The official start Skylar Thompson thread | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The official start Skylar Thompson thread

Gotcha so you liked what you saw from teddy last night? Teddy has been immediately replaced everywhere he's been for a reason .
Teddy came in cold you nitwit, he wasn’t handling practice as there was even one in a short week. Are you 12 years old or have you even seen how the NFL works? Your posts are so laughable, keep ‘em coming
The amount of teams that have put their hopes on finding the next Kurt Warner and succeeded since then are about zero
McD needs to give Skylar his shot next week if Bridgewater struggles and we fall behind.
They should split the reps over the next 10 days.
Bridgewater will have to play himself out of being the starter. That is usually how the politics work.
I think ST provides a spark. He has a great arm and is physical. A poor mans Allen or Jim Kelly type.
I want to see him play.
Wow. Delusional. You saw a 7th round rookie in a couple preseason games and that made it a forgone conclusion that his success is guaranteed? Promising....maybe.

Let it go. They are not going to start Skylar over teddy unless something happens to teddy. Do you guys even watch football.
The amount of teams that have put their hopes on finding the next Kurt Warner and succeeded since then are about zero
I think fans do that more than the teams do. It’s as if people think he went from stocking shelves to starting for the Rams, when that isn’t actually even close to the path he took to get to the NFL.
Teddy is exactly what we have all been watching with the fins for the last 15 years.

He’ll look good at times, just enough to give us hope, probably win a few games.

But when it matters most, especially against good teams, we will fail.

Personally I would rather explore the upside potential of what we saw from skylar in the preseason, and even if he plays horrible, I selfishly want that feeling of upside hope back.

Maybe it doesn’t have to be so black and white with who is starting. Throw him out there for a few series see what happens. If anyone could pull it off with the guys in the QB room it’s MMD
As a HS coach, I hate these types of comments.

Coaches are coaching for their livelihood every damn day.

They see more of the players than you do every damn day.

But, a coach is stubborn if he doesn’t do what you want? Ok.

It's safer for coaches to go with the veteran/player making a lot more money than a 7th round rookie (despite what you might see in a couple of FH threads).

Besides, at this point, I'm sure McDaniel has earned a pretty long leash with this organization. Coaching for his livelihood is a little strong. He's not really in danger of being fired for one wrong decision.
Wow. Delusional. You saw a 7th round rookie in a couple preseason games and that made it a forgone conclusion that his success is guaranteed? Promising....maybe.

Let it go. They are not going to start Skylar over teddy unless something happens to teddy. Do you guys even watch football.

With respect I don’t 100% get this mentality from some people . We saw a ST look great playing football with the only opportunities he had, and make the team against all odds. Yes it was preseason and by no means would I ever say his success is guaranteed, not even probable, I don’t think many people are - but He has the physical tools, a cannon, good coaching- nothing wrong with checking into him if you ask me, when our other option with TB is 100% proven over years to be mediocre at best.
Teddy will obviously start over Skylar but a whole lot of people are going to want to see what the rookie can do if Teddy keeps being Teddy, myself included
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