"The Real Story Behind The Dez Bryant Question" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"The Real Story Behind The Dez Bryant Question"


We Are Still Going To The SB
May 24, 2002
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Jeff: What does your father do for a living?

Dez: I'm not proud of this, my dad was a pimp.

Jeff: And what does your mother do?

Dez: She worked for my father.

Jeff: So is she a prostitute ?

This was the context in which the question was asked. Dez mom is a known drug dealer who had Bryant when she was 15. If I was going to give this dude 10 million and guaranteed money, and he told me his dad was a pimp and that he's mother worked for him, my next logical question would be to ask him if he's mom was a prostitute.
You were on the money! Good job.:hi5:

With the news coming out today that the prostitute question was a followup to Dez saying his Dad was a pimp and that his Mom worked for him, clears Ireland of any wrong doing.

Yes I know Dez is denying the Dolphins version, but what else would he do? He blabbed to the media that he was offended not really thinking the story would take off. Now that it did, all gloves are off and the truth finally comes out. Dez is probably wishing he never said anything because no that the truth is out, he looks like a fool.

The media, fans, the NFL and even Dez Bryant himself should be apologizing to Jeff. The only sad part is that this part of the story, the true part of the story, will not make the rounds through the media and the NFL like the original Dez/Mike Silver story, which is shameful. I really hope they plaster the true version all over ESPN and other networks to help clear Jeff's name.

Dez acted like a punk by trying to turn the context of the conversation into one that made Jeff look like was being arrogant. I doubt any person can really look at this situation and believe Dez's version over what actually happened. Dez's version makes no sense, while the true version makes total sense. The dumb little fool that Dez is has potentially ruined Ireland's good name and I hope he fails as a NFL receiver. Though with his family history and the history of him being a LIAR will probably do him in.
You were on the money! Good job.:hi5:

With the news coming out today that the prostitute question was a followup to Dez saying his Dad was a pimp and that his Mom worked for him, clears Ireland of any wrong doing.

Yes I know Dez is denying the Dolphins version, but what else would he do? He blabbed to the media that he was offended not really thinking the story would take off. Now that it did, all gloves are off and the truth finally comes out. Dez is probably wishing he never said anything because no that the truth is out, he looks like a fool.

The media, fans, the NFL and even Dez Bryant himself should be apologizing to Jeff. The only sad part is that this part of the story, the true part of the story, will not make the rounds through the media and the NFL like the original Dez/Mike Silver story, which is shameful. I really hope they plaster the true version all over ESPN and other networks to help clear Jeff's name.

Dez acted like a punk by trying to turn the context of the conversation into one that made Jeff look like was being arrogant. I doubt any person can really look at this situation and believe Dez's version over what actually happened. Dez's version makes no sense, while the true version makes total sense. The dumb little fool that Dez is has potentially ruined Ireland's good name and I hope he fails as a NFL receiver. Though with his family history and the history of him being a LIAR will probably do him in.

Dez now will forever be remembered for what his family has done away from football.. more so that what he can ever achieve on it.

It will be a incredible mountain for him to climb to ever rid the shadows cast by this story. Thats too bad. Because I don't think any player coming into the NFL wishes to have the past, especially of others stain the accomplishment of making the NFL.
Dez now will forever be remembered for what his family has done away from football.. more so that what he can ever achieve on it.

It will be a incredible mountain for him to climb to ever rid the shadows cast by this story. Thats too bad. Because I don't think any player coming into the NFL wishes to have the past, especially of others stain the accomplishment of making the NFL.

He did it to himself with these "righteous" moral outrages. Since the season has ended Dez has been making headlines. I have no problem with it turning around on him now or in the future. Call it backlash, karma, whatever, its simply fitting.

Loved that another GM stood up and said that the story of his family's pimp/prostitution was floating around teams.
There are always two sides to every story. Looks like we found the other side to this one. Have fun with the Cowboys Dez. Can this go away now?
As far as the Dolphins are considered the case is closed. Of coarse the media isn't done with it yet. You can't give people a soapbox and expect them to really stop when their 15 minutes are up.


To act like this is closed is silly. I don't know who is telling the truth but if that was the context of the question why would Ireland apologize?

If Bryant wants to move on it's good enough for me. The truth as been distorted now. Ireland knows. Dez knows. If they're cool.. I'm cool.. and if they're cool, we all should be cool. It's THEIR business.


To act like this is closed is silly. I don't know who is telling the truth but if that was the context of the question why would Ireland apologize?
Who do you trust, Bryant the proven liar? Or Ireland who up until this point was known for his class. Bryant is panicking and just trying to save face.

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