The Patriots have Fumbled the ball far less than Anybody Since 2000............... | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Patriots have Fumbled the ball far less than Anybody Since 2000...............

BB knew this data would come to light. Even before anyone was talking about fumbles, in his presser he went out of his way to talk about his team's emphasis on ball security and how he makes the balls difficult to handle at practice. Yeah, as if sticking some grease on balls at practice accounts for this...
The Patriots have Fumbled the ball far less than Anybody Since 2000.............

Well the good thing about this even if they aren't disciplined is that they will no longer be able to use this tactic. That should bring their fumble rate back to normal levels and contribute to a loss or two. Could help bring them closer to the pack in the next few years.
Well the good thing about this even if they aren't disciplined is that they will no longer be able to use this tactic. That should bring their fumble rate back to normal levels and contribute to a loss or two. Could help bring them closer to the pack in the next few years.
Yeah, that speaks to the future game play; but there's likely a major problem for the NFL if they don't appropriately discipline the Patriots over this. Many of the NFL's most diehard fans aren't like a typical WWE wrestling fan. They have scruples and admire fair play. They are going to want to see justice done here. Finding that they have been the longtime victims of a charade, then finding that nothing serious is to be done about, could begin a serous downward spiral in fan interest.

The integrity of the game matters. The only question is, how interested is the NFL in protecting the integrity of the game?
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Another interesting research article on this subject.

Based on the theoretical evidence presented here, I'm convinced this has been SOP for NE since the rule change in 2006/2007.

There is no other explanation......again, in 2014 their 4 runningbacks(not counting the fullback)......had 0(zero) fumbles all season.

Now we all know the Patriots are a good team....but when you find away to eliminate that many fumbles...its hard to lose and certainly a big advantage as we all know winning the turnover battle is enormous in this game.

It is clear now when this started...and thank god they didn't go undefeated and lost that Superbowl.....or it would need an *.

Nothing short of severe punishment will restore my faith in the NFL at this point.
All this thought about fumbles and PSI's is starting to make my head hurt, but this story is accomplishing one thing. This story has let Roger Goodell and the Taintriots know just what the rest of the country thinks of them. I remember a mapped out poll that showed every state that wasn't close to New England believed Brady and BB were lying. That sends a clear message that people still remember and ask "why was it a good idea to destroy the spygate tapes." It was great for Rogers bank account. The league now knows the shine of the NE Tantriots is all but gone. They will have the legacy they deserve as cheaters, and the whole country knows the score.
Reviewing Warren Sharp's data made me want to take a shower. What the Patriots did, even if it is technically unprovable, has pulled the NFL's reputation with fans down to a level as bad as that achieve by MLB. I think the only way the NFL could salvage this situation in a positive way is to cripple the Patriots with very serious disciplinary action. Anything less could make the NFL appear to have acted with complicity in the 2007 rules change. To me, disqualifying the Patriots from this year's super bowl would be a good start.
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My thoughts on Spygate have always been this.

If the evidence only showed that the Patriots were filming the sideline signals, and that's what was announced and made public, and that's what they were solely penalized for, then why would the evidence need to be destroyed? If all the NFL found was the Patriots were filming in-game signals, and that's what you concluded and punished them for, why the rush to eliminate that evidence?

Answer: Because that isn't all you found and you knew that if what all you did find got out, you'd have a crap storm on your hands the likes the NFL could have never imagined.

You don't fine a team 3/4 of a Million dollars and take away 1st and 2nd round draft picks for something that, allegedly, everyone had been doing at that time.
Good points....I will not be satisfied with anything less than a lifetime ban for Belicheat.....and at least a year for Brady.
This just in.....Brady broke the touchdown pass record and the Patriots nearly went undefeated what year?

Thats right.....the first year after Brady got the rule changed where he could bring his own balls, and the Patriot fumble rate went from average, to off the charts good.......2007.

Here is a critique of the analysis done by Warren Sharp, which is a worth a read.

They make some good points and add a more balanced perspective. My conclusion is that the Patriots cheated, but the benefits of their cheating aren't as significant as Warren Sharp suggests.

Thats not more balanced...its a bunch of psycobabble.

Incidently...they bring up the Colts....Peyton Manning was the other QB who lobbied the NFL to bring his own balls....maybe we need to look at what he did to his balls?...He never had the strongest arm.
Here is a critique of the analysis done by Warren Sharp, which is a worth a read.

They make some good points and add a more balanced perspective. My conclusion is that the Patriots cheated, but the benefits of their cheating aren't as significant as Warren Sharp suggests.

Like Bluefin, can't say I'm all that impressed with the effort to debunk Sharp's data here.

I think someone with the necessary interest in this issue (the NFL or one of it's franchises) will eventually pay professionals to take a hard look at Sharp's data. If those professionals feel that Sharp presented the data in a way that overstated or sensationalized the benefits, I'm sure we'll hear about it.

On the other hand, if no one of those you'd expect would have keen interest in Sharp's data takes it seriously, then maybe this really is more like some blogger's theory with no real legs or significance?

I think we'll have to wait and see.
I knew this even before I read Sharps report....the 4 patriot runningbacks had zero fumbles in 2014...who has ever heard of that?
Thats not more balanced...its a bunch of psycobabble.

Incidently...they bring up the Colts....Peyton Manning was the other QB who lobbied the NFL to bring his own balls....maybe we need to look at what he did to his balls?...He never had the strongest arm.

They bring up Peyton Manning to discuss the difficulties of comparing QB fumbles given the tendency of QBs to hold the ball for differing lengths. I think their idea of comparing rushing and receiving fumbles only gives a more comparable metric (as I posted earlier in the thread before finding this article). Not sure how this qualifies as "psychobabble", but each to their own.
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