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The Ronnie Brown Thread

I bet Ronnie has a personal trainer, a nutritionist and a catering service that he uses for his meal plan. The catering service does all the calorie counting and knows all the protein/carb/fat ratios and all that pain in the azz stuff. I bet his personal trainer has all his past workouts and planned future workouts on spreadsheets on computer.

I bet all Ronnie has to do is take his next meal on the plan out of the fridge, microwave it and eat it. He just has to make sure doesn't eat out at Shula's restaurant and places like that too many times a week, etc. Then he goes to his computer and gets a printout of his next workout he'll be doing with his personal trainer. I wouldn't be surprised if Ronnie was working with expert fitness guys at EAS on his workout/meal plan stuff. He might be working a 52 week conditioning plan like this one:

I hear Zach has a chef who comes by his house, a guy who gives him massages and stretches him, a nutritionist who gives him the latest/greatest supplements and a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. All this to keep him in good shape and recover faster from each game's punishment. With all the big contracts and money on the line, I would highly consider doing all these kinds of things too ... especially if I already had a nice contract going. Call it reinvesting in your own small business.
I bet Ronnie has a personal trainer, a nutritionist and a catering service that he uses for his meal plan. The catering service does all the calorie counting and knows all the protein/carb/fat ratios and all that pain in the azz stuff. I bet his personal trainer has all his past workouts and planned future workouts on spreadsheets on computer.

I bet all Ronnie has to do is take his next meal on the plan out of the fridge, microwave it and eat it. He just has to make sure doesn't eat out at Shula's restaurant and places like that too many times a week, etc. Then he goes to his computer and gets a printout of his next workout he'll be doing with his personal trainer. I wouldn't be surprised if Ronnie was working with expert fitness guys at EAS on his workout/meal plan stuff. He might be working a 52 week conditioning plan like this one:

I hear Zach has a chef who comes by his house, a guy who gives him massages and stretches him, a nutritionist who gives him the latest/greatest supplements and a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. All this to keep him in good shape and recover faster from each game's punishment. With all the big contracts and money on the line, I would highly consider doing all these kinds of things too ... especially if I already had a nice contract going. Call it reinvesting in your own small business.

According to this is what he eats
Miami Dolphins Running Back

Nutrition Plan:

7:30am 3 whole eggs, 2 egg whitesâ€â€scrambled with peppers
Mixed fruit
Phosphagen Eliteâ„¢

10:00am Myoplex® Original Shake

Post-Workout Myoplex® Original Shake

12:00pm Turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread
1/2 cup cottage cheese
Muscle Armorâ„¢

1:30pm Weight-training workout

Post-workout Myoplex® Original Shake

5:30pm Grilled fish
1 cup steamed vegetables
1 cup brown rice

7:30pm Muscle Armorâ„¢
Myoplex® Original Ready-to-Drink
Phosphagen Eliteâ„¢
:crazy: You clearly need to learn more about him before posting. How anyone can complain about Ronnie Brown is beyond me. The guys a class act and runs as hard as just about any RB in the NFL. Sure he dances a little and misses some holes, but he will improve. For people to go off in rants like this is lunacy.

I agree. Cam is by far the best offensive teacher Ronnie has ever had.. He will be much better.. I mean, we just fired the running backs coach because Cam figured out he stinks.. And Mularkey was garbage for an O-coordinator.. What the heck could Ronnie ever learn from that buffoon ?

Really, who did Brown really have to teach him properly ? Brown will fluorish under Cameron, and I bet the little dancing once in a while will stop.. As well, he will have a higher frequency of hitting the right holes under Cameron's expert tutelege ..
So we paid Mueller for nothing last year from what you say, none of us on this board know how much Mueller had to do with the trade but I'm sure randy was not just twiddling his thumbs all year just because Saban had final say. Also once again there has been nothing substantial except for speculation that we are getting rid of Daunte if we aquire Green of which I hope we do it as a free agent so we don't get stuck with his salary also. If Green is in Miami I guarantee it wont be be beyond one season. of which I will be quite grateful. I was also not saying he should come out now and he he did not want Daunte but I'm sure he would have mentioned that he had nothing to do with the trade. Hopefully peterson messes this up for us because there are better options than paying Green good money taking his huge contract(even renegotiated he will not give away money we will just take a bigger cap hit later). I am so tired of taking all these major risks to have a starting Qb, lets draft a guy and use Cleo if necessary. I hate Cleo but why do we have him if he cannot play. if Daunte recovers then fine put the guys out there and the best man wins. Screw aquiring a 37 year old quarterbacks huge salary that has tons of questions of how good he will be.
Since Green has not played there is no way that anyone can say we know he will do well since he was sucking it up last time we saw him play. If he cant recover froma concussion in three months who knows if he can ever recover.
I'm pretty sure he had recoverd from the hit unless Herm Edwards is just an idiot along with the doctors from KC but hell our coach and doctors let Daunte do the same thing so who really knows.

WHAT???? That's a strong statement...what, pretell, can you possibly base this on???


well he came into training camp ripped last season, so i would imagine he lifted weights even though he doesn;t enjoy it.

I'm 1000 percent sure he's lifted since high school. He just was not into it.

Getting ripped can be done by rigorous exercise, but you won't grow TOO much. He's obviously doing both.
WHAT???? That's a strong statement...what, pretell, can you possibly base this on???



I just don't see it on the field with him and obviously our staff doesnt either because they want to get Green and draft a Qb , the second part I agree with.
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