huge offer sheets.
I can't WAIT until the Oilers get screwed when their RFAs receive huge offer sheets.
There have been 4 offer sheets given out in 10 years.

Everyone said "the 'Canes will get screwed because of the Federov offer sheet" and it never happened.

At least the Oilers were offering Vanek term in the deal. They were being legit with the offer even though they wanted to grossly overpay him.

IMO the worst offer sheet was the one the Flyers gave Kesler last year. They gave a 1.9 million dolar sheet to a player whos career high was TEN goals.

IMO the Sabres have no one to blame but themselves in this whole issue. They could have given either Briere or Drury a long term deal last offseason. If they had done so letting Vanek go and getting 4 1st rounders in exchange would have been an even trade off.

All that said I still think they will be fine. They have a great goaltender and a ton of youth in the system. I think they make the playoffs regardless of losing Drury and Daniel.
There have been 4 offer sheets given out in 10 years.

Everyone said "the 'Canes will get screwed because of the Federov offer sheet" and it never happened.

At least the Oilers were offering Vanek term in the deal. They were being legit with the offer even though they wanted to grossly overpay him.

IMO the worst offer sheet was the one the Flyers gave Kesler last year. They gave a 1.9 million dolar sheet to a player whos career high was TEN goals.

IMO the Sabres have no one to blame but themselves in this whole issue. They could have given either Briere or Drury a long term deal last offseason. If they had done so letting Vanek go and getting 4 1st rounders in exchange would have been an even trade off.

All that said I still think they will be fine. They have a great goaltender and a ton of youth in the system. I think they make the playoffs regardless of losing Drury and Daniel.

They agreed to a deal with Drury last off-season and pulled it away according to the Buffalo news. It was about 2/mil less than he got this offseason. They loss Briere and Drury but hopefully get Tim Connolly at 100%.

I don't believe Edmonton had any intention of really thinking they were going to get Vanek. Darcy Regier was on the phone with Lowe and showed his hand saying he would match any offer regardless. So Lowe could make a huge offer and it took all of about 5 minutes for the Sabres to match. If he continues to develop it'll be a fair deal. It's 10 mil the first two then 6.4 the last 5.

Vanek is good but how hard is it to get a franchise goaltender? A smart GM does what Lowe did to Buffalo to the Rangers. If Lundqvist is offered 6-7 mil the Rangers are over or right at the cap I believe. They're at something like 44.29 right now. Then they're the Tampa Bay Lightning if they do match because 25 mil is tied up in 4 guys.
Penquins extend Crosby 5/43 I heard. Also a potential outdoor game on New Years is being discussed. Pittsburgh has agreed to be the visiting team. The home team will be either Detroit or Buffalo.
Penquins extend Crosby 5/43 I heard. Also a potential outdoor game on New Years is being discussed. Pittsburgh has agreed to be the visiting team. The home team will be either Detroit or Buffalo.
Nice. Those games are so much fun.
The coincidence with the crosby contract is that it averages out to 8.7m per, crosby wears 87 and was born on 8/7/87...somethin fishy goin on there :)
Nice. Those games are so much fun.

Yeah but I think a better marketing idea would be to do it on the 31st. Have the game run into whatever countdown they're doing on NBC. The 1st is a holy grail for CFB and IMO it wouldn't attract as many fans as on the 31st. Now if they're deadset on doing it on the 1st I think a Sabres/Laughs game would probably sell-out Ralph Wilson Stadium which would be pretty cool. Though having Crosby play is probably a prerequisite for NBC to want to carry the game.

Either way i'm wondering what time they'd start the game. The first CFB game usually starts at like 11:30 or 12. I can't remember correctly. I'd think maybe 3. Or what would be great to see would be in prime-time. Though I don't think that'll happen.
I reported this last week...LOL, J/K.:)

I just saw that Thornton got extended, for close to the amount Drury and Gomez got. For some reason that seems ridiculous to me.

I heard on ESPN Heatley is an UFA after next season. He tears up Buffalo but I want to see him stay. Guys like that make rivalries great.
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